A bit of a bite (Day 6 Mid Afternoon)

Coastal Resort City

A bit of a bite (Day 6 Mid Afternoon)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Mon Jun 24, 2019 11:36 am

An afternoon in Varas point, it was probably something of a treat to most, but Alister jad been here enough for the luxury of it to wear away. Still that didn't mean he didnt enjoy the sights of the sea.

Walking along a scenic route, he looked for a good place to stop for lunch. It was about that time after all.
Imperial | Noble | Scientist | Self Employed | Eccentric | Researcher
Carries: Datapad, Stimpack x2, Comlink, Anesthetic x2, hand scanner.
Companions: Vair'ea, EG-04R
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Alister Dravvad
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