Posted by: Eagl3_K1LL3r
Re: So wut’s an Eagle
The Empire is corrupt; it has failed the vision set out by the Emperor. It has fallen; the Dark Council that has sworn to guide our state to greatness have become weak and servile. Corrupted by wont of power, they no longer seek the destruction of the Jedi but only to consolidate power.
The Empire must be reforged, the chains that bind us broken and the old order thrown down. There is a great truth they wish to conceal from you, but we have learned it to be true.
The Emperor is dead; in his place is a puppet of the Dark Council.
We must rise up and cast down the corruption, remove the cancer festering in our bones. Once excised then we can renew the Empire and claim the true Destiny of the Empire. This cannot be done peacefully, there will be blood.
Be brave, be bold, and know that the Empire can never die as long as we patriots fight to preserve the true vision of the Empire.