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Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon]
Wed Jun 19, 2019 2:27 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
Jun-Tsu stood outside the main doors to the court. Quiet without any aspirant trials or affairs of state on the docket. It was almost pleasant in this part of the People's Tower. She stepped closer to one of the large windows that peered out over the city. Tinted to keep out the harsh light of the day, it cast a pall over Ziost, but did not mask the chaos that raged below.
Folding her hands into her sleeves, she took in a deep, meditative breath. She pushed down all apprehension, steeling her resolve. Then internally she offered a litany of prayers to the Umbră-Ușoară
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Wed Jun 19, 2019 6:02 pm
by Dapper Dog
Servant Nine greeted her for this private audience and said, "I am Servant Nine, look at me!"
"The Emperor will receive you now."
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Wed Jun 19, 2019 6:28 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
The voice and command caused Jun-Tsu to start ever so mildly and turn with a languid gait. She offered a slight nod of the head and gestured to be led in. Whatever calm she had attained, was momentarily gone, as a white hot took hold of her innards. As she walked, she took in deep meditative breaths to center herself. They helped a bit, but feeling the protective charms and amulets aided more.
Ever so methodically she descended towards the emperor's throne, the red curtains cascading all around her, throwing her black silhouette into stark relief. Finally she approached and fell gently into the rituals of the court.
With a low curtsy, held as she spoke, her voice came out clean and soft, "Your Holy Emminenz, Immortal Emperor, iv it pleazez you zhat I may zpeak directly to your diwine presence."
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:04 pm
by The Emperor
"You may speak, potential," he said from under his darkened hood.
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:40 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
(I was at his arrival Day 1, but is there a Fear check to make here?)
"Zhiz mozt humbled v'one iz greatly honored to be here, to be in your magnivicent prezence," Jun-Tsu rose but kept her eyes averted. "Darth Baraz, in hiz vizdom az bozh your councilor und your voice, zhought, iv it pleaze you, zhat I might succeed him, to allow him to better vocus on zhe tazkz of hiz eminent pozition. Und it haz been long held tradition zhat your illuztriouz Voice be diworced from zhe Council. Houze Farro haz, for az long az it haz exizted been keeperz of zhe old traditionz, und ve vould be honored to be zhe v'onez to reinztate zhiz v'one."
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:44 pm
by The Emperor
“House Farro has been resurgent,” he responded.
“To become my true voice will demand much of you, you will know my will and even share in my power, but you will never truly be Jun-Tsu again. You will cease being just another or a servant of the Emperor, you will be the Voice.”
“You will be powerful beyond the Dark Council.”
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Thu Jun 20, 2019 12:05 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
In her periphery she tried to glance Darth Baras, his expression, anything. She reached out through the Force, to taste at the emotions that poured throughout the room. All of this, in just a few moments while she formulated her response.
Sense - 2 Light, 2 Dark
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Thu Jun 20, 2019 12:17 am
by Dapper Dog
OOC: It will be a Discipline + Force check, 6 red dice as difficulty.
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:08 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
The witch could feel the twists and knots put in the Force to prevent any of Baras' emotions to eek out into the world. Exactly what she would have expected from a master of spies, but her years of skill with the Force made her a formidable opponent, focusing her will to a razor's edge to cut away the layers upon layers misdirection and false emotions. The two stared at one another across a mental gulf and even if she did not manage to fully eek out the truth, she had at least shown herself skillful enough in the Force to be considered, at the very least, a willful pawn.
Though all this kept, as much as able from the Emperor's attention, Jun-Tsu's face a mask of placidity, "I beliewe I am willing to make that zacrifice mein Emperor. Vor who vould not vizh to be zubzumed beneazh your splendorouz ezzence."
Oblivion awaitsDiscipline (Willpower) = 0 success, 2 threat, 1 triumph
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:12 pm
by Dapper Dog
Darth Baras seems pleased with this outcome; an emotion of pride pierces his veil but she suffers for such a glimpse.
OOC: Suffer 2 strain.
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:20 pm
by The Emperor
The Emperor replied, “We shall see if you can endure the process. Once this process is done with the Aspirants then you will begin your transformation into the Voice.”
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:23 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
"By your command mein Emperor. I am ewer at your zummonz. Call upon mein perzon by your leawe, vor I vizh to know you az I know meinzelf. To be vith you iz to be v'one vith zhe Dark Zide." She offered another low curtsy holding it as she spoke.
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:11 pm
by The Emperor
He gestured for her dismissal and turned to his Hands.
Re: Filia, Mater, et Spiritus Tenebris [Day 5, Mid Afternoon
Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:53 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
She rose, keeping her eyes averted, occluded though they were beneath the headdress, and stepped away. With a turn she carried herself from his presence, up the stairway, through the cascading balconies of the court, and to the hall from where she came.