[Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Residential areas of the wealthy, powerful, and well connected

Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Alister Dravvad on Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:08 am

Dapper Dog wrote:[
Lana responded, “Forgive me, but I am not familiar with House Dravvad. It is a flaw in my education and I apologize.”

“My only accomplishment would be my service to Darth Xevious, and even then only slight.”

Alister nodded, repressing the urge to wince. "Flaws are something that can be coreected if they are admitted." Whether he expected her to do so or not though was a mystery.

"Though I might caution mentioning your service to Darth Xevious so soon after admitting them. Some could form the wrong opinions." He shook his head. "That's a small matter though. Perhaps you could tell me of how you serve the Darth?"
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:26 am

Dayana Valthren wrote:"One of the lady Malveaux's, at least," Dayana murmured with a wide grin on her lips.

The masked woman took a glass too, as it was only polite. "How could House Valthren send no one? Besides, Corellia has been a dreadful use of my time as of late." She shrugged, a genuine smirk creeping up on her. "One of the Jedi has an apprentice. I sense rage and loss within her, though her potential in the Dark Side is not what garnered my attention."

Dayana sipped from her glass. "That one would embarrass herself easily in court here."

"Children often do," Shaisha scoffed and sipped the bubbly beverage with a neutral expression. Seeing Vowrawn with a date that wasn't even the one he arrived with made her chuckle briefly though - the old man always managed to make things amusing somehow.

"Oh? What garnered your attention to this apprentice then? Good looks, or an actual sense of fashion?"
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Ilar'Shala on Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:26 am

Raela Ausar wrote:Raela appeared "fashionably late" (she definitely didn't get lost the way), wearing a long, elegant black dress with hints of sparkle and a skirt that spread out near the bottom while still clinging to her curves. She stepped into the salon confidently, finding a drink and a place to stand and observe comfortably.

(PM if approached)

At her side, well a few paces behind actually, trailed an obedient slave, eyes just barely lifted enough from the floor to ensure that he didn't bump into anyone. Ilar was comfortably experienced in this sort of role and waited patiently for his Master to express any needs for him to fulfill.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Jaheem Abasi on Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:28 am

Lord Bellious wrote:"Surely it's not because we're both Sith Lords, driven by similar considerations of being at right places and times at this peculiar moment in modern Sith history." She mused, gracing him with a turn of gaze an a slight and a slithering of her lekku onto her shoulders, Force-dipped tips facing upward like rattlesnake tails. "Good fortune is so much more plausible an explanation." A tip of her lips curved up.

Jaheem chuckled a bit dryly "well obviously." he says his eyes travelling on her for a bit before heading back out to the party "what is youre take on the new arrivals?" he asks casually
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:32 am

Alister Dravvad wrote:Alister nodded, repressing the urge to wince. "Flaws are something that can be coreected if they are admitted." Whether he expected her to do so or not though was a mystery.

"Though I might caution mentioning your service to Darth Xevious so soon after admitting them. Some could form the wrong opinions." He shook his head. "That's a small matter though. Perhaps you could tell me of how you serve the Darth?"

“He is my Master, he trained me and took me on after I became Sith,” she responded calmly.

“Those that dislike Darth Xevious simply do not know him well; he is a cruel man but fair.”
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:06 am

Lord Jo'ren Rath wrote:
"Jedi aren't scary. They still tried to commit genocide on us. Don't underestimate them." He gave Drascovina a look. "So. You've got experience with Jedi?"

Jo'ren turned to Lucinia. "You know anything about this?"

"Almost nothing." Lucinia said, her gaze focused on Drascovina. "Certainly not about dating a Jedi."

She smirked. "Do tell us more about this Jedi of yours, Drascovina. I should love to hear about it." The familial resemblance between Lucinia and Drascovina was more obvious as Lucinia teased.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Shelzais Sek on Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:06 am

Tyr wrote:Grunting, "not my kind of entertainment." There certainly were all types mingling about, though Tyr probably stuck out the most, and not just bu his size.

"But you're here anyway," Shelzais said with a throaty chuckle. "What is your kind of entertainment, master Tyr?" It seemed possible the answer would be something she didn't really want to know about, which perversely only made her more curious. Her orange-gold eyes flickered in the tasteful candlelight, perhaps trying to pierce the darkness of Tyr's shaggy form in some way.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:34 am

Lucinia Malveaux wrote:"Almost nothing." Lucinia said, her gaze focused on Drascovina. "Certainly not about dating a Jedi."

She smirked. "Do tell us more about this Jedi of yours, Drascovina. I should love to hear about it." The familial resemblance between Lucinia and Drascovina was more obvious as Lucinia teased.

Drascovina blushed trying to look fierce and said, “Like I said he isn’t my boyfriend or anything… I don’t even… I mean he is kind of handsome for a hated Jedi!”

Tiss mocked, “It’s all Byron this and Byron that… you are choking honey.”

“I told you she likes the sunny boys,” Viyuti offered.

“Silence minions,” Drascovina hissed. She regained her composure and said, “He’s more like my… boy toy, just playing with him until I can bring him to the Dark Side. The long con.”

“He thinks we are dating… and I let him believe that,” she said trying to be confident. “If anything he was the one to kiss me first on that beach,” she said with an imperious sniff and toss of her hair.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:44 am

"I see." Lucinia said, one eyebrow going up and seemingly getting stuck there. "Well. So long as you are working on converting him. Although it's rare that such liaisons end up moving in the other direction." A short pause.

"You say he kissed you first." Lucinia's lips quirked. "What an interesting phrasing, wouldn't you say, Lord Rath?"
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:03 am

“I mean I had to make him believe I was into him… it was deception… a vital tool of any Sith,” she said as if it was completely obvious.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Alister Dravvad on Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:05 am

Dapper Dog wrote:Image
“He is my Master, he trained me and took me on after I became Sith,” she responded calmly.

“Those that dislike Darth Xevious simply do not know him well; he is a cruel man but fair.”

That hadn't exactly been what he was talking about, but he saw no need to correct the misunderstanding. "A good thing to know. It's easy to tell that you respect him." If that was the proper word for it.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:12 am

“He has been a good Master to me, and I owe him to be at my best at all time,” she said calmly.

“I apologize if I am not lively company, I do not come to such gatherings often. This gown probably looks ridiculous,” she said self consciously.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Alister Dravvad on Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:26 am

Dapper Dog wrote:Image
“He has been a good Master to me, and I owe him to be at my best at all time,” she said calmly.

“I apologize if I am not lively company, I do not come to such gatherings often. This gown probably looks ridiculous,” she said self consciously.

That brought a small chuckle to his lips. "You're doing just fine, at least by my assessment. Though I'm no expert on these gatherings either." He lifted his glass. "In fact I admit to needing a few glasses of this to make it through."

He glanced down to her dress. "As for the gown? I think green suits you well, and if I'm not wrong I think you've turned the head of at least a few gentlemen here. So you've picked well."
Last edited by Alister Dravvad on Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:42 am

Xyll Vanth wrote:"It is unfortunate you will not simply tell me. But no matter. You are keepers of ancient lore, you say? Could you speak on *that*, then? It should not be a surprise one of Darth Arya's apprentices has an interest in such things. Do you keep lore only specific to your family? Or do you hold lore of others, as well?"

There was a slight twinkle in her eye, as she spoke on these things.

Jun-Tsu canted her head in a quizzical expression. "I am not zure I take your meaning. Mein Houze vaz v'once zhe zole repozitory for zhe lore of zhe jen'jedai, vhen zhe betrayed zhe order und came to Korriban. Zince zhat day, mein vamily haz zought to maintain zhe traditionz of zhe jen'jedai, though millennia of time haz bozh alloved uz to ztudy new lore, und to forget ozher. But, at iz heart ve hawe alvayz zought to collect all knoveledge conzerning zhe ztudy of zhe Force."
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Xal Kimlya on Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:43 am

Xal was on his third glass of whatever was being served. He had found a dark corner to watch everything from. Most of it was uninteresting and tedious, but the flow of the gathering had his attention. The way certain individuals and groups influenced those around them. It was like watching ripples on water. He took note of who was making the biggest waves.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:01 am

Alister Dravvad wrote:That brought a small chuckle to his lips. "You're doing just fine, at least by my assessment. Though I'm no expert on these gatherings either." He lifted his glass. "In fact I admit to needing a few glasses of this to make it through."

He glanced down to her dress. "As for the gown? I think green suits you well, and if I'm not wrong I think you've turned the head of at least a few gentlemen here. So you've picked well."

Now she was even more self conscious but she said, “You are too kind, I… thank you.”

“I was going to get some refreshment, care to join me?”
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Tyr on Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:21 am

Shelzais Sek wrote:"But you're here anyway," Shelzais said with a throaty chuckle. "What is your kind of entertainment, master Tyr?" It seemed possible the answer would be something she didn't really want to know about, which perversely only made her more curious. Her orange-gold eyes flickered in the tasteful candlelight, perhaps trying to pierce the darkness of Tyr's shaggy form in some way.

“If mingling with the socialites is the most distasteful thing I have to do in service to my Master, I should count myself lucky.” Tyr flexed his large paws, they hung at his sides, relaxed but ready, “I prefer more physical pursuits, I was not made for small talk and pleasantries.”
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Alister Dravvad on Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:50 am

Dapper Dog wrote:Image
Now she was even more self conscious but she said, “You are too kind, I… thank you.”

“I was going to get some refreshment, care to join me?”

His own glass was almost empty so he nodded his acceptance, before offering the young lady his arm. "That sounds like a excellent idea, Lady Beniko."

"You said you don't come to these gatherings too often, does that mean you don't spend much time on Ziost?"
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lord Jo'ren Rath on Sat Jun 08, 2019 7:12 am

Lucinia Malveaux wrote:"I see." Lucinia said, one eyebrow going up and seemingly getting stuck there. "Well. So long as you are working on converting him. Although it's rare that such liaisons end up moving in the other direction." A short pause.

"You say he kissed you first." Lucinia's lips quirked. "What an interesting phrasing, wouldn't you say, Lord Rath?"

"Heh, young love." He drained the glass. "If you're set on converting this Jedi it's going to take more than a bit of fooling around. What's your plan?"

The room was filling up now, it was getting interesting.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Shelzais Sek on Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:04 am

Tyr wrote:“If mingling with the socialites is the most distasteful thing I have to do in service to my Master, I should count myself lucky.” Tyr flexed his large paws, they hung at his sides, relaxed but ready, “I prefer more physical pursuits, I was not made for small talk and pleasantries.”

Shel couldn't help but wonder just how useful Marr would in fact find his hulking apprentice's service in a place like this, if Tyr eschewed small talk and pleasantries. At least he'd come in handy if the ceiling started to cave?

"What about dancing? That's physical enough," she suggested, availing herself of her glass of bubbly once more. "Oh, not here, I suppose--wrong sort of party for that, more's the pity. But in general."
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