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What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:33 pm
by Xyll Vanth
Xyll arrived at the imposing Rath tower right on schedule. She had called ahead of course, not too keen on finding out whether or not Lord Rath was the kind of Sith who enjoyed surprise visits. Especially when he'd have the home field advantage. She might've negated that by inviting him elsewhere, but this would suffice for her purposes.

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:12 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
Xyll was met by Lieutenant Hin who greeted her with a polite nod and showed her up to a meeting room. Lord Rath was examining a datapad and rose from his chair with a slight smile when she entered.

"Lord Nyx, welcome. Had lunch yet? I can have some food brought up if you're hungry."

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:11 pm
by Xyll Vanth
"I've eaten," she said as she moved closer, "thank you. Although I wouldn't mind it if you could rustle up a monolith steak, I've been rather curious about how they might taste. Probably not very good, however."

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:23 pm
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
He chuckled. "Probably break your teeth. Damn things are mostly armour plating."

He gestured for her to take a seat. "Welcome to Rath Tower. What did you want to see me about?"

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:33 pm
by Xyll Vanth
"Well," she smiled sweetly, "As you may recall, you made me a promise. In exchange for my aid, yes? I believe that aid has been rendered."

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 10:05 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
Jo'ren chuckled. "Yeah. I guess I did Xyll. I guess I did."

He rested one arm on the table. "Well. Let's not call me a liar. What do you know about Exar Kun's time on Yavin IV?"

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:37 pm
by Xyll Vanth
"I know that prior to his creation of the Brotherhood," she started up a summary of the things she knew, "he went there to pursue the knowledge of Naga Sadow at the behest of the spirit of Freedon Nadd, whom he betrayed and banished when he got there. And I know that he enslaved the Massassi that Sadow had brought there, becoming their god-king and instructing them to build temples for him. Too many to easily narrow down whatever structure you encountered him in. And I also know that he discovered many secrets there, including the ability to create sithspawned creatures by altering their physiology through Sith alchemy."

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 12:47 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
Rath nodded. "Yeah, that's all true. But he didn't make all the temples on Yavin IV. He was searching for Naga Sadow's knowledge but he stumbled onto something else."

He slid a datapad over towards her. "Those are the approximate coordinates of the place where I met Exar Kun."

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 1:29 pm
by Xyll Vanth
"Oh he stumbled on many things there, and mastered them all. And I have no doubt many of those things remain occluded from us."

She took the datapad and took note of the coordinates with obvious glee.

"Excellent," she said, "very good indeed. You have no idea quite how much this means to me."

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 6:12 pm
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
"We've had a few adventures now Xyll. Let me know how it works out for you." He smiled at her glee.

"When will you go?"

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 6:46 pm
by Xyll Vanth
"As soon as time allows," she said. She wasn't quite certain how long it would take to get to Yavin IV from Ziost, but it might not matter.

"The Massassi have a queen now, right? What do you know of her? I would hate to have to pay some sort of, tribute, just to take a look."

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 6:49 pm
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
He nodded. "They do. Jug'tih. I know her quite well, trained most of her guard and the first Massassi Sith. I can arrange a meeting. She was supposed to arrive a few days ago. Think she's on planet now."

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:19 pm
by Xyll Vanth
"Oh? A meeting, that would be interesting. And useful. I suppose simply going there unannounced and doing my thing before leaving again would be seen as somewhat... rude. What else can you tell me about her?"

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:25 pm
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
"I've got forces on Yavin IV, but yeah. Would be better to be polite." He chuckled and at the question. "She's...well, far more than she seems. Be mindful of that. I might like provoking her people sometimes." He stroked his face spurs. "Yeah, I do. Even her champion. Anyway, not her. She's on a different level to most beings you'll meet."

Re: What Rath had wrought [D6, MA]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 1:05 am
by Xyll Vanth
"Is she now? Not the typical Massassi?"