Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:22 pm
Recently finished within a kilometer walking distance of the People's Tower, four stories tall it is a wide squat structure that resembles an odd spheroid pyramid without a point at the top. The roof is an open air garden reminiscent of the jungles on Dromund Kaas, minus the deadly wildlife. The structure is aesthetically pleasing and well designed with large open offices and spacious meeting chambers. Darth Vowrawn specifically made sure the structure was larger and more luxurious than the Imperial Embassy on Corellia. The Republic delegation consists of Republic diplomats, a small detachment of Republic soldiers, and clerks and functionaries. There is one Jedi ambassador, Master Yuon Par among the delegation, there is a Sith liaison, Lana Beniko, on site.
The structure could easily house several thousand personnel but only has at most two to three hundred permanent staff, including droids.