by Xyll Vanth on Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:53 pm
"Many predators will hunt even when they are not hungry. Some do so with deliberate intent, to eradicate a threat, or because they suspect lean times ahead. Others are shortsighted, and do so out of pure instinct, even when doing so will doom themselves in the process. Like my former master did. She was brilliant and foolish, cunning and oblivious, all at once. She too had a reeksa in her garden, I think. I can't remember what became of it. Withered and died without its caretaker to present it with food? Or gourged itself until it had exhausted its food supply? Perhaps it died even before she did."
She looked at the plant as she spoke.
"She had so much to eat, but stole from another's plate anyway."
Sith | Human | Lord Nyx | The Witness | Academy Prodigy | Confident | Dead eye | Core-Worlds Accent Carries: Armored Robes, Lightsaber, Datapad, Stimpacks
"When you have seen what I have seen, you will know how small you are... and how great you may yet become." Profile |