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It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:05 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
The smooth black floor, was like a nighttime pond. Nothing marred its surface save for the glints of light reflecting off of its polished face. Jun-Tsu's robes seemed to blend with the floor, the ebony fabric falling from her shoulders, down and then splaying out in a pool where she sat. Before her a small blue-white orb over which she waved a hand. Above it, twice as large as life, the hologram projected.
Still aboard Arya's command vessel, Jun-Tsu had input the private code given to her and her sisters to contact their queen back home. She did so now. Head bowed as she waited for the ancient Sith witch to answer her. If she would, it was possible she already knew what had occurred.
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:07 pm
by Dapper Dog
She gets a code back but only the words that Ka-Tai returned to the Umbral Dark this morning on Korriz.
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:23 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
Though she had barely spoken since the death of the Emperor, she was stricken to speechlessness. She slumped forward slightly, a hand rested on that cold blackness beneath her. Her eyes closed almost reflexively and she felt the all too familiar jumble of emotions as they all sought to overtake her. She felt it snaking through her body, as small arcs of obsidian lightning jumped over her body, between her fingers, and through her body across the floor of the wide, dark chamber.
The witch shook her head and commanded the power within her, drawing it back to her, holding it deep within her. This was not the time. The fulmiation ebbed, and Jun-Tsu was left alone in silence as the projector switched off. Had this been her plan? Had the knife merely been an instrument to transmit her great-grandmother's power? Or was that merely wishful thinking, to imagine the wise, powerful, cruel, and terrifying woman had killed the Emperor with the last of her power rather than simply slipping away in the night into the Umbră-Ușoară.
There was so much that woman knew of the Dark Side, mysteries and aptitudes that were beyond the ken of any other of her family. Mysteries Jun-Tsu had never been able to learn, perhaps would never be able to learn.
But that would not stop her trying.
She rose to sitting and waved a hand over the projector, setting in the communication code for Lord Orethion's estate. It was time to find out what become of the family she had here. Silently she waited for a reply.
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:27 pm
by Dapper Dog
Fa-Lei answered and said, “We have felt his passing zhose of us that retained our minds stand, mein honored sister.”
“I made zure zey did not suffer, ze family must remain strong. I truzt you have heard ze news from Korriz?”
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:39 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
"Only juzt, mein zizter," she bowed her head in a slow nod. "But I am greatly lightened by zeeing you aliwe und vell. Zhoze zhat vell, zhough I mourn zheir pazzing, are zacrivices to zhe Umbră-Ușoară. Like our brozherz und zizterz not chozen by itz dark light, zhy hawe been ovvered up to ztrengzhen Houze Farro und our bond vith itz invinite und perwading pover. Ewen vizh zheir lozz ve are more povervul in zhe Dark Zide zhen ewer."
Jun-Tsu raised her gaze to her sister's image, "Ve muzt be ready vor vhat comez next. Zhough I did not expect to zee it, ve muzt now prepare vor mein daughter'z azcenzion. Bevore zhiz iz done I vill zee Houze Farro rize higher zhan ewen great-grandmuter had zeen. Zhe vill be Emprezz, und zhe vill of zhe Dark Zide vill be honored v'once more by zhe Empire."
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:06 pm
by Dapper Dog
“Zhen our Queen can rest knowing ve have secured House Farro’s fortunes,” she said confidently.
"Ve must look to our future now, perhaps it is time ve simply annex House Balmung and end zhis farce of an alliance."
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 12:31 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
"Not juzt yet. You and all mein zizterz who ztill liwe vill be pulled from Houze Balmung, I grant you zhat," Jun-Tsu nodded. "But zhey vill be kept az senschal to Houze Farro. I offer zer Thalalaz zhiz lazt kindnezz vor being vith uz at zhe Emperor'z end. Und hiz Houze muzt prowe it'z continued uze avter hiz end. But zer Thalalaz muzt be kept cloze....juzt vor now."
"I hawe taken zhe virzt ztepz along zhe pazh to mein daughter'z gloriouz rize, und along her pazh she muzt learn a great lezzon vrom her vater. She muzt hawe zhat opportunity und in zhat moment, zhould ve valk the pazh correctly, he zhall vall to her pover, und hiz light extinguizhed vor her benevit."
"May hiz children, und hiz vive prowe more loyal to zhe Dark Zide zhan he haz been. Und may zhey underztand zhe merzy und generozity ve grant now, und vhat cruelty und punizhment ve met out iv zhey vail."
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 12:40 am
by Dapper Dog
“If zhey reject zhe Umbral dark zhen ve shall purge zhem,” she said confidently.
“I vill be eager to return to Korriz, what is your future mein, honored sister?”
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:00 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
"Vor now, I muzt remain here. I do not doubt I und Vas-Tsu vill be called upon vor zertain matterz of ztate az ve zolidivy Houze Farro'z control. But you, return to Korriz az you vizh, und make zhe proper arrangementz for a true prezence here on Ziozt. Ve muzt alvayz be prezent in court, und ve muzt keep eyez on all who are vith mein dahrling daughter."
"In time zhiz vill be a token number. I zhall be mowing to Korriban, und zhere I vill eztablizh Houze Farro's presence more prominently. Az ve encircle our belowed child-emprezz und prepare her vor her azcenzion. Let Darzh Arya handle zhe Counzil und zhe Empire writ large. Ve can porwide her vith Farro myzticz to counzil her. Perhapz join her elite apprenticez."
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 2:02 am
by Dapper Dog
“I vill see to Korriz then return here, to keep our presence looming,” she responded.
“Vill you be succeeding Ka-Tai or zhall we call a conclave for zuch a matters?”
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 5:46 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
Jun-Tsu slipped into silence, it was a matter she had never considered. The seven Lords of House Farro, were formidable in their own right, and had long waited for Ka-Tai to pass along so that one might ascend, but still, with House Farro's ascension Vas-Tsu was the rightful ruler of all, including House Farro. She pondered the matter.
Lifting her gaze once again she offered a calm conceit, "Houze Farro muzt newer be diwided. Ve are ztrong togezher, und ve muzt take our vaith in mein dahrling, Vaz-Tsu, und uze it to bind ourzelvez to her. Houze Farro muzt be ruled by her, but az Darzh Arya iz regent to zhe Empire, I vill act az regent vor our Houze. Zoon, zo, zhey vill be v'one und zhe zame. Vhen Vas-Tsu azcendz, she vill lead Houze Farro und zhe Empire. Vor now, tell zhe elderz only zhat zhe young Emprezz vill not intervere vizh zheir plotz, but zhat I vill zee to zhe loyalty of Houze Farro to her gloriouz azention."
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 5:59 am
by Dapper Dog
"I vill make zhem see reason," she responded.
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:07 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
"A zhouzand zhanks, mein zizter," More zhan any ozher, I vear I vill lean upon you und zhe ozherz in zhe dayz, monzh, und ewen yearz to come, az zheze matter zettle. Houze Farro rizez, but vizh it, I vear, zo doez our burden. Ewer you are a godzend to me und mein dahrling. Know, bevore all of zhe inzanity, how muzh ve appreciate your evvortz."
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:22 am
by Dapper Dog
“You are zhe mother of darkness, it is mein honor,” she said respectfully.
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:28 am
by Jun-Tsu Farro
She nodded her head. "You hawe your tazkz, zet about zhem, und tell me vhen zhey are vinizhed. Ve ztruggle vor zurwival und dominance at zhe zame time now. Und ve zhall newer know zhe comvort of zhe zhadowz again. Now zhe true trailz beginz."
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:43 pm
by Dapper Dog
"Ve vill endure, by your leave honored sister?" she offered respectfully.
Re: It iz Done [Day 8, Late Evening]
Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:04 pm
by Jun-Tsu Farro
She nodded and allowed the communication to end. The projection flickering then dissipating.