Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:19 pm

She raised her cup and offered a polite smile. "Let it be written, az zhe zhay."

With a light sip of her tea she rested it back in her lap. "To vace vhat iz coming, ve muzt zhare vith v'one anozher zhe mozt dangerouz of knovledge. Vhile I hawe begun to underztand zhe nature of zhe Emperor, hiz terrible glory iz only now being fully rewealed. Und as I peel back zhe façade zhe more I understand zhe grawity of vhat I zee."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:40 pm

Shaisha cleared her throat softly. "There are many layers to that riddle, and I haven't peeled away them all yet. But I've gained insight few others have."

"After graduating Korriban, I had visions of a world being... I can't say destroyed, but rather, it was drained. Drained of all life, color, existence - all these things that are aspects of the Force. It took me some time, but I found this world. Or rather, the husk of what once was a world, for it lacked anything that made it a world."

There was no doubting her sincerity as she spoke, judging by the serious expression of her face, the fine lines on her forehead as she remembered the discovery. "It was a void. A world entirely drained of the Force. For us to feel the Force comes as naturally as breathing, but to be on that world that was just pure void was... almost maddening." She breathed in deeply.

"He was the one who did that. He consumed an entire world, for his own power and immortality."
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:51 pm

"Zhe vound in zhe Force," Jun-Tsu said more to herself. "I....hawe ztudied zuch zhingz. It vaz.....zhe Night of Terrorz, no? Und zheze echoez ve veel-," she had to pause to collect her thoughts.

"Zhey are like zhe tattered ztrandz of zhe Dark Zide az it vaz ripped from zhat vorld." She shook her head, "I hawe not yet zought to draw on zhiz pover, I hawe not needed to. I vorry zhat to do zo....may cauze more harm."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Dapper Dog on Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:57 pm

The littlest Farro said, “They believed in vim, because he took zere minds and controlled them. His darkness will get inside and make you his, his eyes… your face.”
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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Wed Jun 12, 2019 12:51 am

Jun-Tsu gave a knowing nod, "Vizh iz vhy ve muzt not take zuch eazy pover. Just as auntie zaid."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:54 am

"This world was destroyed a long time ago - it's how he became immortal, I suspect," she murmured thoughtfully. "Likewise, I've felt these... strands of darkness from the Night of Terrors, and it's not something I've had to rely on myself either." But she wasn't sure yet about the truth behind the Night of Terrors yet.

"When following the Emperor's movements to learn more, I found a place on Nal Hutta... there was some form of a Force spirit there. Not a ghost or the spirit of someone dead - more like a projection." Shaisha looked to Vas-Tsu. "This is the one she speaks of when she says there are two Emperors."
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Wed Jun 12, 2019 3:13 am

"I zee," Jun-Tsu nodded in understanding. "I hawe heard from perzon'z greatly in tune vith zhe Forze und cloze to zhe Emperor, zhat he zeekz to enact vhatewer curzed ritual he haz done bevore on a far grander zcale. I hawe zought zhe adwice of dark vraithz of zhe Force, v'one in particular, poverful und pozzezzing knowledge of zhe pazt und future. She tellz me zhat hiz holinezz zeekz to conzume the wery Forze of zhe galaxy."

She looked to Vas-Tsu with a small smile, "Und mein dahrling zayz zhat he grovz hungry und vill need to feed. I do not know how long ve truly hawe."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Dapper Dog on Wed Jun 12, 2019 5:44 am

The littlest Farro makes a biting motion and said, "Hungry."
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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:51 am

"Sooner than later, I believe... we are in a point in time where the future is uncertain, and the pieces are up in the air. Soon, the pieces will fall."

Shaisha idly stroked the spurs on the left side of her face. "He wouldn't have shown himself like this if it weren't because the time was drawing near."
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:03 pm

"Ve are agreed, und I hezitate to zhow zuch veaknezz bevore a new ally, but....I am at a lozz az to how ve can ztand againz zhe oncoming vlood. I go to Old Ziozt zhiz avternoon, blizzard be damned, to zeek zhe vizdom of zhe ancientz, but I am not confident zhat zhe knew of zheze dangerz."

"How doez v'one ztop zhe woid encarnate?"
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Wed Jun 12, 2019 11:12 pm

"That I don't have the answer to... there are others involved who are in motion, but their plans are unknown to me. Perhaps what we can do is to slow it down - delay it." Shaisha tapped her chin in thought. "My father, the Emperor's Wrath, knows too of the truth of the Emperor... but, he and I don't speak much."

With a soft sigh, she crossed her arms and considered their options. "Hopefully you'll learn something from the ancients. Likewise, I will try to learn of the future, and see what other options we might have in preventing this from happening soon... because I have a feeling that the current whirlwind is just a prelude."
Sith Lord | Pureblood | Dark Side | Seer | Regal | Shien Expert | Daughter of Wrath | Vowrawn's Sentinel | Haunted | Hero | Aspirant | Profile | Theme | Day 10 Theme
Ship: Saarai-kaar | Attendant: Hyuna | Suspicion: Above Suspicion
"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:29 am

"Indeed," there was a faint nod of agreement. "Know ve how zhe Emperor came upon zhiz dark pover? I admit he iz unlike any being aliwe, but I vonder....did he conjure zhiz pover vrom nozhing or did he learn it vrom zome dark zource?"

"I know artz wery zimilar, but on an invantezimal zcale compared to zhiz. Long hawe I ztudied mein artz to extinguizh zhe liwing Forze und to breazh new live, but zhat iz...nozthing compared to zhe deazh ov an entire planet."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:36 am

Her brow lowered in thought at Jun-Tsu's question. "Not that I know of... at least, I've not discovered it. That might be something more akin to what some other Darths have discovered though. But I think I'll have to ask Lord Rath on that; I seem to recall he said that Zash stole the life essence of one of our fellow students at the Academy..."

She rubbed her chin, thinking. "Sinea is also one I'll have to talk to. Her gift of foresight is far stronger than mine, and I think she'd be a worthwhile ally."
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:04 am

"It may be zimilar, und zertainly Darth Zazh knoves more of zhiz. It vaz zhrough her, in a manner of zpeaking, zhat I learned zhe truzh of zhe Emperor. Zhe zeemed competent to a fault at zhe Academy, but zhat zhe haz garnered zuch deep inzightz beyond ewen zhe likez of zome of zhe greatezt seerz of zhe Zith..."

She shook her head lightly, the talismans and ornaments of her headdress chiming dully. "She vound zomezhing, zome truzh zhe haz yet to fully reweal."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:08 am

"Mm, so she knows too then," she mused thoughtfully. "Would you say you are close enough to Zash to speak with her more of this? After all, we might need to ally ourselves with her to hold off this void..."
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Ship: Saarai-kaar | Attendant: Hyuna | Suspicion: Above Suspicion
"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:32 am

"I learned of Lord Zazh's inwolvement zhrough channelz. I hawe newer had reazon to zpeak vith her in mein live. But I hawe grown cloze vith Darth Arya, who iz avare of zhiz coming ztorm."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:38 am

"You and Sinea have a connection there then," she nodded as the dots connected more together. "Arya, huh... that doesn't surprise me. She is said to see much of the strands of fate through the Force."
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"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:51 am

"Yez, zhough I truly vonder how var her zight reachez. Az I zaid, Lord Zazh knew bevore ewen zhe mozt povervul zeerz. She haz zeen zomezhing, zomevhere behind zhe carevul wail zhe emperor keepz. V'one zhat keepz hiz nature occluded to all....zave perhapz mein dahrling," she offered just the hint of a gesture to Vas-Tsu.
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:27 am

She nodded gently, looking to Vas-Tsu to see if the strange child had anything to add.
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Ship: Saarai-kaar | Attendant: Hyuna | Suspicion: Above Suspicion
"The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared"

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Re: Poor Unfortunate Souls (D2, LM, Farro estates)

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:09 am

Vas-Tsu hissed, “He feeds on ze darkness. He needs ze blood, he is ztronger when inside you.”
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