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Kill The Lights (D6, EM, Haunted Halls)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 6:06 pm
by Lord Tenebrous
During breakfast, Hyuna interrupted Shaisha with a viral video of a Duros attempting culinary arts.

"My lord, I think there might be more to this than meets the eye."

Shaisha looked over it a few times, nodding, and the breakfast was pushed aside as the two women got to work.


D6 EM Decoding Duros viral-video. Boost from Shaisha: 1eP+2eA+1eB+3eD 4 successes, 1 threat

Re: Kill The Lights (D6, EM, Haunted Halls)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 7:36 pm
by Dapper Dog
Enjoy your coupon for Imperial burgers, 50% off with purchase of an Imperial Burger deluxe meal!

Only 5000 calories of deliciousness.

Re: Kill The Lights (D6, EM, Haunted Halls)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:53 am
by Lord Tenebrous
"I wonder if they do delivery...?" Hyuna thought out loud, clearly serious.

"5000 calories? For breakfast?" Shaisha looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What if it's a code thing? Order a burger, get a coupon for a rebel-rally."

"..." Shaisha sighed. "Fiiiine. Go order one. See what happens."

She never thought she'd see someone excited about a mission to go order a burger.