The knife cut quick and mercilessly, a sharp sting across the Sith's arm. Jun-Tsu allowed the blood to pour down into the bowl before she cut her own arm too let her blood pool down together. "Blut of zhe creator. Now vocuz on zhe bowl."
She reached a hand down onto the stone mortar as though to emphasize where to pour the Force. And as the two women did so, Shaisha felt a merging, it was so effortless, as their energies became one. Across her arms a faint mist, like vapor condensing on cool glass streamed down towards her fingers. The same phenomenon ebbed from Jun-Tsu, and where only faint droplets of blood had fallen, their wounds began a steady dark stream. But Shaisha did not feel weak, or drained. The deep red turned black, and as the two wounds poured out their viscous ichor, it settled into the bowl, but the bowl didn't fill.
With more concentration, the ebony liquid seemed instead to crawl up, acround the small ball of paste. Where once there was a somewhat mishapen mass, now rested an undulating black pearl. Shaisha could see as more of their offering cascaded across its surface like a wave on a nighttime lake.
Jun-Tsu broke her concentration first, and in an instant the great chamber seemed to come back into light. The emerald mist was gone as were their wounds. Like waking from a dream, everything seemed ordinary and calm. Though from the pearl, settled in its basin, a churning energy seemed stored. It whispered and lulled, like an anglerfish tempting its prey.
The witch ceased it and placed it into the reed amulet. It somehow seemed to ooze through the openings, yet remains solid, and the formerly brown lacquored surface seemed to wilt into a deep pitch, veins of sickly green wrapped across its surface.
"It iz done."
Fetish of Fear - Discipline (Average) = 3 success, 5 advantage, 3 light side, 1 dark side
(final total: 4 success, 6 advantage, 2 dark side)
(Boost from Void Engine, Boost from Shaisha's assistance; Transmogrify: 2 light = 1 advantage, 1 light = 1 success; channel agony +1 dark side)