by Lord Bellious on Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:39 am
Lord Bellious stepped out. Her expression betrayed little. She genuflected before the Emperor and began to speak without an orator's flare despite having the voice for any bout of that kind. It was lowered, semi-quiet, pervasive.
"Peace is a lie, and yet a loathsome peace has been made. I saw a Jedi in this chamber today.
There's only passion, but what I see is guarded calculation, the fear or raw powers Sith should thrive on, agendas cut to small sizes, meant to carve a niche and ingratiate you.
Through passion, strength should be gained, but what I see is confusion leading to indulgence, decadence, and satisfaction with strength like brutes and henchmen understand it. Strength is the Sith's ability to destroy anything in their path, by whatever means. To say to their enemies: I have already won.
Through strength, power should be pursued, but what I see is settling for its conventional substitutes: seats, laws, residences, credits, stocks of cattle-like followers - stability." She venomously seethed the world, sweeping her gaze along the gathered representatives of establishment. "Stability and compromises it brings is abhorrent, it is the death of the Sith Code. Unchecked hunger for power in the Dark Side and all the chaos and change it brings is the Way of the Sith. Nothing is good enough."
She looked up.
"Where is the victory that should come with power? Why are the enemies of your Empire roaming these halls? Your Council is not good enough. Your Empire is not good enough. And they will never be, because there is no end point. They need to be broken and remoulded greater, time after time, for eternity.
I am Lord Bellious and I am not here to pledge anything more than being the true Sith of the Order of the Sith, swearing by the path set for us in Syn's Qotsisajak. All I will pledge is that I will see my chains broken, or perish. Liberation in the Force is my only goal. All else is smoke and mirrors, facades for the petty. The Sith Empire must be Sith, or I couldn't care for it."
"I don't want to be in a club for oligarchs bloated with influence inside their decorated bubble. I want to be among the hungry, the unsatisfied, the chain-breakers, the destroyers of worlds. If you want your Darths oblivious, cowering and pliant, fearful for their estates and turfs, I will not be one of them. But if stagnation is over, I will see the galaxy burn and die in your name, consumed in Darkness. And once the Republic and all other opposition has fallen, it will be time to look beyond."
Sith Lord | Über-Twi'lek | Shadow | Many-faced Lethan | Has Already Won | Aspirant | No Known Master or Apprentice | Captain of the Bitch | Owner of La Belle Époque | Assistant: Razzya
Passion, X-30 Lancer, Fett Armour, Stims, Palm Stunner, Commlink, Datapad, Hans Scanner, Scramble Key, Virginia the Death Robot (sometimes)
"One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." - Friedrich Nietzsche