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[Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:56 am
by Dapper Dog
The ball was in full swing and the Queen sat on her throne ready to be entertained.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:11 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
After making her entrance, Jun-Tsu was content to mingle about the estate, drink in hand. Moonlight was always her best light, and so she, as usual, kept to the edge of the guests, basked half in the glow of the processions parading to pay homage to their queen for a night. She sipped her wine with a thoughtful and judging air.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:48 am
by Dapper Dog
sexy-vowrawn.png (71.54 KiB) Viewed 5104 times

The Queen rose to address her subjects, “I, the fabulous Massassi Queen do decree that this party must be fabulous, those who are found lacking will be subjected to ten lashings to be dispensed by my champion! Delicious lashings, and anyone who believes they are more fabulous and more beautiful than I, is not allowed.”

“These decrees are ever lasting, and shall henceforth be written into law. Now I need someone to be my Champion… who will defend the honor and beauty of the Queen?”

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:07 am
by Ilar'Shala
Ilar wasn't sure about being Vowrawn's champion, but in his Zabrak guise, he approached following his walk of shame and knelt before his 'queen'.

"This one is unworthy to be your Champion, but humbly offers himself to whatever punishment is deemed necessary for his shameful performance beneath your gaze."

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:23 am
by Dapper Dog
"I sentence thee to death... by kindness, you are now the Jester of my court and must bring kindness to all who want it and especially those that don't," the Queen commanded.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:37 am
by Alister Dravvad
Alister took a sip from his drink. He could really use about a half dozen more of these. He'd probably get them before the night was through though.

Looking around at the red tinged world, the young doctor made his way towards the bar. Yes, another drink was due already.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:48 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
A shadow slid up to the bar beside the young intellectual, setting her glass down to gesture for another. She folded her hands into her sleeves as she waited, turning ever so slightly to view the rest of the crowd. Her ornamentation and talismans made a faint chiming as she did so, rattling as her head moved. Though her eyes were hidden, one was given the distinct sense of apathy on her part.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:51 am
by Alister Dravvad
"Not your type of gathering I take it?" Alister asked as he finished one drink and picked up the next glass. His world might be tinted red by contacts, but it was easy to tell the lady dressed in black, and was unamused.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 5:16 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
"It iz amuzing, I zuppoze to zome. V'one doez hawe to appreciate zhat bozh liberal und conzervative elementz of zhe Empire vould hate it. It denegratez zheze alienz who ve hawe begun to embraze in zhe empire, und it vorcez humanz to act zhe vool, mazqverading az lezzer beingz. V'one haz to vonder, who zhiz party iz vor." She looked to their queen of the evening.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 6:00 am
by Alister Dravvad
It took a moment to tread through the womans accent, it was rather thick after all. "You make some valid points there." Alister offered after a few moments.

"Though if I had to say, I'd guess it's our hosts way of saying we should forget about politics for a time and just have some fun." His lips curled into a smirk. "I'm sure some of those here will take it as a chance to get near those they normally wouldn't. I'd guess there will be bc quite a bit of 'worry' free fornication in the alcoves as well. Who all that might be for? Well, I couldn't say."

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:52 am
by Lord Tenebrous
Shaisha, or Rahwrsha as she was tonight, drank deeply from the offered drinks. The Massassi were onto something with their heavy drinking to mourn and remember the fallen, she brilliantly deduced.

So tonight she decided to get totally wasted and completely caught up in the entertainment. It was her way of dealing.

That way it was much easier to put on a show for Queen Vowrawn - the fairest in all the land.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:24 am
by Ilar'Shala
Prancing around the room, in what he hoped was a jester-ish manner, Ilar came upon Shaisha indulging in the refreshments.

"Oh my Queen, it seems one of your guests is shedding." He called out in a shrill voice, playing into the part he was given as he feigned drawing fingernails through her hirsute costume.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:17 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
Alister Dravvad wrote:It took a moment to tread through the womans accent, it was rather thick after all. "You make some valid points there." Alister offered after a few moments.

"Though if I had to say, I'd guess it's our hosts way of saying we should forget about politics for a time and just have some fun." His lips curled into a smirk. "I'm sure some of those here will take it as a chance to get near those they normally wouldn't. I'd guess there will be bc quite a bit of 'worry' free fornication in the alcoves as well. Who all that might be for? Well, I couldn't say."

"Zhat at leazt I can appreciate. I'we no need of zuch vriwolity, but zhoze of zhe Core Vorldz can be zuch borez. Uptight prudez. Houze Farro iz known vor our ritualz und ritez to zhe Forze, zome of vhich might be wery akin to zhiz party....vithout zhe need to hide behind mazkz." She took up her fresh drink.

"And look, zhe v'one true alien iz being made a literal vool," she smirked at that as she sipped. "Delightvul. Vell done Counzilor Vowrawn."

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 12:37 am
by Alister Dravvad
"I suppose you do make a point there, a lot of the people here are rather restrained." He looked around the party and it's various guests. "Though some less so then others." He gestured towards the group of Sexy Twi'leks. "Or at least they're less restrained today. Though I admit to being curious as to what would be the main attraction if House Farro were to host such a frivolous event?"

"It is well played." Alister offered with a shake of his head. "The man even seems to be enjoying it too, not exactly the reaction I was expecting."

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:08 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
The gigantic gungan bowed before the Queen, who seemed to be enjoying herself immensely.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:15 am
by Xyll Vanth
Xyll had asked Vowrawn... or rather the 'queen', if she was allowed to smite someone; and now she was just looking around, rather unamused at all of this. She really didn't want to be here if she didn't get to smite someone now. Stupid parties.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:23 am
by Shelzais Sek
Dapper Dog wrote:

The Queen rose to address her subjects, “I, the fabulous Massassi Queen do decree that this party must be fabulous, those who are found lacking will be subjected to ten lashings to be dispensed by my champion! Delicious lashings, and anyone who believes they are more fabulous and more beautiful than I, is not allowed.”

“These decrees are ever lasting, and shall henceforth be written into law. Now I need someone to be my Champion… who will defend the honor and beauty of the Queen?”

At the end of her costume presentation, Shelzy-the-Zeltron (describing the costume as "sexy Zeltron" was just unnecessary redundancy, really) knelt laughing at the 'Massassi Queen's' feet. "I'm really a lover, not a fighter, your Radiantness, but I can't say I don't know my way around a lash," she purred. "If you can't get one of these big, strong aliens to handle it for you."

She cast an admiring gaze over the Gungan... from the neck down, at least?

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 4:50 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
Alister Dravvad wrote:"I suppose you do make a point there, a lot of the people here are rather restrained." He looked around the party and it's various guests. "Though some less so then others." He gestured towards the group of Sexy Twi'leks. "Or at least they're less restrained today. Though I admit to being curious as to what would be the main attraction if House Farro were to host such a frivolous event?"

"It is well played." Alister offered with a shake of his head. "The man even seems to be enjoying it too, not exactly the reaction I was expecting."

Jun-Tsu was sipping her drink as Alister spoke, watching the procession as it passed by. Then in a decidedly unladylike display she nearly choked on her drink as she watched Lord Rath pass by in his Gungan attire. She was sent into coughing fits, that try as she might to stifle merely made it all the worse, coming out at lough hacks into her sleeve. Though, in spite of everything she did not spill a single drop of her own drink as she nearly chocked on it.

When she had finally regained her composure she coughed one last time to clear her through, "Yez, zo he iz. I....I hawe vorgotten zhe qvestion."

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:42 am
by Alister Dravvad
Having only met the Lord Rath on one occasion, Alister didn't really recognize the Gungan... though he had to admit that the Muscle Gungan was quite amusing. Offering the woman a handkerchief just in case he shook his head. "It was nothing truly pressing, Lady Farro. No where near as amusing as that well muscled Gungan either."

He glanced towards one of the sexy wookies. "Though I am beginning to wonder if we're seeing some gag costumes, or peoples fetishes coming to life." Alister finished a little laughter in his tone.

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:25 am
by Remmington Thalalas
Remmington doesn't stay long. Too many late nighters back to back. He takes his leave early to try to catch up on sleep.

/exit before MN