Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Residential areas of the wealthy, powerful, and well connected

Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:04 am

It was a cold and dark day on Ziost. Which meant that it was a cold and dark day in the Malveaux estates. For both of those, that was entirely normal.

But cold and dark did not dissuade Lucinia in the least. Indeed, they seemed to be the proper environment to allow her mind to work. To prepare.

She was dressed for company, in her fine black dress, a hint of makeup highlighting the paleness of her features. The kettle was on, gently simmering, ready to boil; Lucinia's lips curled up at the charmingly antiquated method of heating water. And the tea was already pre-measured with scientific precision.

All she needed now was her guest.
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:11 am

Sinea pulled her black fur coat closer as she stepped up to the ancient estate. I hope it's not going to crumble on me.

She glanced around, unsure how to annouance her arrival..the lack of droid bouncers was certainly new. She saw something on a door, a large metal ring... a knocker? Really? At this time and age? She used the ancient device to announce her presence, the knock vibrating through the estate walls.
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Wed Jun 05, 2019 8:58 pm

The echoing boom of the knocker alerted Lucinia instantly, the sound sending a chill down her spine. Which in turn brought a smile to her face. Turning, she swept towards the door, moving without haste, but with determination.

It was a heavy door, but while judicious application of oil couldn't quite stop it from opening with a creak, it at least made it open easily. Lucinia smiled as the door came fully open, the smile as welcoming as the dark vestibule behind her.

"Sinea. It's so good to see you again. It has been a rather long time, hasn't it?" Lucinia's tone matched her smile; cool, but perhaps just a touch more welcoming than repelling. She stepped a little to the side, raising one elegant arm to gesture inside. "Won't you come inside? Get yourself in out of the chill." And into a different chill, but there was no helping that.
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:11 pm

Wow, this stuff is ancient. She shuddered as the door creaked, the sound grating against her survival instinct.

"Luci, so nice to see you." She replied in a warm, coo-ing tone. "Don't mind if I do...Ziost maybe an influential planet, but not my chosen destination." She glanced around the ruin..erm, mansion. "Your family's holding?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:22 pm

"It is, yes." Lucinia said, glancing around with a soft sigh. "The planetary terrain may change, but my family's taste in the dreary never does." Her lips thinned even as she smiled. "If I cared to, I could doubtless learn which ancestor is to blame for creating all these blights, but it hardly matters."

The door was a hassle. Raising a hand again, she gestured firmly towards it, drawing on her power; it slammed shut violently, shaking. Lucinia turned back to Sinea with a smile. "Shall we take tea in the parlour? Or..." One thin eyebrow went up. "Would you like a tour first?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:25 pm

Sinea smiled, but had to force her teeth not to chatter. "Tea first, tour later dear." She stepped closer, though noticeably did not take off her coat.

"Of course, but at least it is unlike most abodes on this planet." She glanced at Lucine's attire. "You look quite pretty. How has Ziost found you?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:46 pm

"Mmm." Lucinia murmured, smiling tightly. "Perhaps it is fortunate that I have an affection for old things." It would explain her comfort in this old manor. And perhaps her apprenticeship to Arya.

"Very well." Turning, Lucinia led the way with determined stride towards the parlour, her dress swishing gracefully about as she moved. "Thank you, so do you." She gave the required pleasantries. "Ziost has had little opportunity to create an impression on me, or vice versa. I hope to change that soon."

The parlour had some warmth and light from a fire burning in a stone hearth, but it was insufficient for the sizeable room, and seemed to cast as much shadow as light. A number of antique cushioned chairs were arranged around it, a low table in their center. Lucinia saw Sinea to one, before briefly nipping into another room, returning with a tea tray, two fine cups on it, either white ceramic or bone.

"This is a tea from Corellia, if you can believe it." Lucinia shot Sinea a quick glance. "I have yet to sample it. I thought we might try it together." She set a cup in front of Sinea before taking one for herself and settling into an adjacent seat. She sat very near the edge, her back straight, posture impeccable.
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Wed Jun 05, 2019 9:49 pm

Sinea smiled, some genuine affection sneaking into her voice. "Why, such a lovely gesture. Next time you'll be visiting me, and I'll return the gesture." She sat into one of the seats, practically sinking into it. "Yes, I recall your fondness for old things. Did you manage to analyze your last finds from Korriban?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:10 pm

Lucinia sniffed, smiling. There was a pause as she lifted the cup to her lips, taking an exquisitely small sip. "Oh yes. Those and more. I do not sit idly while there are discoveries to be made. And there always are."

She tilted her head, regarding Sinea with mild curiosity. "So. Tell me what you have been doing since we last saw each other. Any new discoveries, achievements? Secret plots?" A tiny smile at that; it was probably a joke.
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:15 pm

"Yes, I uncovered a conspiracy against the Empire. Orchestrate by milkmen." She replied deadpan, before letting out a small laugh. "Teaching, some prospective students, mostly mediocre. Been spending some time on Ziost, mostly just spending time on sabbatical. Meditating."
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:25 pm

"Milkmen. Really." Lucinia laughed softly, almost musically, one hand coming to the corner of her mouth. She shook her head as Sinea went on, blonde hair shifting about her shoulders. "The mediocrity of students is why I have not taken one myself. Perhaps someday..." She waved noncommittally with one hand as she raised the cup to her lips with the other.

"Meditating." Lucinia's eyes narrowed, even as her smile grew. "And have you learned anything from your meditations?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:31 pm

"there are few who can keep up with you. Or keep up with this cold." She shuddered. "Some things. We are at a crossroads, of a sort." She quirked her lips. "Though I presume that does not surprise you."
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:48 pm

Lucinia's lips quirked to match. "Indeed, it does not. I may not have your gift of foresight-" She inclined her head, acknowledging the other woman's gift, even as she silently thought yet, "-but I can sense the swirling currents of destiny. A crossroads, indeed." She took another sip of her tea.

Lowering her cup, Lucinia pursed her lips pensively. With her lipstick, they were almost shockingly red. "I have to wonder what sort of opportunities this crossroads will create. These council seats..." The pursing turned into a mild grimace. "I fear they may be a distraction to my ambitions. All these aspirants, some of whom will no doubt seek knowledge to gain political power, rather than the reverse. It turns the stomach."
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:00 pm

"We all have our gifts...if we don't, we die." She smiled, though it was a friendly one. She touched the hot tea to her lips, enjoying the warmth spreading through her. "Possibly...but knowledge is just another form of power. Power, or knowledge, for its own sake is hollow and weak. The more important question, what is it that they want?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:16 pm

"Yes, I suppose." Lucinia sighed. "And yet, I can't quite help but wonder at those who eschew the Dark Side in exchange for other sorts of power. The Emperor may be the political leader, but it's no coincidence that he's also the strongest in the Force.

"Oh?" Lucinia set down her cup and saucer on the table. Green eyes glinting, she leaned a little closer, an expression of cool interest on her aristocratic features. "Do you have any theories?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:19 pm

"I think reigniting the war is a popular idea. Sith thrive on conflict, and the only conflict we have now is who is the smelliest rancor in the room." She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the thought. "The Dark Side is powerful, but it does not run a society. People do." She chided the enthusiastic academic. "Do you know anyone who might participate for a seat?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Thu Jun 06, 2019 2:47 am

"Insignificant." Lucinia hissed. Then she sighed. "But not, as much as I wish otherwise, irrelevant. If there is to be war, so be it. As you say, we thrive on conflict."

She gave a little half-shrug, one slender shoulder raising and falling. "Not personally, no. Only the expected names. I am more interested in the unexpected ones." Another raised eyebrow. "And yourself?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Jun 06, 2019 3:33 am

Elsewhere in the building there is a commotion and a shrill female command is given, “I told you to be careful worm… that relic is worth me to than your pitiful lives… just set it over there and then fetch me no foam, zerin almond milk, triple light hirulian pumpkin spice kaff latte… and it better not be cold!”

The duo can hear some young women giggle and then the commanding voice speaks again, “So like this is like my sister’s place… it’s so lame… but she is always reading or something so we should be able to be here without…”

“Are you interrupting me servant?” she hissed followed by the hum of a lightsaber,

“Someone clean that up… I swear good help is hard to find. Now you… servant I don't care about your name, fetch me a no foam, zerin almond milk, triple light hirulian pumpkin spice kaff latte…”
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Thu Jun 06, 2019 9:44 am

Lucinia's eyes first widened, and then narrowed dramatically. "If that is what I think it is," she breathed, "-well. It had better not be."

She rose to her feet, setting her cup down with a clatter. "Come with me." She said, jerking her head sharply. She waited only a moment before heading towards the voice, her long stride carrying her quickly down the darkened halls.
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Thu Jun 06, 2019 9:47 am

Sinea raised an eyebrow at Lucine at the commotion, before responding. "I am not personally seeking a seat, that much I can say. As for the rest...time will tell." She smiled. "I presume we'll make good use of the distraction and focus on other pursuits."
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