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[Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:01 am
by Dapper Dog
Imperial Court - Day 4
Agenda: Should amnesty be granted to the fools that betrayed the Empire in the Outer regions?
Rules: No Additional Rules.
Outcomes: Option 1 - Execute them all (Reduce the strength of Forces in the outlying regions but sends hard message to future rebels, hurts Radical faction hard, Conservatives ascend), Option 2 - Decimation of the Rebels (Purge 1/10th of the outer regions forces through decimation, hurts radicals but still leaves forces intact), Option 3 - True Amnesty (The rebels are forgiven, Outer Regions stay strong, Radicals stay strong), or Option 4 - Do Nothing (This is beneath us, conflict is natural, status quo).
Mood: The mood is tense, due the Emperor's presence and the fact there is concern about the Eagle. Anyone rolling a Despair will increase their Suspicion by 5.

Rules are here.

OOC: Spending 5 Destiny for the first five player rolls, upgrade the difficulty.

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:02 am
by Lord Tenebrous
"Wipe them out. All of them." Shaisha stood straight and spoke cooly.

"Letting them live will only allow them to rebuild and bring new waves of fools who believe in their misguided ideas. Make them into good practice for new recruits instead."


D4 COURT: Feast or Famine? Deceptioning. Destiny upgrade from Dapper. Boost from Social: 2eP+2eA+1eB+2eF+1eC+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
D4 COURT: Forgotten Setback: 1eS 0 successes

Dark pips turned to Advantages. 2 Success, 4 Advantages.

1 Agenda point for Option 1
2 Boosts to next roller

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 4:16 am
by Jaheem Abasi
Jaheem brought the same intensity and force of will to this meeting as last time. "These traitors need to be made an example of! We cannot tolerate this kind of behavior, we must make an example of each and everyone of them. Show the people what happens to those that attempt to undermine the security of our great empire."

D4 cake or death coercion intimidating downgrade social boost 2 boost from tenebrous adv from sith: 2eP+2eA+2eF+3eB+3eD 4 successes, 3 advantage, 4 Light Side

1 point for first option
2 boost to next person.

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 12:26 pm
by Kristal Serasai
"Murderers, you would slaughter them all and weaken our forces merely by association? You would weaken us to declare power. Such is not that I can support. Follow along this path of idiocy if you dare, but know that it will bring suffering to us all because of your failures here today," she spoke hard, unrelenting in her conviction.

"Merely cut out those that have betrayed us, the rebels who would destroy the order that our Empire brings to the galaxy and be done with it."

Day 4, Cake or Death? | Coercion vs Hard, Social Check, Human/Sith Bonus, Boosts from Jaheem, New Adasta Penalty, Dapper Upgrade: 1eP+2eA+1eC+2eD+3eB+1eS 2 failures, 5 advantage

Two Boosts to next roller.
Option 2: 0 Points.

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 12:44 pm
by Dayana Valthren
"Has the peace treaty left my fellow Sith Lords with idle hands? Surely this is not the time for us to start butchering our own people because we cannot use our weaponry against the Jedi."

Dayana lifted her chin. "Do we truly fear some rebels? Have they not seen that they cannot hope to oppose us? Label me radical, I do not fear it; we should extend a pardon to all those involved. Any damage caused will be repaired by them. Any soldiers they killed, well, they were murdered by untrained guerrilla fighters. They were of little use. Perhaps the former rebels even did us a service."

The masked Sith smiled. "We really should be using all of the resources we are capable of. Let them know we can be benevolent, for they already know that we could crush them underneath our boots."


D4 EA Option 3 via Charm, GM Destiny, Two Boosts from Kristal / One from Sense Emotion, Setback from New Adasta, Congenial to Downgrade: 2eP+2eA+2eF+3eB+1eS+3eD 3 successes, 1 threat, 1 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
D4 EA Forgotten Boost for Social Check: 1eB 1 success, 1 advantage
Total of 4 successes.

1 Point for Option 3.

D4 EA Savvy Negotiator (Improved) Fluff Roll: 2eP+2eA+2eF+3eD 3 successes, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
Fluff roll to make Option 1 seem "maliciously unreasonable" to a bystander.

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 4:35 pm
by Dapper Dog
Vowrawn chuckled and added, “See Ravage yu are not the only rabid tu’kata itching to bite your nose to spite your rather drab face… moisturize my friend, moisturize.”

He seemed bored as he continued, “We ruin ourselves for nothing, conflict was won by the strong and we move on, a little deviancy is good for the Imperial soul as long as the Emperor’s will is served… at least the pretty one gets it.”

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 4:38 pm
by Dapper Dog
Ravage stood and said, “I am growing tired of your insults…”

For a moment he considered battle and then slowly took his seat, “Mercy is not the Sith way, they die and those they love die, and those that merely stood by die. Cancer must be removed and removed utterly.”

“One day I will remove you,” he said with venom.

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:12 am
by Rumun Gol
It was the first time Rumun appeared at court, and of course, immediately he stood up in contrast to the rest. He was an alien and an apprentice, but not anyone's apprentice. He was Darth Hoshi's apprentice, leader of the Ministry of Domination, a Darkcouncil member, known for shattering tradition and for cutting Darth Thanaton's head.

He approached so that he could be heard, after the discussion between Darth Ravage and Darth Vowraw. He waited until the mood returned to 'normal' sensing when was the best moment for speaking.

'' My Emperor, my Dark Lords and Lords, noble men and ladies, fellow imperial comrades.'' He bowed respectfully, his raspy deep voice echoing in the chamber. '' Many of you have brought interesting points to this discussion and we should be ought to listen to each side of this rather interesting matter.'' He said.

a pause.

'' The destruction of imperial forces in the outer rim is a tragedy, yes, but one that was meant to be. All is as the force wills it, and if these soldiers perished then it is just showing that they were weak and we should not be giving any thought about them. I have experience fighting in the outer rim as part of Darth Hoshi's forces and i can tell you, there's great potential in seeking these souls for our benefit.'' He adds.

'' The weak perish and the strong linger. These men and women, aliens even, show the will and strength to destroy those that oppose them and delivered a defeat to our forces. Some view treason on that, i see bravery and the true way that our Empire continue to move forward. They broke one of their chains. Instead of punishing them, we should be grateful that they destroyed a weak link in our forces.''

''Surely some ranking officer must be executed for incompetence for letting some rebels outmaneuver our forces into destruction, but to punish those that live and die, and have the will to fight against their chains, it is a mistake.''

a pause

'' Thus, my Lords. We should offer a place among our forces for these so called -rebels- and refocus their passion by integrating them into our forces and unleash them against the -true enemy-.'' He said while using his hands to make a point. '' Afterall, Peace Is a Lie, or i'm wrong?'' He smirked at the end.

Finally Rumun's bow respectfully to the crowd and returned to his place after delivering his speech.


[D4 - Court] Charm/Presence; 1eB from Social Route; 2eC from Dapper and Suspicion, 1eS from Jo'ren; Hard Dif; 1 Adv from Sith, 1 Threat from Alien; Cancel each out; Kill with Kindness -1eS; Sense Emotions +1eB: 2eP+1eA+2eB+2eC+1eD 2 successes

Going for option 3! Pardon the Outer Rim
+1 to Option 3

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 1:41 am
by Lord Bellious
Lord Bellious checked some details with her assistant before speaking.

"As you say, Darth Ravage, Mercy is not a Sith way. But neither is sapping one's potential for new Strength. Hunting rebels would diminish the power of the military that is needed for the battle with the Republic. It would be a waste to spend it on lesser purposes. The defeated who still have the spirit to fight are a resource, not a liability, they just need their anger be directed the right way. While unconditional amnesty makes little sense, a conditional one can change former enemies into paramilitary organisations that can give a lot of trouble to those loyal to our primary foe. What is more, we can acquire a lot of intelligence assets with a hand that squeezes rather than tears out spines. The dead spill no secrets."

She paused. "I have no qualms against pacification and mass executions if they make sense once their realities are juxtaposed with the Sith Code. In my mind, this one, there, doesn't."


Day 4. Cake or Death. Option 3. Deception. Influence. Supporting Evidence. New Adasta Setback. Social Boost+: 2eP+1eA+1eB+2eF+3eD+1eS 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

[2 Advantages for a Boost but only for a supporter of #3, otherwise a threat?]
[If possible Triumph not for the upgrade, but to make Darth Ravage consider a more total war approach to conflict, seeing irregulars as convenient weaponisable and dispensable assets.]

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:18 am
by Shelzais Sek
Shelzais was in New Adasta seeing to some things aboard the Clever Girl and, more or less on a whim, picked today to assert her privilege as a Sith to stand in the Emperor's court. She had some notion of watching the Dark Council aspirants' test, but that wasn't for another hour or two; instead she found herself listening in as various Lords and Darths squabbled over the fiscal qualities of mercy.

Eventually she had to laugh--a merry purr with a knife edge behind it. "Are you Sith, or actuaries? I suppose some of you lot think there's some personal profit to you in killing or co-opting these miserable people, but isn't it all rather insignificant compared to the Dark Side of the Force? Let them all sort themselves out, and whoever rises to the top will be the strongest... that's who you want on your side, for a while anyway." Until they try to kill you... and you try to kill them... oh, whatever, it's all so tiresome.

Some amount of Shel's disillusionment with the entire business of Sith-ness no doubt comes through in this little speech, but she does manage to make ennui sound surprisingly appealing.

D4 EA Court--support Option 4, Team Lazy! Hard Charm, 3x bonus (Sense Emotion, Sith, Social skill), Kill with Kindness removes traffic setback, Influence: 2eP+2eA+3eB+2eF+3eD 4 successes, 2 threat, 2 Dark Side

Convert DS to Advantages to cancel threat.
Success for Option 4.

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:40 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
Jun-Tsu listened to her compatriots as they offered their stances. Well reasoned all, and each with a kernal of truth, it was up to her own estimation, to sift through the truths and half-truths that had been arrayed. She was quiet for several minutes, her hand playing absently over a small black orb in her lap. Finally she stood to speak, her voice clear, her thoughts unimpeded by outside influence.

"Ezteemed Counzilorz, your Holy Eminanze, und all azzembled here. Houze Farro underztandz vell zhe need to purge ourzelvez of impurity. It iz how ve hawe mantained our ztrong connection to zhe Dark Zide for millennia. Excizing, und zacrifizing to zhe Umbră-Ușoară, zhe Dark Light of zhe Forze, all zhoze unchozen by itz blezzed gift. Ve do zhiz az a vamily, und ewen zhough it iz divicult to zpill blood, it iz vore zhe zake of a greater whole."

"But zheze are zacrivicez to a greater cauze. Zhey are martyrz to Houze Farro. Iv ve kill vith impunity, yez, ve may put down zheze mizguided reblez vor a time, but zhe vere vorged in zhe zame firez of zhe empire az zhe rezt of uz. Who vill zheze men be zeen az martyrz to? Martyrz to a greater Zith unity? Or vill zhey call more alliez to zhe banner of zheze vilthy inzurrectioniztz? Ve muzt be zurgical, precize. Not merciful, but ztragetic.

Zhoze found to be traitorz vill be killed, zhoze zuzpected vill be zent to zhe front linez to be zacrivices to our great Empire! Let them be martyrz for uz, not for zheir cauze."

Discipline (Willpower) = 4 successes, 2 advantage
(1 advantage from Sith; 1 boost to next player)

Option 2 = 1 point

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 5:25 am
by Sylvain Torsin
"When treating a cancerous illness one does not take the healthy organs along with the self-destructive. The leadership of those who seek to destroy the Empire from within deserve no quarter. They have sacrificed all claim they have to their own lives. They must be removed with surgical precision. To weaken the Outer Rim to the point where it cannot provide the supplies we need for the Empire is foolish... as foolish as allowing these rebels to go unpunished. There must be swift justice done. The favoritism of some to protect their own over the Empire is unacceptable. The council must move against self-destruction with the same vigor it does against an external attack. Only then can the Empire continue to grow."

He bowed and made his way into the crowd after finishing his remarks.


D4 Court, Hard, Influence, Talent/Gear/Social check 3eB, -2 setback, Light Pip from Armor, 1eB from Jun-tsu: 2eP+1eA+4eB+3eF+3eD 3 successes, 4 advantage, 1 Light Side, 2 Dark Side

Result: Point for Option 2. With 2 Lightside for Advantage that'd be 3 bonus for the next person.

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:31 pm
by Lucinia Malveaux
Lucinia rose, taking her place as speaker. Her expression was cold and stern, her chin tilted proudly upwards.

"A display of power is not power. Sith should know this better than anyone else. Let us not foolishly mistake one for the other."

She looked around, her green eyes narrow. "These rebels have already lost, broken themselves against our power. Killing them does not make us any stronger. It makes us weaker. Now that they are broken, they can give us the one thing that we demand of them: loyalty. So long as they give us that, completely and unreservedly, we will grant them life.

Her lips thinned. "And even more than a display of power is not power, vanity is not power. Remember that."

She sat back down.


D4EA, Coerce for clemency, Option 3, boost Moyr, boost social, adv Sith, setback damnit Jo'ren: 1eP+3eA+2eF+3eD+2eB+1eS 1 success, 2 advantage, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

Dark pip to advantage
1 sux, 4 advantage
2 boost to next person espousing Option 3

Re: [Day 4 - EA] Imperial Court: Cake or Death?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 5:26 am
by Dapper Dog
The Emperor said, “They will be given a chance to die for their Emperor, I do not consider this amnesty. They will continue their duties, unto death.”

The Radicals on the dark Council seem pleased with the result.

OOC: Radical authority will greatly improve and their power will now outclass the Conservative Sith.