[D7 EA] Mastery of War - Lord Abasi
Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:46 pm
Jaheem arrived at his trial and for the first time a sliver of fear reached him as he approached the Emperor but he reined himself in and used this fear to power through the first dummies leaving little but scrap in his wake. The second set proved more challenging for the aspirant but through a bit of lateral thinking he defeated the droids though it looked less masterful than it other wise might have.
Then it came to the questions portion and while Jaheem had little actual experience with batle field command he used the force to lend his answers an air of confidence, which on top of some information he had the inquisition look up for him the previous night he easily passed her scrutiny.
Successful in his trial he looked to the Guard and his hand came to his newly constructed saber. For a moment he paused "I have proven I know of warfare to further fight to the death serves no purpose but entertainment and potential to waste lives that could otherwise be used to serve The Empire."
Will not proceed to stage 2
D7 EA Fear check against discipline: 1eP+3eA+2eC+2eD 2 failures, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
Failure with triumph used to upgrade next roll
D7 Mastery of War Lightsaber (Brawn) vs Hard upgraded due to triumph set back from fear: 3eP+1eA+3eD+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage
3 Successes
D7 Mastery of War Lightsaber (Brawn) vs Hard set back from fear: 2eP+2eA+4eD+1eS 3 failures, 1 Triumph
Failure but triumph so 2 success
total: 5 success
D7 mastery of War leadership test boosts from powerbase set back from fear influence upgrade: 2eA+2eB+2eF+4eD+1eS 2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
using darkside for successes
total: 7 success= Pass with 1 aspirant point.
Then it came to the questions portion and while Jaheem had little actual experience with batle field command he used the force to lend his answers an air of confidence, which on top of some information he had the inquisition look up for him the previous night he easily passed her scrutiny.
Successful in his trial he looked to the Guard and his hand came to his newly constructed saber. For a moment he paused "I have proven I know of warfare to further fight to the death serves no purpose but entertainment and potential to waste lives that could otherwise be used to serve The Empire."
Will not proceed to stage 2
D7 EA Fear check against discipline: 1eP+3eA+2eC+2eD 2 failures, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
Failure with triumph used to upgrade next roll
D7 Mastery of War Lightsaber (Brawn) vs Hard upgraded due to triumph set back from fear: 3eP+1eA+3eD+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage
3 Successes
D7 Mastery of War Lightsaber (Brawn) vs Hard set back from fear: 2eP+2eA+4eD+1eS 3 failures, 1 Triumph
Failure but triumph so 2 success
total: 5 success
D7 mastery of War leadership test boosts from powerbase set back from fear influence upgrade: 2eA+2eB+2eF+4eD+1eS 2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
using darkside for successes
total: 7 success= Pass with 1 aspirant point.