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Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:07 am
by Lucinia Malveaux
The intelligence operative that Lucinia had spoken to wasn't very interested in hearing her complaint. On the other hand, she had actually heard of Lucinia, and had been willing to share a choice piece of information about the ruins. Lucinia considered that a significant gain. And now that she'd received partial permission to visit the ruins of Old Ziost, well, it was time to do what she'd come here for.

She was fully outfitted, with her dress adjusted to travel mode, a thermal cloak on, and fully loaded backpack. Finding the site would be no trouble, not with her abilities. Getting there on the other hand...

Well, at least she had company.

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:14 am
by Jan Melmoar
Lucinia Malveaux wrote:The intelligence operative that Lucinia had spoken to wasn't very interested in hearing her complaint. On the other hand, she had actually heard of Lucinia, and had been willing to share a choice piece of information about the ruins. Lucinia considered that a significant gain. And now that she'd received partial permission to visit the ruins of Old Ziost, well, it was time to do what she'd come here for.

She was fully outfitted, with her dress adjusted to travel mode, a thermal cloak on, and fully loaded backpack. Finding the site would be no trouble, not with her abilities. Getting there on the other hand...

Well, at least she had company.

Jan stood nearby, sporting a truly giant backpack and with her own dress optimised for ruin exploration.
"Lord Malveaux I'm just....delighted to be accompanying you, to think we'll be working to salvage such important nay....irreplaceable historical artefacts, it warms my heart."


"Such historical importance makes them very valuable though...right?"

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:46 am
by Lucinia Malveaux
Lucinia raised one eyebrow, smiling amusement. "Just so long as it warms the body, too. Thank goodness for thermal cloaks. As useful here as they were on Korriban, although for an entirely different reason."

She laughed softly, shaking her head. "Oh, yes. Quite often. Don't worry, my dear." She cast Jan a smile. Her lips were much paler than usual, almost a soft purple, having substituted a cold weather lip balm for her usual red lipstick. "Perhaps we shall find something for both of us."

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:19 am
by Jan Melmoar
Lucinia Malveaux wrote:Lucinia raised one eyebrow, smiling amusement. "Just so long as it warms the body, too. Thank goodness for thermal cloaks. As useful here as they were on Korriban, although for an entirely different reason."

She laughed softly, shaking her head. "Oh, yes. Quite often. Don't worry, my dear." She cast Jan a smile. Her lips were much paler than usual, almost a soft purple, having substituted a cold weather lip balm for her usual red lipstick. "Perhaps we shall find something for both of us."

"Just so long as your lips don't turn blue from the...."
She raises an eyebrow
"Or I the cold."
Rolling her neck she peered around

"I guess then...where is this thing?"

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:50 pm
by Dapper Dog
sith forum.jpg
sith forum.jpg (43.15 KiB) Viewed 7700 times

A structure jutted out from the icy muck and trees, this must be the place she had heard of.

Well she hoped.

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 6:46 pm
by Lucinia Malveaux
With a chill (how else?) smile, Lucinia pointed. "There. That is it." A slight frown. "I hope."

Lucinia paused a moment, turning to Jan with a wry look. "The one downside to investigating Sith places of power. A great many of them are in swamps." She gave one of her half-shrugs, one thoroughly covered shoulder rising and falling. "But there is power in them."

She turned back towards the structure, taking a deep breath before leading the way forward.


(Committing Force Dice to Seek)

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:17 am
by Jan Melmoar
Lucinia Malveaux wrote:With a chill (how else?) smile, Lucinia pointed. "There. That is it." A slight frown. "I hope."

Lucinia paused a moment, turning to Jan with a wry look. "The one downside to investigating Sith places of power. A great many of them are in swamps." She gave one of her half-shrugs, one thoroughly covered shoulder rising and falling. "But there is power in them."

She turned back towards the structure, taking a deep breath before leading the way forward.


(Committing Force Dice to Seek)

"One of these days there's gonna be a sith place of power on a beach with a minibar and full sunlight."
Jan gives the ominous building a look before unslinging her weapons and padding silently behind and to the right of Lucinia, ready to cover the Sith if needed.

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:01 am
by Lucinia Malveaux
Lucinia laughed softly, shaking her head. She spared a quick smile at Jan, although she kept much of her attention on their surroundings.

"Doubtful. Although..." She pursed her lips. "There was a minibar once, when pirates had set up their operation at the tomb entrance. There was no one to tend it, though; the Sith's ghost had already driven them mad."

Another smile. "Beach and minibar come after our success. It shall be my treat to you."

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:05 am
by Jan Melmoar
Lucinia Malveaux wrote:Lucinia laughed softly, shaking her head. She spared a quick smile at Jan, although she kept much of her attention on their surroundings.

"Doubtful. Although..." She pursed her lips. "There was a minibar once, when pirates had set up their operation at the tomb entrance. There was no one to tend it, though; the Sith's ghost had already driven them mad."

Another smile. "Beach and minibar come after our success. It shall be my treat to you."

" motivated I cannot but help us succeed."
....Could one even shoot sith ghosts? Eh. She flashes some happy finger guns back at Lucinia as they advance

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:28 pm
by Dapper Dog
The interior is covered with muck and ice with muddy floors due to flooding and slush from the ice. The ceilings were high perhaps six meters I height and curved like domes with fading frescoes upon them.

Yet it felt oppressive inside and in the silence between their steps and words they can hear nameless whispers.

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 9:26 pm
by Lucinia Malveaux
Well, this wasn't too unfamiliar to Lucinia. Grimly, she trod onward. After some thought, she drew her lightsaber, but did not ignite it.

Frowning in mild concern, she glanced at Jan. "Are you okay?"

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 2:48 am
by Jan Melmoar
Lucinia Malveaux wrote:Well, this wasn't too unfamiliar to Lucinia. Grimly, she trod onward. After some thought, she drew her lightsaber, but did not ignite it.

Frowning in mild concern, she glanced at Jan. "Are you okay?"

"Just uh....hoping the nameless whispers aren't in my head."
She manages a somewhat pale smile and a jerky nod.

"I've definitely had worse whispers."

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 7:55 am
by Dapper Dog
The door slams shut behind them.

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:12 am
by Lucinia Malveaux
Lucinia sighed. "It's going to be one of those sorts, I see."

A few moments of fiddling, and she drew out a glow rod from her pack. Lighting it, she glanced at Jan with a smile. "This does suggest that there is something to find here."

She led the way onward.

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:13 am
by Jan Melmoar
Dapper Dog wrote:The door slams shut behind them.

Lucinia discovered Jan could perform an extremely impressive vertical jump as she nearly takes off at the sound.

"...Just uh, checking the ceiling for traps."
She follows along.

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 4:10 pm
by Dapper Dog
The whispers grow stronger as they approach the main meeting chamber of the forum a circular chamber with raised steps of stone, now overgrown with vines with a layer of muck and ice. The once vibrant holo-murals are not just covered grime but the place still feels alive and the whispers are louder now.

OOC: Fear check at Average , Cool or Discipline.

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:01 pm
by Lucinia Malveaux
Although Lucinia could feel the fear, she was a Sith. Fear was her element.

Perhaps her unflappable attitude and the excited gleam in her green eyes would help reassure Jan.


D7LM, I ain't afraid of no ghost, Discipline, Confidence: 1eP+3eA+1eD 1 success, 2 advantage

Boost to Jan.

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:45 am
by Jan Melmoar
(( Days of Yore cool check at average, boost dice from Lucinia: 2eD+2eA+1eB+1eP 5 successes, 2 threat
ImageImageImageImageImageImage ))

((I'll leave the threat to DD))

It certainly is eerie and foreboding but....Jan's fear is buried by Lucinia's clear confidence and the prospect of filthy lucre. No ghosts were going to stop her earning an honest...mostly honest credit.

"Well, this isn't so bad I suppose...."

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:06 pm
by Dapper Dog
The chamber is foreboding and they both feel a sense of anger and conflict in the air, punctuated by the sound of the structure settling maybe with a low rumble. Lucinia can see vague images of people like rough approximations that are ephermeral standing and possibly having a discussion?

Jan walks right through some, as she cannot see them but feels a chill in the air, it is painfully cold.

OOC: Suffer 2 strain for Jan.

Re: Days of Yore [D7LM]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:16 pm
by Jan Melmoar
Dapper Dog wrote:The chamber is foreboding and they both feel a sense of anger and conflict in the air, punctuated by the sound of the structure settling maybe with a low rumble. Lucinia can see vague images of people like rough approximations that are ephermeral standing and possibly having a discussion?

Jan walks right through some, as she cannot see them but feels a chill in the air, it is painfully cold.

OOC: Suffer 2 strain for Jan.

She breaks out in goosebumps and starts shivering violently