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Re: Night Court [Day 8, Late Evening]

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 2:05 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
"I hawe not gazhered you here vor zhat," Jun-Tsu admitted. "Ourz iz not to ztabalize zhe empire, you are not being granted priwilegez und pover, not directly. Leawe zhe vork of zuch ztatecravt to zhe Emprezz-Regent. Let it diztract her und Baraz vor a vhile. I hawe mein own vork zhere, to mind zhe vordz und actionz of zhoze who vould lead in mein daughter'z name. No, vhat I needed vrom you I hawe receiwed."

"I reqvire an inner circle. Zhoze whom I veel hawe earned a modicum of truzt. Who hawe prowen zhrough more zhrough action zhan vord zheir loyalty to eizher meinzelf," she looked to Sylvain and Remmington, "or to zhe Empire writ large," she looked to Jo'ren and Dayana. "You are zhoze I vizh to keep cloze, who'z council I vizh to hear. I am now among zhe highezt ezchelonz of pover, zhruzt zhere by deztiny. Und I muzt hawe mein netvork zhe zhame az Arya, as Baraz, as all zhe Dark Counzilorz. You are zhe virzt of zhat netvork, und I pray, for zhe good of zhe Empire, und mein daughter'z rule zhat you are eqval to zuch a tazk."

Re: Night Court [Day 8, Late Evening]

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:40 am
by Sylvain Torsin
Sylvain gave a long nod which turned into a bow and replied, “It has been my great honor to be your friend, and my great privilege to hold a spot within such a capable group of confidantes. I hope whatever meager advice and council I can give will be worthy of a woman of your import and influence in the days ahead.”

Re: Night Court [Day 8, Late Evening]

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:41 am
by Jaheem Abasi
Jaheem nodded as well "You shall have my aid and assistance and that of the Inquisition if the need shall arise."

Re: Night Court [Day 8, Late Evening]

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 4:58 am
by Lord Tenebrous
Shaisha bowed her head respectfully to Jun-Tsu and Vas-Tsu. "It would be an honor to stand beside you in the days to come, and to see the dawn of a new start with you."

Re: Night Court [Day 8, Late Evening]

PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 5:32 am
by Dayana Valthren
"We are to be your eyes then," Dayana said, unable to resist a small bit of irony for her own sake. She dipped her head. "I imagine this coup was to depose a threat to our existence rather than only for power. With that in mind, I affirm my support, along with my House."

Re: Night Court [Day 8, Late Evening]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:11 am
by Remmington Thalalas
"It will be my honour and pleasure to continue to offer my assistance however I may. We will continue to grow strong together." Remmington comments.

Re: Night Court [Day 8, Late Evening]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:12 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
"Zhank you v'once again, ser Thalalaz, lady Walzhran. Und zhank you all v'one lazt time. Now, I am zertain zhat you are all tired vrom zhe day, eager to return to your own liwez, to remember or vorget az your humorz deign. I vill call upon you all in zhe next vew dayz, but vor now, let uz zimply take v'one ewening to zavor a wictory."

Re: Night Court [Day 8, Late Evening]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:11 pm
by Jaheem Abasi
Jaheem bowed slightly "yes I have a few things to celebrate, have a good evening all of you and good work." He said before turning to depart.

Re: Night Court [Day 8, Late Evening]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:47 pm
by Sylvain Torsin
Savor... Celebrate...

Sylvain paused for the briefest of moments before bowing gracefully to Jun-tsu and making his way towards the exit.

As if I could do such a thing...