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Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:00 am
by Lord Bellious
"They are cogent, intelligent, and in greater control of their own brutality. Modified this way, I suppose they resemble the shared ancestors of your species. Their intermingling with the unmodified Massassi Mahr and Giyanzi are supposed to blaze the trail of should allow for a diverse distribution of preponderant traits to choose from for army formation."

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:32 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
"At least with the new structure to the military there should be less infighting about who gets to work with them. I've got my own loyal faction. Could probably do with getting some of the hybrids into the mix." That would certainly get Doctor Hix all excited... The potential for enhancement was suddenly elevated. He sipped his wine and let his thoughts move away from those ideas for the moment.

"You planning to get involved in the new institutions? Or leave well alone?"

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:16 am
by Lord Bellious
"My own powerbase were the Mandalorians, but it's now gone." She stepped away to get the decanter and provide them with refills. "You saw me being rebuked in court. With my Sith Code orthodoxy I don't quite fit in the current mainstream that has Baras' face. I suppose my ways are better suited for something less official and exposed thus than a ministerial post, but we shall see if I haven't fallen from grace too much already. The rancor is in the details of the institutional lattice that is going to emerge; maybe the Regency will accommodate me in some niche. I am not looking forward to staying on Ziost though. I want to go out into the galaxy and stir hell."

She chuckled. "And you?"

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:29 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
He nodded, it seemed like a sensible strategy. "I'm sure the Regency will be keen to see your talents put to good use." When she asked him to reciprocate he flashed a charming smile.

"You know me. I don't play well with others." The glass chimed against hers and he shrugged. "My special projects kinda demand my attention. An official position would mean some level of bureaucracy... I thought about offering to take over lightsaber training at the Academy. Only the Wrath can match me now, and he's leaving. But I've got itchy feet."

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:38 am
by Lord Bellious
"I guess Zash has got this one thing right. Desk job is an enemy of getting special projects done." Moyr smirked wryly after clinking. "What's your next special project if I may ask?"

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:59 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
"I guess she managed to be an instructor while doing her thing." He considered that for a few moments before returning to her question. "Integration of advanced technology. Pushing the boundaries of what's possible. I can't really tell you more than that. After that though? There are secrets out there, among the stars."

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:44 am
by Lord Bellious
"Jo'ren the dark inventor then." She chuckled. "I suppose it's something you haven't been famous for yet. Make the Force be with you for that one."

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:05 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
He laughed in return. "I have people for that Moyr. Can't be the best at everything. One or two, maybe. Here's to our future successes." The glasses clinked and he took another swig of the wine.

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 3:36 pm
by Lord Bellious
As did she. "And for the sake of those, your idea how to navigate the new regime?"

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:50 am
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
"Don't piss off too many people all at once. Be a useful ally, but not so useful you're always needed. You're a survivor Moyr, I have no doubt you'll come out on top whatever you decide." He looked down at the planet again. He'd had enough of the capital for a while. Just a few more days.

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 5:34 pm
by Lord Bellious
"Ahead and beyond, Jo'ren, not on top. I have never cared much about the petty supremacy games, but for my own supreme self-determination. Many Sith conflate it, I don't. If one thinks power equals liberation, they don't read the Sith Code closely enough. Too much power can sink any Sith who basks in it too much. The lures the new regime creates, like the ones Baras has so readily advanced on, can be the unmaking of power-gluttons. If one holds too many strings in their hands, they are as entangled as their thralls."

She sipped a bit, noticing his gaze.

"Of all Sith, I think you're the one to understand it well enough. I sense your scepticism toward the traditional trappings of power. Thing is, power is abundant, everywhere, in all things, even if in unapparent forms. It can be invented, like you seem to be doing. One does not need to carry it around like a burden or settle to hoard it."

Re: One Small Step for Sithkind [LA9]

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:07 pm
by Lord Jo'ren Rath
"Figure of speech Moyr. But yeah. You're right, and I get it." He looked for New Adasta. "I came to Ziost. I had some adventures, I killed a few things that needed killing. Time to move on."