by Xyll Vanth on Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:18 am
"Ah!" she pushed herself away from the console in frustration, before kicking it.
"Well," she said after a moment, "How is it going over there?"
She realized of course, that making Mira work while still missing a hand, was perhaps somewhat cruel. But then, she was sith, and Mira *had* screwed up. At least she'd sent her to a physician earlier earlier in the evening to get the worst of her injuries taken care of. One did try to ensure one's apprentices were taken care of, after all. Besides, this gave them the opportunity to talk.
(I assume Xyll would've set her apprentice on the same task, but I also assume it's not kosher to have her roll separately?)
Sith | Human | Lord Nyx | The Witness | Academy Prodigy | Confident | Dead eye | Core-Worlds Accent Carries: Armored Robes, Lightsaber, Datapad, Stimpacks
"When you have seen what I have seen, you will know how small you are... and how great you may yet become." Profile |