Kristal Serasai wrote:Following Shaisha inside Kristal walked alongside her friend as they continued to speak, "I have children now, two little girls, they are everything to me and I would see them protected. Especially now."
Kristal Serasai wrote:"You forget that we deal with enemies of influence, if you worry for my decision, I would be closer to my children that I might protect them. Not elsewhere, where I might be forced to receive a call in the morning that they've been taken from me," she replied.
"I do, when the time is right, look forward to our children meeting. Perhaps, maybe, they might form a friendship like ours has been."
Do you seek adventure, the slim possibility of reward, and certain danger with a big manly Sith? *flex* If so then call Jo'ren, like now Shaisha. Or asafp.
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