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Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:19 pm
by Lord Tenebrous
Sylvain Torsin wrote:Sylvain and Nasari walked calmly through the chaos until they were a short distance away from the Jun-tsu squad.

Following in his wake was his dear sister Lord Tenebrous taking an opportunity to cut down a traitor as needed as she made her way towards Jun-Tsu and her dear little one.

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:15 am
by Alister Dravvad
The party last night was supposed to be the last enjoyable moment of Ziost? Jun-tsu had likely been right about that for many, though it might not be quite right for him. Whatever wat this went things were going to change, and likely a lot of force users were going to perish.

The pull on his mind was difficult to ignore, but Alister managed it as he backed away from the fighters begining to form lines in the court room. That was something he didn't want to get in the middle of.

Emperor Mind Control.. Spending a destiny point: 1eP+2eA+2eD+1eS 1 success, 2 advantage

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:16 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
Jo'ren had always been a stubborn child. It was something he had taken great delight in never growing out of. When the Emperor's call came he was ready for it. The contest of wills was brief. It was only ever going to go one way. He nodded at Jun-Tsu and Torsin then interposed himself between everyone and the two Farros.

"Ready to save the galaxy?"

D8. Resisting the Emperor's call. Discipline. Destiny. Wrath bonus.: 4eP+1eB+1eC+1eD+1eS 4 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:58 am
by Jaheem Abasi
Jaheem saw the small gathering of unaffected people and began to make his way towards them. He wanted to save Raela but until he had a way to do so for now the objective became survival.

"Ilar come on she's lost for now."

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:03 am
by Alister Dravvad
Seemingly safely outside of the line of fire, at least for the moment. Alister began pulling bits of tools and odds and ends out of his pockets. Many people here had seemed to be overcome by the will of the emperor, and why Alister wasn't sure what he thoguht about all this, some of those people were friends. They at least deserved a chance to make their own decisions.

He'd never get his tools back from this mess, but he'd worry about that later as he aimed the device at those that looked most likely to soon cause violence and discharged. Hopefully it would free some of them. But the action was unlikely to go unnoticed.

Contraption roll, day 8 Early Afternoon... Anti mind control device? Hard difficulty: 2eP+3eA+3eD 3 successes, 2 threat

((No idea what you wish to do with the effect Dapper, Alister has no idea who is possesed or not but he'd try to hit some of those with sabers drawn trying to kill folkds. If I can, using the threat to make it noticeable that Alister is doing somethign funny, and put him in danger))

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:04 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
"On zhe contrary, Lord Abasi, zhey go az zhe Dark Zide dictates," Jun-Tsu did not break her stride as she continued down the steps to the next row of balconies and across. As she did so, she reached out into the Force, the eyes may not see the spiritual changes in the body. She would be sure that those near her did not hide the Emperor behind a pleasant mask.

Sense (Force Roll) = 3 dark side, 2 light side

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:04 am
by Dapper Dog
Alister Dravvad wrote:Seemingly safely outside of the line of fire, at least for the moment. Alister began pulling bits of tools and odds and ends out of his pockets. Many people here had seemed to be overcome by the will of the emperor, and why Alister wasn't sure what he thoguht about all this, some of those people were friends. They at least deserved a chance to make their own decisions.

He'd never get his tools back from this mess, but he'd worry about that later as he aimed the device at those that looked most likely to soon cause violence and discharged. Hopefully it would free some of them. But the action was unlikely to go unnoticed.

Contraption roll, day 8 Early Afternoon... Anti mind control device? Hard difficulty: 2eP+3eA+3eD 3 successes, 2 threat

((No idea what you wish to do with the effect Dapper, Alister has no idea who is possesed or not but he'd try to hit some of those with sabers drawn trying to kill folkds. If I can, using the threat to make it noticeable that Alister is doing somethign funny, and put him in danger))

OOC: With three successes he can shock three people out of control but they will suffer 2 strain.

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:05 am
by Ilar'Shala
Jaheem Abasi wrote:Jaheem saw the small gathering of unaffected people and began to make his way towards them. He wanted to save Raela but until he had a way to do so for now the objective became survival.

"Ilar come on she's lost for now." He approach the group "Lord Rath, Mordax, Ladies Farro. Things seem to have gone ass up as they say."

D8. Resisting the Emperor's call. Discipline: 4eP+2eD+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage

Raela might have been lost, but Ilar wasn't, not yet. There were many things he would willingly abandon but Raela was not one of them. She risked her life for him when the Emperor tested her loyalty, how could he do any less for her.

"If you want to go, then go Lord Abasi. I will not leave without her." He moved directly between her and the Emperor and stood his ground.

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:09 am
by Remmington Thalalas
Remmington is mildly surprised by the turn of events. He kind of knew things were going down. He just did not think they were going to go down this way. He seems to be safe for now as the Emperor's mind control has no effect on him. He scans the room as the court is bombarded by Darth Malgus' forces and the Emperor mind controlling people to act as his puppets.

He looks over at the Farro group and Jo'ren before he calls out to the big Sith. "Seems like we just get into the craziest parties. I trust you to take care of them over there."

He looks around to see who the potential enemies will be and if there are going to be any uninvited guests showing up. He readies his lightsaber in his left hand.

/ Cool... like the other side of the pillow. 2eP+2eB+2eD+1eS = 3 Success

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:11 am
by Jaheem Abasi
"Ilar its not abandonment, you cant help her if you're dead." He wasnt so much worried about his own life as he was about not being able to help if they became violent before they had a way to help.

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:19 am
by Ilar'Shala
Jaheem Abasi wrote:"Ilar its not abandonment, you cant help her if you're dead." He wasnt so much worried about his own life as he was about not being able to help if they became violent before they had a way to help.

"I can't help her if she's dead either. Go with the others, prepare for the fallout and let thoughts of revenge spur your heart. Live or die, I stand here with her."

Raela Ausar wrote:"Nngh...!" Her head suddenly felt like it was split as the Emperor's will seized her. She heard Jaheem and Ilar's voice vaguely, and saw them coming closer. "N-no... Move away from me-!"

Moving to place his hands on each of her cheeks, Ilar gazed deep into Raela's eyes. "Less than a week ago, I asked you to kill me, and you set me free. Only days ago, the Emperor ORDERED you to kill me, and you refused. If you want to go to him now, then once more your path will be over my corpse. You are stronger than this, you are stronger than him. Together we are stronger than anything this galaxy will throw at us."

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:20 am
by Xyll Vanth
Already, people were taking advantage. Lightsabers had been lit, and duels to the death engaged. But Xyll had remained calm, and with her mask in place had revealed nothing about whether she was under anyone's control, or which side she was on regardless. Even the emperor, she hoped, would not know.

Close to the Emperor to begin with as a result of her duties, she stepped even closer; as if taking on a defensive position next to him.

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:23 am
by Jaheem Abasi
Ilar'Shala wrote:"I can't help her if she's dead either. Go with the others, prepare for the fallout and let thoughts of revenge spur your heart. Live or die, I stand here with her."

Jaheem sighed "No she'll have a harder time killing both of us if it comes to that. If you aim to protect her two is better than one." It wasnt the smart play but if it's the path that was chosen he figured to give it the best chance of success.

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:24 am
by Alister Dravvad
Dapper Dog wrote:OOC: With three successes he can shock three people out of control but they will suffer 2 strain.

((Lord Tenebrous, Shelzais, and Raela if possible))

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:29 am
by Dapper Dog
OOC: These will be resolved after the poll closes.

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:41 am
by Jaheem Abasi
Jaheems sabers werent ignited yet but he pulled them out and took up a defensive position around the pair to recognize any potiential threats while Ilar was distracted talking to Raela.

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:53 am
by Jan Melmoar
Jan readjusts her scope, the device picking out detail even through the thick walls of the court as she lay atop a tall tower billowing steam.

....What the frack was going on? Darth Malgus must have said something, the Emperor definitely said was so loud she swore she could hear whatever it was in her bones..and now it looked like the chaos was starting.

Pivoting her rifle via the slot on her shield she sweeps the court again looking for her people. Make sure Lady Malveaux got out alright....maybe make sure Lord Dravvad got out alright....then prioritise based on how she was feeling.

Her fingers tightens slightly on the trigger but for now the sharpshooter ways, breathing calmly, a kilometer away.

(( Day 8 Resisting Emperor control, destiny spend, cool.: 2eD+2eP+1eA+1eS 1 success, 1 advantage

((Jan will post up in a prime sniping position (using her advantages from the stealth check) and be ready to rock and roll when/if the chaos begins. Let there be pew!))

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:54 am
by Dapper Dog
Vowrawn chuckled lightly and then paused looking off before his eyes turned a vibrant red and he rose from his chair and said, “I am Legion, and my will is infinite.”

He ignited his lightsaber and laughed madly.

The other dark Council members looked from the duel between Hoshi and Hurn to Vowrawn as he leapt into battle! The People’s Tower shook again from the onslaught knocking many of the Dark Council from their feet… Vowrawn seemed unphased tossing rubble aside as he tore into traitors, real or otherwise.

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:23 pm
by Lord Bellious
Lord Bellious wasn't readily flocking to the Farro group. She kept assessing the shifting battlefield from the shadows, slowly edging toward the side of the zone between those not enthralled and the Emperor's dais, but not deep enough to compromise her relative invisibility.

The actions taken by Hoshi and Vowrawn and those not taken by Scourge and his daughter created a complex theatre, but still incomplete, so her focus was on what all the others were doing.

Re: [Day 8 - EA] Imperial Court

PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:57 pm
by Dapper Dog
Lord Bellious wrote:Lord Bellious wasn't readily flocking to the Farro group. She kept assessing the shifting battlefield from the shadows, slowly edging toward the side of the zone between those not enthralled and the Emperor's dais, but not deep enough to compromise her relative invisibility.

The actions taken by Hoshi and Vowrawn and those not taken by Scourge and his daughter created a complex theatre, but still incomplete, so her focus was on what all the others were doing.

OOC: Until the Emperor is defeated or the effect ends in EN I believe, she will have to use Slippery Mind in future time slots to stay free of the control, since it only lasts a scene.