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PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:27 am
by Dapper Dog
Suspicion Ranks

Their are five ranks of Suspicion, from rank 1 to 100. The lower the Suspicion the more trusted one is. All players will start at 40 Suspicion and it will be further modified based on species, origins, and background. Returning characters may have a further adjustment based on past actions. No player will start below 31 Suspicion or above 65.

Above Suspicion (1 to 15): This is the lowest level of Suspicion and means the character is completely trusted by the Imperial authorities. This trust grants the player a free upgrade to any one roll in any event the character participates in. Also when providing Evidence of Sedition or Disloyalty they get a free Success on the attempted check.

Any increase of Suspicion at this level is doubled, and if a character ever rises above this rank they can never attain it again during the course of the game.

Trusted (16 to 30): At this level of suspicion, the character has no positive or negative modifiers to die rolls, but they are considered a just and loyal Imperial citizen or ally.

Untested (31 to 65): This is the default level of suspicion for most, and thus means that the Imperial eyes are watching their actions. They suffer an upgrade to the difficulty of their first roll in an event, and suffer a setback die when providing Evidence of Sedition or Disloyalty.

Marked (66 to 85): The character has done something to gain the eyes of the Imperial authorities, they are Marked and will not be welcome at Imperial Court and may even be excluded from public social events. The character suffers an upgrade to the difficulty of all skill checks in an event. Any attempt to provide Evidence of Sedition or Disloyalty must add an automatic failure to the roll.

A Marked character will probably be targeted for an interrogation by authorities as well, at least once per day. A Marked character seen in public with characters who have are Untested or lower grant those players a 5 point increase to their respective Suspicions.

Enemy of the State (86 to 100): At this level of suspicion the character cannot join any public events or Imperial Court and is hunted by Imperial authorities. If a player begins the game day at this rank then they will be targeted for "Neutralization." This is a certain death combat encounter, this can be avoided for the game day by expending 20 Influence.

At this level they cannot provide Evidence of Sedition or Disloyalty.

Re: Suspicion

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 11:01 pm
by Dapper Dog
Evidence of Sedition or Disloyalty

The Empire believes in loyalty from citizens, any disloyalty should be reported to Internal Security immediately so the dissident can be investigated. Doing so can be a way to remove suspicion from the character and even increase another player’s suspicion level. This is always anonymous, to protect from fear of reprisal.

Players can provide evidence once per session. This is a Deception, Charm, or Knowledge Education check at Hard difficulty. If this is used against another player then it will be the higher of their Cool or Discipline ratings for the difficulty to a minimum of Average, if that player is a Sith add a setback die and if that character is an alien, not true blood Sith, then add a boost die to the roll.

If successful then Suspicion is reduced by 10, if used against a player that player’s Suspicion increases by 5, if a Triumph is rolled double the effects. If a Despair is rolled the player somehow incriminates themselves and increases their own Suspicion by 10 points no matter the results, per Despair rolled. A player character can only be targeted up to three times in any single session and a total of five times across the game, anything beyond that is wasted effort, remember you do not have to target a player and the default is assumed to be unnamed NPC.

This in general takes a time slot to complete solely dedicated to delivering the evidence this can be done off screen but keep in mind it takes a slot.

Re: Suspicion

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2019 6:02 pm
by Dapper Dog

Species: Humans and True Blood Sith have no adjustment, any other species increase Suspicion by 10.

Origins: Imperials citizens have no adjustment, all others increase Suspicion by 10.

Backgrounds: Those of Criminal or Slave backgrounds increase Suspicion by 5.

Sith: Those who are Sith reduce Suspicion by 5.

Re: Suspicion

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2019 7:33 pm
by Dapper Dog
GM's Note: If a player is targeted that player will be notified that they are a target but not by whom, and they will be allowed to use Destiny to upgrade the difficulty if they so choose and does not count against their daily allowance.