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Re: The Only Thing That's Real [Yavin IV, Pre-game]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:23 pm
by Lord Bellious
Moyr looked at them, and made a slight gesture with her hand.

"Understood. I am no trouble. I wasn't here. You didn't see me. My name, looks and presence are completely forgettable."

Pregame. Now You Can See Mee. Deception. Influence. Hard.: 2eP+1eA+2eF+3eD 2 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph, 2 Dark Side

[Pips to cancel Threat, Triumph to get past them unnoticed and sneak a little.]

Moyr realised it was stepping on thin ice to push her advantage here, but she couldn't pass on the opportunity to get at least a modicum of understanding what this place was and what it signified. With the initial guards rendered oblivious to her presence, she would investigate the premises just a little bit more.

So there were places the Emperor had shrouded in deep secrecy. Was the sunken temple on Evocar one of them? Was it him who denied her the knowledge?

Re: The Only Thing That's Real [Yavin IV, Pre-game]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:23 pm
by Dapper Dog
Evading the Guards was difficult and the structure was high alert despite the fact they could not accurately recall why they were on high alert but this seemed to be a training facility for the Imperial Guard and it was steeped in the dark sideā€¦

Could be a vergence but it felt more immediate as if it was a presence that was eating into her mind.

Re: The Only Thing That's Real [Yavin IV, Pre-game]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 2:47 pm
by Lord Bellious
A Dark Will as powerful as a Vergence itself. Vergences were usually ancient, it took time for them to amass. It was almost too easy to give the devouring presence a name.

That was a far as she could go. A Shadow among shadows, Lord Bellious began her retreat from the facility.

Magara-sha considered this place unspeakable even though it was right within her kingdom. How many enclaves like this existed across the galaxy, rendered off-limits by petrifying mystique?

Terror was the Emperor's veil. Now, what was behind the veil?