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Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:55 am
by Ilar'Shala
Ilar was uncertain about much in this endeavour. The level of autonomy that Raela required from him to truly assist her in achieving her goals meant much time out from under her boot heel. It was a state he had not much experienced in the last 30 or 40 years.
Time blends together so much, he thought to himself as he sought entry to the grand Cathedral, on a hunt for allies to Master Ausar already.
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:04 am
by Dapper Dog
The structure was open and dark on the inside when a young woman of thick build with a t-shirt that read in Basic, Magpie, approachd him and said, “Hello, you new here?”
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:13 am
by Ilar'Shala
Ilar smiled at the woman and nodded in confirmation.
"I am. My name is Ilar'Shala, servant and emissary of Raela Ausar who has been honored with a candidacy for a seat on the Dark Council."
He had rehearsed this part of his speech quite often and was pleased with how it sounded.
"I am here to see how her inevitable ascension could benefit the followers of The Word, in exchange for their support of her claim."
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:25 am
by Darth Hofu
“Another pretender wishes to take a seat reserved for a true student of Dread?” a man said in a deep but sweet tone.
“You come into this place a servant, how has she broken you slave?” the man said the shadows revealing his dark features as he approached. The woman he was speaking to retreated with reverence.
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:40 am
by Ilar'Shala
"The darkest times predate my service to Master Ausar." Ilar explained softly, not wishing to share his past, but nor wishing to alienate any individuals this early.
"Darth Acklys broke my body repeatedly, testing my limits as a 'weak alien', but he never succeeded in breaking my spirit. When Master Ausar assumed his position by might, she took control of all his assets. I respect her power and serve."
Cocking his head to one side, Ilar asks a single question of his own.
"My understanding is that there are two available seats, yes? We do not need to be at cross purposes in this journey."
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:44 am
by Darth Hofu
“Sith rarely share anything even when there is more than enough to go around,” he said darkly.
“Aliens are of weaker make, but they are not without their merit. What are you offering, slave of Ausur?”
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:59 am
by Ilar'Shala
"I have come to open the lines of communication, Darth Hofu." The Twi'lek replied gently, picking up what he perceived as a dissatisfaction in Hofu's tone at mention of the Sith way.
"My Master believes in strengthening the Sith Empire as a whole and that the Council should be focusing its talents outwards rather than cannibalising their own for individual gain. I can offer nothing here and now beyond opportunity, if you do not wish to seize upon such..."
Ilar turns to the Magpie adorned woman. "Then I would respectfully ask for the opportunity to prove myself worthy of learning the teachings of The Dread Word. To bring its wisdom to my Master."
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 4:01 am
by Darth Hofu
Hofu replied, “All are welcome to learn the Dread Word if your Master is true to these words have them come and learn for themselves. The Dread Masters bring the truth to all, and through them bring us all closer to the Dark Side and true domination of the galaxy.”
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 4:27 am
by Ilar'Shala
"I will make certain to extend your most generous offer to Master Ausar. I am sure that you understand and anticipate the demands that will be placed upon all the candidates' time during this event however. This may be an undertaking that will need wait until after her ascension."
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 4:29 am
by Darth Hofu
“If she truly wants my aid she should make time before she is anointed the Chosen One,” he said with barely contained mirth.
“What will your role be then, slave?”
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 4:37 am
by Ilar'Shala
"My role will be as it always has, to serve my Master with loyalty and entirety, regardless of my current or future station." Ilar hints ambiguously. "What talents and skills I provide to her may change, but my loyalty will not."
"Everyone answers to someone after all. Well, almost everyone." He adds wondering if even The Emperor had a higher power he answered to.
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 4:56 am
by Darth Hofu
"You were meant for more," he said with a light sigh.
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:03 am
by Ilar'Shala
"Perhaps it is as you say, and yet also, perhaps it is not too late. As my Master's star rises, so does my own for after I assist her in earning her Council seat, my path takes me to the academy on Korriban, to better understand myself and the power within me."
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:14 am
by Darth Hofu
“You will die at the Academy with that kind of slave talk,” he said honestly.
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:27 am
by Ilar'Shala
"I am not afraid of death, there are far worse things than that." Came a swift reply from Ilar.
"But don't most students at the Academy have a Master in some capacity? Either way, at that point in my existence my shackles, but not my service will be broken."
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 6:34 am
by Darth Hofu
“A Sith is not a slave, our Masters do not bind us with chains, they bind us with want of their power… a slave has no will. They are not a person, barely a thing, a hydrospoon waiting to be used and then discarded. You might begin a slave but when you are done you would be Sith, and that means something or at least it used to,” he said wistfully.
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 6:51 am
by Ilar'Shala
"It will mean something, to me at least." Ilar admits with a little more emotion in his voice than he intended.
"My Master has already discussed how this will change our dynamic and I am looking forward to learning at her feet, instead of staring at them."
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:06 am
by Darth Hofu
“A Jedi does what he is a told, a Sith does what he musts,” he responded.
“You will always stare at feet, no one can break your chains but yourself.”
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:11 am
by Ilar'Shala
"I am only wise enough to realize that I know not how this will change me, but that to achieve my full potential I must change, without and within. I must change." Ilar clarifies, using Hofu's own choice of words.
"This endeavour will give me the tools to break my chains and let me choose where my ties and loyalties lie."
Re: Knock, knock (D0, LA)
Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:16 am
by Darth Hofu
Hofu replied "Does loyalty truly exist between Sith?"