by Jun-Tsu Farro on Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:48 pm
"I know nozhing about zhe ozherz, but I prepared vor zhe Emperor'z azzault," she allowed her hand to drift to the amulet, clasping her robes. The twisted, infinite knot, sheened in the ambient light as it shifted in her hand. "I knew hiz pover vould be great, zo it vaz obwious I vould need zome vay to bind it. A zpell, und zome alkhemy, und ewen zhe Forze can be controlled."
The witch let the talisman drop to its natural resting place, as she reached for her waist. Pulling from the foldz of the enwrapping garb, she produced a glinting, emerald pendant. Like a small serpentine pearl rested on a thin golden chain, the talisman felt, in the quiet of the vast chamber, like it vibrated with the Force. To those like themselves, it even seemed steaped in a whirl of shadow and light.
"Az promized. Not zhe gloriouz vork I could do vith more time, but zomezhing of mein appreciation for zhe vork you did on mein behave. An amulet of pover to azzizt you in your vork vith zhe Forze." The witch-queen held it out to Rem.
Though it often takes the form of a small conglomeration of crystal shards, this talisman stores within it a strong connection to the Force. When shattered, the wearer finds themselves surging with additional potency in their Force abilities.
The user may employ this talisman to roll 1 additional [Force Die] as part of a Force power check or when adding [Force Dice] to a skill check Once used twice, the talisman fragments into dust.
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother
"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."