Lord Tenebrous wrote:Her head lifted to notice the new arrival, as few things escaped her keen senses. Something itched at the back of her thoughts, that he seemed familiar. She watched him place his order, and waited for his glass of wine to be brought to him.
The pianist began to play something quietly dramatic.
Seeing as he had his glass, the Sith Lord raised her own glass in his direction; a silent invitation for him to join her.
Ilar'Shala wrote:Mentally facepalming at missing Hyuna's name the first time, Ilar was slightly thrown for a loop.
"Perhaps feel, is the wrong word. I think I briefly glimpsed her at the Spaceport earlier today when the Emperor arrived, but in such a crowd I didn't notice it. Here though, in a more intimate environ it is obvious. Her carriage, her confidence, she practically oozes power."
Alister Dravvad wrote:One didn't turn down a invitation from a lady, especially an attractive one who may have a laser sword in her purse. Seeing the gesture, Alister dipped his head in acceptance and made his way over.
She looked vaguely familiar now that he approached closer, but the same could be said of dozens of other noble scions across the empire. "Good evening." He offered in good natured greeting. "I think we may have met before, but to my shame your name eludes me. So it seems a new introduction is in order. I'm Allister if house Dravvad."
Lord Tenebrous wrote:Hyuna nodded slightly. "Such is the legacy of those destined for power, I've been told. I am quite confident in her lordship's rise to power in the coming days. But I am not familiar with the name of your master, Raela Ausar...?"
Lord Tenebrous wrote:"Good evening... ah, what a pleasure to put a face to the name, mister Dravvad. All our businesses have been done through my attendant before, but you might recognize the name Lord Tenebrous." Not that she knew that Hyuna had then conducted business with Allistar's own assistant, Vair'ea.
"Out enjoying yourself tonight, or warming up to the party later?"
Alister Dravvad wrote:"A pleasure indeed, Lord Tenebrous." Alister replied smoothly, the name was one he recognized, but he never really handled the business side of things. "I do recognize the name. It's one I've seen at least a few times."
"A warm up for the party." He replied moving to take a seat. "One can't miss something hosted by Darth Tayana after all."
Ilar'Shala wrote:"You are the second individual to furnish me with such a warning." Ilar answers, a pensive look crossing his face.
Rumun might have had an agenda, making his opinion tainted, but a second independent source was not to be discounted.
"I will definitely keep your words of warning in mind, as well as those of Rumun Gol, he too cautioned me about Darth Zash."
Tipping his glass back, he gestured to the bartender for another. "Here's to that fine tightrope we walk between useful and dangerous. Would you care for a drink Ms Naath?"
Lord Tenebrous wrote:
"I have no personal experience of this Darth, and Rumun Gol is only known to me as a graduate of the Academy from the same year as her Lordship..." Hyuna said thoughtfully. "But I know her Lordship does not trust Zash, and neither does her close confidante Lord Rath."
She cast a glance to the bar, and gave a shrug. "A glass of wine won't hurt in the span of the evening."
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