[Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Kristal Serasai on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:03 am

Sinea Okatesh wrote:Sinea glanced back at her companion. "My vile purpose has been unveiled by the Champion Valkyrie." She smiled with warmth and recognition. "Fancy to see you hear dear. Lord Valkyire, is it? Or Lord Serasai? Your many names are hard to keep track of."

"Of names I only have two, Kristal Serasai to those I consider friends but the Steel Valkyrie to most. It is a moniker granted me that I find most fitting," she made a flexing motion with the cybernetics of her left hand.

"Champion of Marr, however, is a title I do also hold. Granted for recognition of likely the same events that granted me my moniker."
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:07 am

Sinea smiled and eyed the metal arm. "What may I call you then?" She stepped closer, sipping from her glass.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Kristal Serasai on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:10 am

"That would entirely depend on which of these two things you aim to be," she replied in her cool, even, tone.
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lord Bellious on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:13 am

Sipping her drink, Bellious witnessed her being ignored by the high and mighty, frenemies old and new. Not a shocker by any measure, she took the realization for what it was, and began planning accordingly.
Sith Lord | Über-Twi'lek | Shadow | Many-faced Lethan | Has Already Won | Aspirant | No Known Master or Apprentice | Captain of the Bitch | Owner of La Belle Époque | Assistant: Razzya

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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:14 am

"Well, which one do you want me to be? Friend? Ally?" She turned her gaze to the eyes. "Supporter?"
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Kristal Serasai on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:19 am

"Depends upon the support, or friendship, you would offer," she said, "It has been many years since the Academy. We have both changed since those times."
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Human | Imperial Noble |Sith Lord | The Steel Valkyrie | Champion of Marr | Disciplined| Jedi Killer|Head of House Serasai | Last Serasai | Captain of the Vindicator
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:22 am

"Certainly." She played with the grey locke of heir." What do I get in return though? We have changed, but our desires may have not."
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:24 am

Xyll Vanth wrote:"Yes," she said, smile souring slightly. "It is the nature of the dark side to eat. We will all be eaten, eventually. Even the strongest of us."

She turned to look away, gazing upon some of the other guests... the curiously serene one. Who looked unlike a sith. Her eyes lingered on her as she spoke to Jun-Tsu.

"I have not heard this term before... umbra osara?"

"Jedai," Jun-Tsu said in a somewhat archaic pronunciation. Her tone dismissive. Her attention lingered barely at all on the light in their midst.

Instead she turned to more more pleasant conversation, "Zhe Umbră-Ușoară, zhe Dark Light of zhe vorld. It iz, az zhe Zith call it, zhe Dark Zide. But in zhe philozophy of mein familiy zhe Umbră-Ușoară iz more zhan juzt hunger, chaos, und entropy. It iz zheze zhingz, but it iz zhe destroyer vhich muzt clenze for grovth. It iz, zhe kill of zhe prey to feed zhe predator. It iz zhe tree reaching for zhe zunlight itz rootz reaching for vater, lapping it up for itzelf to grow at zhe expence of itz veaker ziblings."

"But it iz more zhan I could explain here. For it iz more zhan ewen vhat I hawe zaid."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Xyll Vanth on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:36 am

Jun-Tsu Farro wrote:"Jedai," Jun-Tsu said in a somewhat archaic pronunciation. Her tone dismissive. Her attention lingered barely at all on the light in their midst.

Instead she turned to more more pleasant conversation, "Zhe Umbră-Ușoară, zhe Dark Light of zhe vorld. It iz, az zhe Zith call it, zhe Dark Zide. But in zhe philozophy of mein familiy zhe Umbră-Ușoară iz more zhan juzt hunger, chaos, und entropy. It iz zheze zhingz, but it iz zhe destroyer vhich muzt clenze for grovth. It iz, zhe kill of zhe prey to feed zhe predator. It iz zhe tree reaching for zhe zunlight itz rootz reaching for vater, lapping it up for itzelf to grow at zhe expence of itz veaker ziblings."

"But it iz more zhan I could explain here. For it iz more zhan ewen vhat I hawe zaid."

Xyll's own accent was decidedly not like that of most Sith either; though likely far easier to understand that that of Jun-Tsu. Still, she understood most of it. "Your family appears to share an opinion shared by my master then, it seems. It is curious, the interest she has taken there. Perhaps you could tell me more of why she has, I have not had opportunity to inquire with her, myself."
Sith | Human | Lord Nyx | The Witness | Academy Prodigy | Confident | Dead eye | Core-Worlds Accent
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Alister Dravvad on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:38 am

Dapper Dog wrote:Image
She turned and then nodded, “It is an interesting color, I… am not sure what to make of it. I assume it was a purposeful choice, if so then they have achieved an astonishing look.”

“Forgive my manners I am Lana Beniko.”

"I suppose that's something of a victory all on it's own." Alister mused. "Though I'm fairly certain it's not one that you would want celebrated." He took a sip from his wine.

"It's me with the bad manners though, interrupting your contemplations. So no forgiveness is nessacary. I'm Alsiter of House Dravvad."
Imperial | Noble | Scientist | Self Employed | Eccentric | Researcher
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:42 am

Alister Dravvad wrote:"I suppose that's something of a victory all on it's own." Alister mused. "Though I'm fairly certain it's not one that you would want celebrated." He took a sip from his wine.

"It's me with the bad manners though, interrupting your contemplations. So no forgiveness is nessacary. I'm Alsiter of House Dravvad."

Lana responded, “Forgive me, but I am not familiar with House Dravvad. It is a flaw in my education and I apologize.”

“My only accomplishment would be my service to Darth Xevious, and even then only slight.”
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:45 am

Xyll Vanth wrote:Xyll's own accent was decidedly not like that of most Sith either; though likely far easier to understand that that of Jun-Tsu. Still, she understood most of it. "Your family appears to share an opinion shared by my master then, it seems. It is curious, the interest she has taken there. Perhaps you could tell me more of why she has, I have not had opportunity to inquire with her, myself."

"It iz not mein plaze to reweal zhat vhich our mazter doez not vish known, but zuffice to zay zhat, vhile mein vamily vas....qviet for zhe lazt vew zenturies, ve vere v'once zhe keepers of libraries und ancient techniques. Zith alchemy, zith sorcery, ancient lore zhat haz garnered uz great pover in zhe Dark Zide. Let zhe modern Zith play vith their lightzaberz, und be dilettantes of zhe Force, but mein vamily haz ztudy und meditated vor millennia upon zhe Dark Zide, grown cloze vith it."

Jun-Tsu smirked behind her glass, "It vas only a matter of time bevore a voman like Darth Arya vould zeek uz out. Und zhe haz."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lord Jo'ren Rath on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:49 am

Dapper Dog wrote:Image
“Drascovina Malveaux, and these are my… friends, Tiss and Viyuti, fellow though not as accomplished Sith. The timid one is Seranya of House Bultanya.”

The young women smiled as their name was given.

“House Malveaux has produced powerful Sith for many generations, Mother says we may be the best in a generation… it is only a matter of time before a Malveaux regains their seat and rightful place…” she said with a shark-like smile.

“By the Emperor, I swear the Jedi have no fashion sense… well mostly… what do you think Lord Rath, should we give her a real introduction to the Sith… show her your true power over the dark side,” she said sweetly.

Tiss chimed in, “Aren’t you dating a Jedi?”

“It’s complicated… it’s more he totally wants me and I just don’t have time… too busy doing important Sith things… besides I don’t even really like… like him,” she said trying to play it off.

Viyuti greed, “He is too sunny… Lord Rath do you know if Darth Marr is single?”

Dracosvina said dryly, “Gross…”

"I think interrupting this nice party would be a fucking appalling idea. I'd sooner give the Jedi a real introduction to the Sith by dropping a fleet into orbit around Coruscant, carpet-bombing the Jedi temple, then cutting down the survivors." He sipped his wine and looked over at Darth Tayana. "You don't want to piss off the hostess young ladies, that's just bad manners."

Turning to Viyuti he added: "Darth Marr might turn up tonight. You should ask him."
True Sith | Blade of Vengean | Dark Side | Massive | Nobody's Fool | Big Damn Hero | Monolith Mauler | Forge Master | Saber Savant
Wears: Armour of the First Wrath. Carries: Two customised lightsabers; utility belt with stuff.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Xyll Vanth on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:54 am

Jun-Tsu Farro wrote:"It iz not mein plaze to reweal zhat vhich our mazter doez not vish known, but zuffice to zay zhat, vhile mein vamily vas....qviet for zhe lazt vew zenturies, ve vere v'once zhe keepers of libraries und ancient techniques. Zith alchemy, zith sorcery, ancient lore zhat haz garnered uz great pover in zhe Dark Zide. Let zhe modern Zith play vith their lightzaberz, und be dilettantes of zhe Force, but mein vamily haz ztudy und meditated vor millennia upon zhe Dark Zide, grown cloze vith it."

Jun-Tsu smirked behind her glass, "It vas only a matter of time bevore a voman like Darth Arya vould zeek uz out. Und zhe haz."

"It is unfortunate you will not simply tell me. But no matter. You are keepers of ancient lore, you say? Could you speak on *that*, then? It should not be a surprise one of Darth Arya's apprentices has an interest in such things. Do you keep lore only specific to your family? Or do you hold lore of others, as well?"

There was a slight twinkle in her eye, as she spoke on these things.
Sith | Human | Lord Nyx | The Witness | Academy Prodigy | Confident | Dead eye | Core-Worlds Accent
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dapper Dog on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:54 am

Lord Jo'ren Rath wrote:
"I think interrupting this nice party would be a fucking appalling idea. I'd sooner give the Jedi a real introduction to the Sith by dropping a fleet into orbit around Coruscant, carpet-bombing the Jedi temple, then cutting down the survivors." He sipped his wine and looked over at Darth Tayana. "You don't want to piss off the hostess young ladies, that's just bad manners."

Turning to Viyuti he added: "Darth Marr might turn up tonight. You should ask him."

“Well of course… it was totally Viyuti’s idea and I was like no don’t be so holo…” she said after a long pause turning her awkward silence into anger directed at her friend.

“As the only one here who has met a Jedi… I mean besides probably Lord Rath, he’s right… you have to do whatever he said.”

Viyuti mouthed something that looked like witch.

Seranya said, “I think the Jedi looks nice, she does not look scary at all.”
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Jaheem Abasi on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:55 am

Lord Bellious wrote:Sipping her drink, Bellious witnessed her being ignored by the high and mighty, frenemies old and new. Not a shocker by any measure, she took the realization for what it was, and began planning accordingly.

Jaheem spotted a familiar face that seemed unoccupied and strode toward her with purpose. A drink in his hand he nodded to the red skinned twi'lek "Lord Bellious, I seem to have the good fortune of seeing you at all my social engagements lately." He said with a slight hint of mirth on his voice and a small smile as his bronze and black eyes locked with the other Sith's.
Sith Lord | Inquisitor | Human | Aspirant | Intimidating | Not without some charm | Fearsome
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Raela Ausar on Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:58 am

Raela appeared "fashionably late" (she definitely didn't get lost the way), wearing a long, elegant black dress with hints of sparkle and a skirt that spread out near the bottom while still clinging to her curves. She stepped into the salon confidently, finding a drink and a place to stand and observe comfortably.

(PM if approached)
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Sith Pureblood | Imperial Noble | Alchemist | Lore-collector | Apprentice of Zash | No Sense of Direction

On Person: Long-range comlink, datapad, lightsaber

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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lord Jo'ren Rath on Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:01 am

Dapper Dog wrote:Image
“Well of course… it was totally Viyuti’s idea and I was like no don’t be so holo…” she said after a long pause turning her awkward silence into anger directed at her friend.

“As the only one here who has met a Jedi… I mean besides probably Lord Rath, he’s right… you have to do whatever he said.”

Viyuti mouthed something that looked like witch.

Seranya said, “I think the Jedi looks nice, she does not look scary at all.”

"Jedi aren't scary. They still tried to commit genocide on us. Don't underestimate them." He gave Drascovina a look. "So. You've got experience with Jedi?"

Jo'ren turned to Lucinia. "You know anything about this?"
True Sith | Blade of Vengean | Dark Side | Massive | Nobody's Fool | Big Damn Hero | Monolith Mauler | Forge Master | Saber Savant
Wears: Armour of the First Wrath. Carries: Two customised lightsabers; utility belt with stuff.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lord Bellious on Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:02 am

"Surely it's not because we're both Sith Lords, driven by similar considerations of being at right places and times at this peculiar moment in modern Sith history." She mused, gracing him with a turn of gaze an a slight and a slithering of her lekku onto her shoulders, Force-dipped tips facing upward like rattlesnake tails. "Good fortune is so much more plausible an explanation." A tip of her lips curved up.
Sith Lord | Über-Twi'lek | Shadow | Many-faced Lethan | Has Already Won | Aspirant | No Known Master or Apprentice | Captain of the Bitch | Owner of La Belle Époque | Assistant: Razzya

Passion, X-30 Lancer, Fett Armour, Stims, Palm Stunner, Commlink, Datapad, Hans Scanner, Scramble Key, Virginia the Death Robot (sometimes)

"One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:06 am

Sylvain Torsin wrote:"Thank you. I do hope you'll have time to attend the reception." He said with a polite smile.

"Zygerria is a system not far from here. It lays on the primary hyperspace lane to the Corporate Sector. Before our arrival it was the center of a vast slaving operation that operated throughout the galaxy." He replied.

"It suffered a bit of a setback in recent years and I was called in to remedy that situation... Unfortunately success is slow to come by... And so I find myself here looking for a means forward."

"I would be glad to, should nothing prevent me from attending," she said, nodding again.

"If you don't mind, what is the impediment to your efforts? Reliance on an older method of slaving, or some other economic matter?"
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