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Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:29 am
by Ilar'Shala
Ilar bows low to the approaching individual. "May I present my master, Raela Ausar, shining light of the ancient Ausar line and future member of the Dark Council."

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:35 am
by Raela Ausar
Raela turned toward the woman speaking, dipping her head. "Yes... I am Raela Ausar. It's a pleasure to meet you. Who do I address?"

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:41 am
by Lord Bellious
"Lord Bellious." The Twi'lek remarked, returning a greeting. "It looks like your assistant has great confidence in your ability."

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:47 am
by Ilar'Shala
Knowing better than to interrupt a proper conversation between Sith, at least in public, Ilar moved himself out of the way when Raela received Bellious.

He did not move far though, Twi'lek were tricksy, and the rare Sith Twi'lek were even moreso.

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:22 am
by Raela Ausar
She folded her hands behind her back and nodded, a small quirk to her lips. "He believes in me. He has reason to."

"I've heard your name, but more in rumor than in solid information."

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:04 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
Lord Tenebrous wrote:"It's alright, dear. A little girl should test the strength of her bite at this age," she said softly to the child. It was strange, but she did not mind it. Even if it had been unpleasant.

"... Your child is exceptional, Lady Farro... but I don't think this is the place to speak further on the subject."

"Come to my manse, zhe demense of Lord Orethion, tomorrow." Jun-Tsu said simply with a nod.

"I vould be happy to keep audiance vith your illluztriouz perzon. I know ve did not crozz pathz much at zhe Academy, are a honored guezt of zhe Farro at our temporary eztate. Ve vould happily hozt you on zhe morrow, iv zhat iz to your liking, mein Lord."

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:04 am
by Lord Tenebrous
Well, considering what she knew now, how could she refuse. So Shaisha nodded to the woman who had once been her fellow student.

"Very well, it will be an honor to accept, Lady Farro. Tomorrow. The manse is in the noble residential area, no?"

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:43 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
Lord Tenebrous wrote:Well, considering what she knew now, how could she refuse. So Shaisha nodded to the woman who had once been her fellow student.

"Very well, it will be an honor to accept, Lady Farro. Tomorrow. The manse is in the noble residential area, no?"

"Qvite right, mein Lord Tenebrous," she offered with a slight bow of her head. "Zhe eztate of Lord Orethion, iz humbled to hozt your person. Und I, iv I may zay, vould be greatly appreciatiwe ov an opportunity to zpeak vith you about dayz gone by."

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:55 am
by Lord Tenebrous
Her smile seemed oddly contemplative for a moment. "Yes... it will be interesting to reminisce of old days, and speak of what we've both been through the past years." She gave another curious look to Vas-Tsu. Who would've thought that this child would be so... exceptionally unique.

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:54 am
by Lucinia Malveaux
Dayana Valthren wrote:"The Force indeed guides us," Dayana mused, "Perhaps it wants us to sway us from indulging in such corruption." She turned to Lucinia and tilted her head, a wide grin on her face. "Wouldn't that be something?"

Her lack of eyes helped indeed in focusing her Force Sight upon the blood. It was easy to study, to 'stare,' without physical evidence of doing so.

There was nothing significant about the blood, except for its sudden appearance. The powers of the Dark Side could have deleterious effects on the health of its practitioners.

"Perhaps." Lucinia's smile was not quite so wide as Dayana's, but it nevertheless was amused. "If we were Jedi, we would certainly follow it. As Sith, we can choose whether to follow it or bend the Force to our well." She smirked. "It's good to have options, isn't it?"

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:08 pm
by Lord Bellious
Raela Ausar wrote:She folded her hands behind her back and nodded, a small quirk to her lips. "He believes in me. He has reason to."

"I've heard your name, but more in rumor than in solid information."

"I don't doubt he does." Bellious' voice was mellow but without an emotional tone whether it was a respectful or an ironic remark. "And what impression have the rumours left you with?"

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:21 pm
by Raela Ausar
Lord Bellious wrote:"I don't doubt he does." Bellious' voice was mellow but without an emotional tone whether it was a respectful or an ironic remark. "And what impression have the rumours left you with?"

Interesting... She considered the question for a moment. "... If the rumors are true, you give me the impression of a forest fire, Lord Bellious."

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:49 pm
by Lord Bellious
"A rather succinct discernment, for both immediate consequences of my usual actions and the aftermath." This time there was appreciation in the other Sith's voice. "And from gossip alone... Well, now I find myself at a disadvantage of not knowing more about you, Sith Ausar. That's a dangerous mistake in our line of occupation. Shall we rectify it over a social call or need I put my spies in the field?" The Twi'lek teased, with a hint of seriousness.

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:06 pm
by Raela Ausar
"I do prefer brevity in my own speech."

"You could, though I suspect that wouldn't do you all that much good," she replied with a small smile. "However, I think a visit would be more convenient to both of us. Perhaps lunch tomorrow if you're available, at my home."

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:39 pm
by Ilar'Shala
At the mention of a possible meeting tomorrow, Ilar pulls out his data pad and starts composing a communique back to to the staff at the estate.

Catering, refreshments, table settings, location preparation. These were not things that happened by magic, though many Lords assumed they did.

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:09 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
Lord Tenebrous wrote:Her smile seemed oddly contemplative for a moment. "Yes... it will be interesting to reminisce of old days, and speak of what we've both been through the past years." She gave another curious look to Vas-Tsu. Who would've thought that this child would be so... exceptionally unique.

"By your leawe zhen mein lord," she rose from her formalities, and with Vas-Tsu's hand in hers, she waded back into the crowd. The emperor had gone and it seemed there was nothing left here for the two Farro.


Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:22 pm
by Lord Tenebrous
"May the Force make you strong," she offered in farewell, and let the pair go.

Casting a glance about the area, it seemed it was time to leave too... show seemed to be over and the crowds were dispersing or huddling up into groups to talk about what had just transpired.

It was time to go.


Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:40 pm
by Lord Bellious
Raela Ausar wrote:"I do prefer brevity in my own speech."

"You could, though I suspect that wouldn't do you all that much good," she replied with a small smile. "However, I think a visit would be more convenient to both of us. Perhaps lunch tomorrow if you're available, at my home."

"It would. I accept your invitation. Are you partial to any particular beverage?"

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 10:06 pm
by Dayana Valthren
Lucinia Malveaux wrote:There was nothing significant about the blood, except for its sudden appearance. The powers of the Dark Side could have deleterious effects on the health of its practitioners.

"Perhaps." Lucinia's smile was not quite so wide as Dayana's, but it nevertheless was amused. "If we were Jedi, we would certainly follow it. As Sith, we can choose whether to follow it or bend the Force to our well." She smirked. "It's good to have options, isn't it?"

"One should never be afraid to have more options. To do so is to lack confidence in one's decisions." Dayana outwardly ignored the blood and turned back to face the rest of the procession. "That being said, what if it manipulates us all the same?"

Re: [Day 1 - LA] Imperial Arrival

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 12:33 am
by Lucinia Malveaux
Dayana Valthren wrote:"One should never be afraid to have more options. To do so is to lack confidence in one's decisions." Dayana outwardly ignored the blood and turned back to face the rest of the procession. "That being said, what if it manipulates us all the same?"

Lucinia's breathing was still a little rapid, her pulse clearly elevated. Still, with an effort, she was bringing under control, with deep, steadying breaths.

She gave Dayana a quirky smile. "Well said, my dear. No wonder we get along so well."

But the smile faded, her red lips pursing thoughtfully. "It almost certainly does. That is why so much of our lives are conflict. We thrive on it in part because we must struggle with the very essence of the universe." She smiled again. "It is quite a thrill, isn't it?"