by Jun-Tsu Farro on Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:44 pm
At the arrival of her guests the Korrizian witch roused herself, her senses pulled back into her body and she took in a slow deep breath.
"Zhink nozhing of it, mein Lord," she said standing to offer a curtsy to the two Sith. "Zhough, unfortunately, mein time grovz zhort zo I muzt get to mein point az zviftly az pozzible."
She took up her seat again and gestured for the two to take a place around the circle. "It iz werly likely, unlezz zome new pazh openz to me, zhat I vill die, of a vazhion, vithin zhe next vew dayz. I vill be conzumed by zhe Emperor'z ezzence, hollowed out to make room for hiz growing woid. I am zacrivice to hiz hunger, az Baraz haz put vorward me or mein zizter az Woice to zhe Emperor."
Her tone was grim, but not despondent. Like one resigned to a course of action. "But I pray, in zhe end, zhat ewen zo I may be annihilated, it vill be mein vitchcravt zhat vill be hiz end. But to do zo I reqvire your help. I vill vorge a blade zhat can pierce zhe woid und can kill zhe cancer to zhe Dark Zide. To vork zhiz poverful ritual zo, I vill need four materialz, rare, und dangerouz."
"Virstly I vill need ore vrom zhe plaze he v'once rezted. Zhe plaze dewoid of zhe Forze. Vhere zhe Dark und Light hawe been picked clean, leawing only zhe bonez of a vorld. To pierce zhe woid, I need a part of it. Lord Tenebrouz, I beliewe you know zhiz place."
"Zecond, I vill need zhe blood of v'one az poverful in zhe Dark Zide, az he iz tied vith zhe abyzz. I know already from vhere I can get zhat."
"Zhird I vill need perhapz zhe hardezt ingredient, remainz of a beazed created und mutated by Zith alchemy. Zhe more potent, zhe more povervul zhe blade. Zhe eye und heart of a Zith creation are traditional, but I may make do vith glandz or secreting organz. Ve need zheir pure ezzence to infuze zhe ingreatientz."
"Und laztly, ve need a branch vrom a place of pure Light. Ve need zhe light to strangzhen zhe darknezz, like a candle zhrowz zhadowz into ztark contrazt." She gestured to the orb in the center of the circle as though to emphasize her point.
"I hawe all the baze additivez und admizturez. Powderz, compoundz, und tincturez, but zhe core materialz vill take time to collect, und I need zhem zoon."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother
"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."