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[Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:22 am
by Dapper Dog
The common folk descended on the beach to watch the contest of hopefully skilled athletes test themselves against the waves. The crowds were enjoying the warm environment but the water was freezing cold…

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:39 am
by Jan Melmoar
A rather soggy Jan pulls herself out of the water and flops happily onto the warms sands, panting slightly as a droid brings her a glowing orange drink

"....They really should add bigger engines to those boards....maybe some explosives for the finale"
She sips her cocktail quietly, enjoying the chance to relax on the beach....soon it would be her beach!

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:13 am
by Alister Dravvad
If Alister was honest, that had been somewhat entertaining. Though he wasn't about to admit that to anyone out loud.

Stepping out of the water in his wetsuit he squinted his eyes, Vair'ea had his glasses and she was likely around here somewhere.

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:18 am
by Jan Melmoar
Alister Dravvad wrote:If Alister was honest, that had been somewhat entertaining. Though he wasn't about to admit that to anyone out loud.

Stepping out of the water in his wetsuit he squinted his eyes, Vair'ea had his glasses and she was likely around here somewhere.

A polite cough from below

"I am exceptionally sorry to bother you lord Dravvad, but I believe that is my hand you are currently standing on."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:30 am
by Alister Dravvad
Hrm? Was he treading on someone? Apparently so. Taking a step away from the woman he was walking on, he dipped his head slightly.

"Ah, my apologies.." Miss Mallomar, wasn't it?" He was pretty sure he was close. "I can't see very well without my glasses on."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:32 am
by Jan Melmoar
Alister Dravvad wrote:Hrm? Was he treading on someone? Apparently so. Taking a step away from the woman he was walking on, he dipped his head slightly.

"Ah, my apologies.." Miss Mallomar, wasn't it?" He was pretty sure he was close. "I can't see very well without my glasses on."

"I hadn't noticed my lord."
She inclines her head from her prone position

"And you remembered my name quite well, it is wonderful to be remembered....although if I might say this...I didn't expect the challenge of the ice queen to be something you'd take offence."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:28 am
by Alister Dravvad
"None taken. Though I wish they would of let me make my own board." He was rather certain he would of done well if he'd been able to.

"You're right though, it's not generally my thing. Still it's good to see you made it to the beach. Enjoying your cocktail?"

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:53 am
by Jan Melmoar
Alister Dravvad wrote:"None taken. Though I wish they would of let me make my own board." He was rather certain he would of done well if he'd been able to.

"You're right though, it's not generally my thing. Still it's good to see you made it to the beach. Enjoying your cocktail?"

"You have your own board?..Are you a surfer?"
She can't quite hide the surprise in her tone.

"Indeed! This is my first time on the beach and I have definitely never visited before without permission. This cocktail, which I have never ordered before as well, is surprisingly delicious and I highly recommend it."
She sips through her straw with an innocent expression.

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 5:07 am
by Alister Dravvad
"No, but I could likely build a board in a few hours, I'd even include stabalizers so you could do more impressive tricks." Because that was the point right? Doing cool thing and picking up chicks. He was pretty sure Madam Shelzais would say as much at least.

"Of course not, the idea of sneaking onto this beach is simply absurd. " He waved over a waiter to order a fruity cocktail. "Even if you had though, I wouldn't tell a soul."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 5:11 am
by Jan Melmoar
Alister Dravvad wrote:"No, but I could likely build a board in a few hours, I'd even include stabalizers so you could do more impressive tricks." Because that was the point right? Doing cool thing and picking up chicks. He was pretty sure Madam Shelzais would say as much at least.

"Of course not, the idea of sneaking onto this beach is simply absurd. " He waved over a waiter to order a fruity cocktail. "Even if you had though, I wouldn't tell a soul."

"...You know..."
Propping herself up on an elbow

"There's probably a market for stabilised boards....we could use the Dravvad name, offer a few to high profile surfers....."
Make some credits

"And I'm glad of your discretion, it's why I'm telling you I definitely didn't sneak into the beach a couple days ago after I didn't scope out the place for a while. Excellent choice of drink by the way, very fresh."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 5:33 am
by Alister Dravvad
"It's likely a exploitable business opportunity." He agreed with a nod. "Though we'd likely do better selling to amateurs. Young decadent nobles that want to impress their friends." He glanced around hoping he hadn't somehow summoned the squadron of teenage girls from the other day.

"Thank you, and I'm very sure you hadn't after all I never received a message telling me of how you got onto the beach through completely legitimate means."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 5:38 am
by Jan Melmoar
Alister Dravvad wrote:"It's likely a exploitable business opportunity." He agreed with a nod. "Though we'd likely do better selling to amateurs. Young decadent nobles that want to impress their friends." He glanced around hoping he hadn't somehow summoned the squadron of teenage girls from the other day.

"Thank you, and I'm very sure you hadn't after all I never received a message telling me of how you got onto the beach through completely legitimate means."

Leaning into the man's ankles to whisper conspiratorially

"Oh I could be quite sneaky if I wanted to, just walk in through the door....I didn't though, clearly, that would be insane."
Jan mentally files away the board business opportunity for plater

"How have your experiments been progressing, by the way? I must confess I've been ever so busy of late, I've lost track of some things."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 6:23 am
by Alister Dravvad
It was odd having a woman whisper into your ankles, so Alister took the chance to take a seat next to her. Maybe now any secretive whispers would be directed at his knee. "Insane indeed." He agreed taking a sip of his yellow cocktail.

"But, honestly I've been a bit busy myself, and so my experiments aren't going too well. I haven't had the time or energy for it lately. I'm completely out of materials as well, so that doesn't help."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 6:33 am
by Jan Melmoar
Alister Dravvad wrote:It was odd having a woman whisper into your ankles, so Alister took the chance to take a seat next to her. Maybe now any secretive whispers would be directed at his knee. "Insane indeed." He agreed taking a sip of his yellow cocktail.

"But, honestly I've been a bit busy myself, and so my experiments aren't going too well. I haven't had the time or energy for it lately. I'm completely out of materials as well, so that doesn't help."

"Well that simply won't do"
She said into his knee

"what is so distracting you? And what is keeping your material out of reach? I feel obliged to offer any help I can."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:04 am
by Alister Dravvad
Ah, the knee was much more acceptable, covered as it was by his wetsuit, it wasn't nearly as ticklish. "Other projects for the most part, as well as an inability to find the proper materials."

He shook his head. "It seems people just dont want to part with some things. Not for reasonable prices at the very least." A smile was offered to the Czerka rep. "Really nothing you need to worry about too much."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:07 am
by Jan Melmoar
Alister Dravvad wrote:Ah, the knee was much more acceptable, covered as it was by his wetsuit, it wasn't nearly as ticklish. "Other projects for the most part, as well as an inability to find the proper materials."

He shook his head. "It seems people just dont want to part with some things. Not for reasonable prices at the very least." A smile was offered to the Czerka rep. "Really nothing you need to worry about too much."

She gives him a friendly finger gun
"Selling things for unreasonable prices....the nerve, still at least you have the beach to come relax at when such unreasonableness occurs."

She stretches on said beach, making a furrow in the sane

"I don't suppose you've been following all the dark council rigmarole? Any favourites for the available seats?"

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:13 am
by Lord Tenebrous
This wasn't exactly how she preferred to do her workout, but it had been fun nonetheless.

Jo'ren however earned a smack on his behind made of durasteel.

"Alright, you're better at this than I am."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:16 am
by Alister Dravvad
"Shameful isn't it? If you price things too high no one will ever buy it." He shook his head sadly. Didn't people understand economics?

"But the Dark Council? Here I thought we were on the beach to drink too much and relax." He offered the woman a lopsided smile. "I do have some I'd prefer though. Likely Lord Tenebrous or the Steel Valkyrie."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:19 am
by Jan Melmoar
Alister Dravvad wrote:"Shameful isn't it? If you price things too high no one will ever buy it." He shook his head sadly. Didn't people understand economics?

"But the Dark Council? Here I thought we were on the beach to drink too much and relax." He offered the woman a lopsided smile. "I do have some I'd prefer though. Likely Lord Tenebrous or the Steel Valkyrie."

"Maybe this is how I relax?"
She chuckles

"A good pairing though...not that I have a grox in the race, of course. Dark council candidates cost too much, One can't buy it."

Re: [Day 7 - MM] Challenge of the Ice Queen RP

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:42 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
Lord Tenebrous wrote:This wasn't exactly how she preferred to do her workout, but it had been fun nonetheless.

Jo'ren however earned a smack on his behind made of durasteel.

"Alright, you're better at this than I am."

He stuck his tongue out at her.

"I keep telling you that. Heh. You look mighty fine in that suit though."