[Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lord Jo'ren Rath on Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:41 am

Lucinia Malveaux wrote:Lucinia gave a low chuckle. "Oh, yes. They are both a blessing and a trial. I think that one especially will bear watching." In more ways than one; many a Sith had been eliminated by family, after all.

With a meticulous stride, lacking the confident strut of her younger sibling, Lucinia made her way to the refreshments table, selecting a glass of wine for herself. "But yes, let us turn to more interesting matters. I'd hoped to do a bit of that sort of work on Ziost." She raised one eyebrow. "Do you know of any opportunities?"

"My family are..less challenging at least." He walked over to the wine take with her and replenished his own glass.

"Not yet. But there is a specific item I'm interested in acquiring. Perhaps with our mutual interests we could work together. Do you know much about the Rakata?"
True Sith | Blade of Vengean | Dark Side | Massive | Nobody's Fool | Big Damn Hero | Monolith Mauler | Forge Master | Saber Savant
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:21 am

"How fortunate for you." Lucinia said dryly.

Lucinia tilted her head, regarding him curiously. "I would not say I know much; my focus is on Sith lore. But anyone truly deep into the study of ancients would certainly come across the Rakata. And my studies have been deep indeed." She took a slow sip of her wine as she waited for him to go on.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lord Jo'ren Rath on Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:51 am

"Hard not to include the Rakata if you're into Sith Lore though. So it sounds like you know something at least." He picked up some blood wine and continued.

"I'm looking for control modules or devices. I'm told that Korriban might be a good place to look. Or Rakata Prime. Maybe there are other places in Sith space worth looking at?"
True Sith | Blade of Vengean | Dark Side | Massive | Nobody's Fool | Big Damn Hero | Monolith Mauler | Forge Master | Saber Savant
Wears: Armour of the First Wrath. Carries: Two customised lightsabers; utility belt with stuff.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:18 am

Sylvain Torsin wrote:He nodded, "I've been in contact with a potential business partner with research assets... I am interested in finding more aid within the Empire however... Plague is its own obstacle, but it does then contribute to the spread of so many more obstacles."

"Disruptions in productivity," she mused, "discontent, and disorder. Plague is a problem indeed. I wish you and your business partner well in exterminating it."
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:24 am

"Looking for as many partners as I can scrounge up. If you come across individuals interested in the well-being of the Empire rather than these proceedings concerning the Dark Council... Let me know." He said with refined poise.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dapper Dog on Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:29 am

Alister Dravvad wrote:"I spend most of my evenings puzzling through one problem or the next, so I suppose that makes me quite boring as well." He replied a wry smile making it's way onto his lips.

"Not that being boring means I get to skip out on events like this though. It's important to be seen, or so I'm told."

"I would not know, it was never important to my role until now and even this is just for appearances," she said honestly.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Shelzais Sek on Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:55 am

Tyr wrote:
Shelzais Sek wrote:"Lord Malgus's enemies then, I suppose. Unless you're the ambitious sort of apprentice, and have already started making some of your own." Light winked off her fine golden piercings as she raised a brow ridge at him. "I'm afraid I can't help your studies a great deal there. I try to avoid having to become anybody's enemy; it's all just too much work."

“My Master’s enemies are my own,” it came out in that rote sort of fashion of a doctrine deeply ingrained by repetition, not emotion. “Lord Malgus looks to the greater interests of the Empire, threats from within as well as from without. I observe, I remember. And when the shit goes down, I’ll be ready.”

"Well, the shit isn't likely to go down here." Shelzais chuckled to herself, a purring sort of sound. "One hears the Emperor himself may be in attendance."

At that thought she felt something like a cold finger running down her spine, and her face went uncharacteristically still and cool for just a moment. She knocked back another generous swallow of wine to recover her levity.

"Isn't there anything at all here you'd care to partake of in the meantime? Or else Darth Tayana may think you don't appreciate her hospitality. And her cellars really are... diverse." She waved her free hand playfully in the direction of the nearest refreshments table.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Alister Dravvad on Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:09 am

Dapper Dog wrote:Image
"I would not know, it was never important to my role until now and even this is just for appearances," she said honestly.

"So..." He raised an eyebrow, then moved hsi gaze toward the crowd, all the pretty people in their attractive clothes. "No urge to learn about this sort of thing at all then?" He asked, ratehr sure he knew the answer, but still a tad curious.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Lord Bellious on Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:58 am

Jaheem Abasi wrote:Jaheem nodded "I am simply concerned with catching this dangerous and seditious terrorist. I will work with anyone who will lead to that end."

"I'll look into how I can aid your investigations then. I have access to some good big data whizzing." She sipped from the refill, smirking. "Call it Bellious Analytica."
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Tyr on Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:05 pm

Shelzais Sek wrote:"Well, the shit isn't likely to go down here." Shelzais chuckled to herself, a purring sort of sound. "One hears the Emperor himself may be in attendance."

At that thought she felt something like a cold finger running down her spine, and her face went uncharacteristically still and cool for just a moment. She knocked back another generous swallow of wine to recover her levity.

"Isn't there anything at all here you'd care to partake of in the meantime? Or else Darth Tayana may think you don't appreciate her hospitality. And her cellars really are... diverse." She waved her free hand playfully in the direction of the nearest refreshments table.

“No,” Tyr agreed openly, “but when it does, I will not say I did not see this coming. I will be prepared.” He sounded confident that something, somewhere, sometime was going to go down.

The shistavanen narrowed his eyes and glared at the free-flowing drinks, “I do not pollute my body with such things. I maintain a very strict diet.” He snorted at the folly of others, loading themselves with empty carbs. Not that he’d never partaken, but his requirements to allow such nonsense into his system were exacting.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Xyll Vanth on Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:18 pm

Jun-Tsu Farro wrote:"I am not zertain I vill vind anyzhing of uze zhere eizther, but zhere iz alvayz hope. Zhe lore of zhe ancient jen'jedai, reweils iztelf in itz ovn time. Und, in zhoze momentz, ve count ourzelvez zhe mozt vortunate of all."

"Hmm," she nodded lightly. "If you are the sort to go to such places, perhaps you would consider calling upon me to join you, should you find any intriguing leads, that is. There exist many dangers there, best not tackled by oneself."
Sith | Human | Lord Nyx | The Witness | Academy Prodigy | Confident | Dead eye | Core-Worlds Accent
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dapper Dog on Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:43 pm

Alister Dravvad wrote:"So..." He raised an eyebrow, then moved hsi gaze toward the crowd, all the pretty people in their attractive clothes. "No urge to learn about this sort of thing at all then?" He asked, ratehr sure he knew the answer, but still a tad curious.

“Not really, again, if there is a need then of course I would apply research determine what are the most effective styles and topics of discussion to elicit proper responses; make sure to guest lists to identify any outliers, also study past gatherings to find those individuals that as they say crash the party. Perhaps a couple of weeks of intense study,” she said thoughtfully.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dino Brado on Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:05 pm

Dapper Dog wrote:Image
“Oh Qyzen Fes? He is a lovely companion we met on Belkaden, I was doing research on the aboriginal peoples that had inhabited the Yu’li Ma ruins and he came to me needing aid and I heped him of course but he was insistent he offer me something and so he offered his service and we have been fast friends ever since.”

“Oh he’s a Trandoshan too and a very good hunter!”


Dino seems a bit awkward once again. "I don't really know what Trandoshans are supposed to be, other than to please the Scorekeeper. That...that is a challenge, and delight, all in itself."

This seemed like a rather odd way of looking at the galaxy, and other species. The Jedi were...odd. And there seemed to be a chance that this Trandoshan owed a life debt to this woman, which might mean another one of his kind captured and enslaved if he was bound to attempt rescuing her.
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Xal Kimlya on Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:08 pm

Remmington Thalalas wrote:Remmington makes a beyond fashionably late appearance at the party. He is wearing a suit and a fedora instead of his usual attire. After looking around most people are already engaged in conversation. He spots a doctor/mad scientist looking time and approaches the man. "Good evening. I am happy to see another goggles enthusiast at this party."

He had been focused on the party as a whole, and had almost missed the man's approach. He remembered Tyr mentioning something about forests and trees that might apply.

"They are an essential accessory." he nodded. "Especially in hazardous situations. I am Xal Kimlya."
Sith Order ◈ Arkanian ◈ Mystic ◈ Alchemist ◈ Academic ◈ Scientist ◈ Not Mad, Just Disappointed ◈ Work in Progress ◈ Immortal
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:18 pm

Xyll Vanth wrote:"Hmm," she nodded lightly. "If you are the sort to go to such places, perhaps you would consider calling upon me to join you, should you find any intriguing leads, that is. There exist many dangers there, best not tackled by oneself."

"Oh, I vill not be alone," Jun-Tsu spoke in a neutral tone. "Darth Arya has appointed Lady Okatesh to accompany me zhere. Ve hawe known each ozher for qvite zome time. It iz mutually benevicial. I gain accezz to Old Ziost, und a competent second, und Darth Arya can ewer keep an eye on vhatewer rewelationz ve vind...if any."

She sighs, "I do not vish to doomzay, but I do hope zhiz izn't a fool's errand. Ztill, I hawe a great interezt in zhe ancient jen'jedai, zhey are mein anzestors avter all. Und here and Korriban iz vhere zhe zpent zheir earliezt dayz."
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Dapper Dog on Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:22 pm

Dino Brado wrote:"Huh..."

Dino seems a bit awkward once again. "I don't really know what Trandoshans are supposed to be, other than to please the Scorekeeper. That...that is a challenge, and delight, all in itself."

This seemed like a rather odd way of looking at the galaxy, and other species. The Jedi were...odd. And there seemed to be a chance that this Trandoshan owed a life debt to this woman, which might mean another one of his kind captured and enslaved if he was bound to attempt rescuing her.

Yuon offered, “If you like I am sure he would not mind meeting with you, I have learned a great deal about hunting and Trandoshan beliefs from him and we have wonderful talks. I had to make sure he could hunt unmolested here on Ziost, it was trying the paperwork seemed a bit excessive but it was important to him and therefore me too.”
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Xyll Vanth on Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:28 pm

Jun-Tsu Farro wrote:
Xyll Vanth wrote:"Hmm," she nodded lightly. "If you are the sort to go to such places, perhaps you would consider calling upon me to join you, should you find any intriguing leads, that is. There exist many dangers there, best not tackled by oneself."

"Oh, I vill not be alone," Jun-Tsu spoke in a neutral tone. "Darth Arya has appointed Lady Okatesh to accompany me zhere. Ve hawe known each ozher for qvite zome time. It iz mutually benevicial. I gain accezz to Old Ziost, und a competent second, und Darth Arya can ewer keep an eye on vhatewer rewelationz ve vind...if any."

She sighs, "I do not vish to doomzay, but I do hope zhiz izn't a fool's errand. Ztill, I hawe a great interezt in zhe ancient jen'jedai, zhey are mein anzestors avter all. Und here and Korriban iz vhere zhe zpent zheir earliezt dayz."

"How curious, I'd talked to acolyte Okatesh about assisting one another with such endeavors just a week or so ago. She seemed most interested in my assistence then. Though those in our master's orbit tend to share such interests, of course. Still, if you'd have need of a third. Well, do take it under consideration."
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:38 pm

Xyll Vanth wrote:"How curious, I'd talked to acolyte Okatesh about assisting one another with such endeavors just a week or so ago. She seemed most interested in my assistence then. Though those in our master's orbit tend to share such interests, of course. Still, if you'd have need of a third. Well, do take it under consideration."

"I vould be glad to hawe anozher azzisting me in zuch vork. But it iz not mein place to zimply inwite you along. Zhat iz by zhe leawe of Darth Arya, vether you are much needed elzevhere. But iv you are not preoccupied vith her needz, und she doez not zee it az a diztraction to you, I vould hawe you along."
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Xyll Vanth on Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:42 pm

"Excellent," she said, smiling brightly and bringing her hands together. "Do let me know the details at your leisure, dear."
Sith | Human | Lord Nyx | The Witness | Academy Prodigy | Confident | Dead eye | Core-Worlds Accent
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Re: [Day 1 - Late Evening] Salon of Hidden Delights

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:48 pm

Xyll Vanth wrote:"Excellent," she said, smiling brightly and bringing her hands together. "Do let me know the details at your leisure, dear."

"Of courze, I beliewe ve are hoping to go zometime tomorrow, zhough ve hawe not zet an exact time. It vill depend on our mutual engagementz. Betveen zhe zeating challenges for the vould-be counzilor, und zheze vestivities zurrounding zhem....zo much time iz taken avay from mein day. But a necezzary ewil nonezhelezz. Zuch, I am told, iz zhe price v'one pays to be at zhe zeat of pover."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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