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Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 8:24 pm
by Col. Hala Moraal
Lady Unda Nuwazi had been on the colonel's radar for a few days now, but other things seemed to crop up. Still, it was time to pull on that thread. Clothed in her modified dress uniform and attempting to be more presentable than militarily threatening, she made her way to the building which contained the noble's apartment and readied herself for the next phase of the operation.

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 8:44 pm
by Dapper Dog
Her servants granted the Colonel entry and bade her wait while there lady prepared herself for a guest.

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:39 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
Sylvain accompanied the Colonel and waited with her for the Lady Nuwazi.

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 2:52 am
by Jan Melmoar
((Since I think some other folks might want to take the combat heavy Wyrm option, I'll sneak Jan in here if I can.))

Looking ever so slightly drawn Jan walked with the others, her heels clicking quietly. She manages a tight smile and polite nods to Hala and Torsin.

In fact as they head in she manages to quietly inform the Sith that Czerka HQ is very happy indeed with the previously discussed offer.

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:36 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
After the previous day's intensity with two Monoliths Jo'ren was quite happy to let some of the others take on the Wyrm. Instead he decided to lend his talents to the Colonel's investigation of a different Talon.

His main intention was to stand and look threatening if needed. The Colonel was an expert at this sort of investigation/interrogation after all. Also it would be useful to have a Sith present if things got ugly.

He smiled when he see that Lord Mordax was also joining them, and gave a nod to the other person present.

"Morning everyone."

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 5:59 am
by Col. Hala Moraal
"Thank you for coming lords," Hala greeted each with a deferential nod, "Ms. Melmoar, a pleasure to see you again."

She smoothed another wrinkle out of her uniform and waited patiently.

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:02 am
by Jan Melmoar
Col. Hala Moraal wrote:"Thank you for coming lords," Hala greeted each with a deferential nod, "Ms. Melmoar, a pleasure to see you again."

She smoothed another wrinkle out of her uniform and waited patiently.

Vigorous finger guns
"After the success of your last mission Colonel....well I simply had to tag along. Let's hope no stun grenades will be needed this time."

She bows to Lord Rath, as usual Jan quietly positions herself for the biggest Sith in the room to take the brunt of any surprise attack that might otherwise hit her.

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:11 am
by Dapper Dog
Lady Nuwazi arrived some twenty minutes later, she had the servants bring them to the balcony where breakfast was laid out. She said, “Good morning, I was not expecting so much esteemed company this morning, especially people I am not terribly familiar with but welcome.”

“How can I help you?”

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:54 am
by Sylvain Torsin
Sylvain stood and spoke first while bowing politely to the hostess. "We are sorry for the intrusion Lady Nuwazi. It is a pleasure to see you again. A bit of troubling information has made its way to the Colonel's desk and she informed me of her desire to speak with you. I offered to come along with her to ensure our discussion is fitting to your station and see that we can find a swift and agreeable resolution befitting a woman of your place in the Empire and standing as a valued citizen."

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 7:14 am
by Col. Hala Moraal
Hala drank politely from the flute of water and folded a napkin into her lap, buying time until the servants retreated.

When they had at least a measure of privacy, she began, "Lady Nuwazi, my office has received evidence implicating you in the Eagle's conspiracy. One of the conspirators named you as one of the Eagle's lieutenants... a 'Talon'. While I think we could both agree that this would be insufficient by itself, the conspirator's testimony has born out under scrutiny so far. You were also already a person of interest because your voice matched a recording embedded in an Eagle sub-channel three days ago, foretelling of the protests and demonstrations. This is sufficient to warrant further investigation, which is why we are here now.

"This is still a 'preliminary' investigation in advance of a formal one. Any cooperation at this stage would be viewed much more favorably than further down the road. Is there anything you would like to discuss on the matter, my lady?"

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:04 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
Jo'ren smiled politely as they were introduced to the Lady Nuwazi. He kept his senses focused on the surroundings just in case there was a chance of unexpected trouble. Everything seemed to be civilized so far, but you never knew how people would respond when cornered.

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:24 pm
by Dapper Dog
She shrugged and drank some juice and said, “Oh I see, yeah, that was an interesting pastime, but it got tedious and violent. I have not had much dealings with those individuals in the last few days, entertaining diversion but just not all that fulfilling.”

“Yet you bring two Sith Lords and whoever that is into my home for what? To tell me I am under investigation, you do realize who my father is… my mother… or our patron? I would not want to speak ill of you to any of them.”

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:25 pm
by Col. Hala Moraal
"You could say they are here because they equally have an interest in pursuing the threat. And because some of your other conspirators offered blaster bolts and explosives instead of breakfast. I did not show up politely to their home in full dress. I was in battle dress, as were others.

"Speaking of your family's patron, he was there yesterday too. I believe his words were 'Death to traitors' or something to that effect. Right now, we are having breakfast and I am greatly hoping that a concerned citizen can share all she knows about the matter."

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 5:40 pm
by Dapper Dog
"I am sure he did, traitors to the Empire should be dealt with harshly," she responded.

"Droid bring up Darth Malgus, urgent," she said to a floating droid.

Moments later it brings up a holo of the Darth in question, "Lady Nuwazi, a pleasure. Speak quickly I am busy."

She gestured to the Colonel, "Colonel?"

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 7:46 pm
by Col. Hala Moraal
"My lord," Hala said, nodding deferentially to the holo, "in the course of investigating the Eagle, Lady Nuwazi has come up as a target of interest. I have attempted to approach her with respect due one of her station, and just now she has cited her parents and I believe you in defense of her, yet she has been named as the Talon 'Raptor' and acknowledged her involvement with the Eagle's movement. I am not sure what her purposes in calling you are, my lord. My business was with her alone."

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:39 pm
by Dapper Dog
Darth Malgus stared and then looked away as if listening to something and then said, "House Nuwazi has served me loyally, this is troubling news. I will have my agents look into her conduct and we will be in touch. If this conduct continues, then I will execute her myself."

"Are we done here?"

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:06 pm
by Col. Hala Moraal
"I was not the one who disturbed you, my lord. Is there anything you would like to say Lady Nuwazi?" she said, turning her attention back to the woman across from her.

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:11 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
"Lord Malgus, I am currently here. I could conduct the questioning and report back to you if you so desired. I can wait for any additional agents you would like to send if that would be of use to you." He replied.

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:32 pm
by Dapper Dog
Sylvain Torsin wrote:"Lord Malgus, I am currently here. I could conduct the questioning and report back to you if you so desired. I can wait for any additional agents you would like to send if that would be of use to you." He replied.

"Proceed, but remember who you both serve," he said. "Moff Nuwazi and his family have value to me, remember that and act accordingly."

"We are done here."

Unda said, "Lord Modrax, how can I be of assistance?"

Re: Taming of the Raptor (MM6)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:44 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
He bowed politely to Malgus and nodded before turning to Unda with a soft smile, "Lady Nuwazi, as this is a rather sensitive subject that could reflect poorly on your family or Lord Malgus if given to the wrong group of people to spin for their vile purposes it's imperative that we have as much information as possible and your complete cooperation. I would like access to any communications you've had with them, any known aliases or hideouts, full access to any communicators that you may have contacted them with. And I'm afraid until the matter is resolved we'll need to monitor your movements."

He smiled, "But for right now... Why don't you start by telling me how you first came into contact with the Eagle's organization?"