Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Residential areas of the wealthy, powerful, and well connected

Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Jun 06, 2019 3:18 pm

Dascovina.jpg (37.27 KiB) Viewed 4927 times

Her sister was standing by a cooling corpse of a servant and a trio of women, two of which looked to be Sith and a third just a noble woman hanger on. She had not noticed you yet as she smiled shark like at her friends.

“By the Emperor, I love it D, it is so… authentic,” a dark haired woman said with glee.

“Suck up much, Tiss,” another blonde girl answered.

“Kriff off V, it’s whizz, like a haunted house vibe,” Tiss the dark haired one responded.

The noble girl with almond skin said, “It is a lovely home, my Lord.”
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Thu Jun 06, 2019 9:35 pm

Inwardly, Lucinia groaned. Her younger sister was pretty, popular, and driven. And oh so very spoiled. An unfortunate combination that set her teeth on edge.

She was smiling, though, as she stepped forward, albeit a cold smile. "Thank you." She addressed the almond-skinned girl, her tone as chill as her smile. "While it is only my temporary residence, I have done my best to add enough personal touches to make it truly mine." She frowned with distaste down at the murdered servant. What a hassle it would be to require the cleaning crew to come in when they weren't scheduled; she hated having them around when she was trying to study.

Lucinia drew herself up to her full height, noticeably taller than Drascovina, even as she turned to her sister with that same smile. "Dear sister. Welcome to my home. Won't you introduce me to your friends?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:02 pm

Sinea watched on with a silent smirk, considering she hasn't been addressed yet.
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:03 pm

She turned to her elder sister and said, “Oh you are here? I just… well this is great then. Lucinia, this is Tiss and Viyuti or as I call them Minion 1 and Minion 2.”

“And this is Seranya of House Bultana, surely there is enough room for my friends to stay a few days or weeks… just until I finish my business here for Lord Moroes… and yes I know that isn’t Lord whatever his name is but after that whole thing with the Jedi he kind of lost his mind or something and plus Masks are so last season.”

Tiss added, “Totally holo, like why wear a mask, right? D you are so beautiful, why even cover that up?”

Viyuti added lightly, “Darth Marr is kind of hot though…”

Dracosvina rolled her eyes and said with ashark smile, “We already agreed that Ravage was the hot daddy, Marr is kind of… I mean I guess I could see it.”

“You are most welcome, my Lord,” Seranya said to Luicinia.

“You are just too sunny, Seranya, but I guess this place is whizz,” Viyuti countered.

“Silence, Minions,” Dracosvina commanded, the girls falling into line. She continued, “So, as I was saying, guest wing?”
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:13 pm

Lucinia smirked. Well, at least her sister had a way with her minions.

"First, allow me to indroduce Lady Sinea Okatesh, an old friend of mine." Of sorts, but that hardly needed saying among Sith.

She looked at Drascovina with raised eyebrow. "Are you quite sure you wouldn't prefer a hotel, dear sister? A quick comm-call, and you could be staying in the lap luxury." She smiled. "But if you insist, I won't turn away family. So long as my studies are uninterrupted."
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:54 pm

“Minions follow the servants to your rooms, I will be along shortly,” she commanded and then looked sweetly Sinea.

“Sinea, such a lovely name, an apprentice of Darth Arya, Crone of the Dark Council, I am honored,” Dracosvina responded warmly with her shark like grin.

She added, “Oh Luci, a hotel would lack the rustic charm of home. Plus, how could I pass up a chance to spend more time with my dear sister, we have so much to catch up on. My conquests, my victories… I have to show you this ensemble a Jedi I enslaved to my will made for me.”

“But you have company, I should see to my Minions, they are absolutely useless without me,” she responded.
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:04 pm

"Nice to meet you too." Aw, widdle Sith thinks she's powerful. So adorable! "I look forward to seeing you more around the estate. Perhaps next time I visit we can make it an occasion?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:13 pm

"Oh?" Lucinia raised an eyebrow. "How intriguing. Yes, you can tell me all about it." Her red lips twisted wryly. "It will be just like home." Indeed, the estate had much in common with the family manor, except it was even more dilapidated.

She frowned. "Oh, Drascovina dear..." She waved vaguely at the servant's corpse. "See that your minions attend to that. I don't care to have the cleaners come in more often than they need to."
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:15 pm

"Of course," she said sweetly,

She then shrieked, "Minions! Clean this mess up!" Dracosvina smiled sweetly and departed while her minions scrambled back to take care of the corpse.
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:39 pm

Lucinia smiled. At least Drascovina still respected her superiors. Perhaps they would get along after all.

She turned back to Sinea. "Well. Shall we return to the parlour? Although I fear the tea has oversteeped by now."
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Fri Jun 07, 2019 12:21 am

"Sounds good to me, dear." She waved for her hostess to lead the way. "You have other siblings?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:49 am

"An older brother." Lucinia said. She led the way back to parlour rather more sedately than they'd left it. "He is..." Her lips pressed together a moment, "-I might describe him as a zealot. He is strong in the Force, and his martial prowess is impressive, but his understanding is limited. Such wasted potential." She sighed.

A few twists and turns, and they arrived in the parlour once more. "Family is a mixed blessing." Lucinia said with a wry smile. "Do you have any worth speaking of?"
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Sinea Okatesh on Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:56 am

Lucinia Malveaux wrote:"An older brother." Lucinia said. She led the way back to parlour rather more sedately than they'd left it. "He is..." Her lips pressed together a moment, "-I might describe him as a zealot. He is strong in the Force, and his martial prowess is impressive, but his understanding is limited. Such wasted potential." She sighed.

A few twists and turns, and they arrived in the parlour once more. "Family is a mixed blessing." Lucinia said with a wry smile. "Do you have any worth speaking of?"

"A zealot? Oh what kind? Zealots can be fun." She chuckled. "if you are not the target of their zeal, of course." She sighed. "That seems to be a recent trend. All muscle, no philosophy. We should understand where our power comes from, but not everyone thinks the same."

She shrugged her shoulders, as they arrived back. "Only parents, a few cousins. No one noteworthy."
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Re: Tea for Two (Pregame EA, Malveaux Estate)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:39 pm

"Oh, you know the sort." Lucinia gave a vague wave of the hand. "Very invested in the idea of the Empire as a sovereign nation, power and glory to it, and all that sort of thing."

She smiled at Sinea, tightly but not without warmth. "Not that I am without patriotic feeling." Well, not that she had much, either. "But as you say, we understand where our power comes from. And it is not the collective will of the people." Her tone grew scornful at that.
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