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[D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Fri Jun 07, 2019 4:38 am
by Rumun Gol
First hour in the morning, a hooded robed figure walks through the streets of Varas Point, going directly towards the Cathedral of Dread.
Fear was one of the most important emotions in the sith repertoire, and certainly it was a core part of the Sith Code. Rumun has felt fear in the past, several times. But he is also in favour of controlling emotions rather than let them control oneself.
Entering the dark temple, Rumun removes his hood, looking around for someone to talk to about this whole new religious movement inside the Sith Order and see if he can learn something about his own fears.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:03 am
by Dapper Dog
There was a circle of people involved in prayer or perhaps meditation around s single woman doing slow movements in silence following her actions. It was one part stretch and another part dance it seemed but the stances got more and more complex.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:06 am
by Rumun Gol
The xenos sith observes for a moment this strange, but rather interesting, ritual for a while without disturbing it at first.
Then he approached in silence just enough to be noticed, but not enough to disturb them in any sort of way.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:17 am
by Dapper Dog
They continued this exercise for nearly twenty minutes before they were finished. They dispersed all but one woman who simply smiled and said, “Rumun Gol, my master said he foresaw your coming.”
Her accent was exotic, not Imperial.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:59 pm
by Rumun Gol
Rumun bowed to the woman respectfully. '' All is within the force. If i'm here is because i was destined to come and seek the knowledge that Darth Hofu and his church is wisely speading to the galaxy.'' He said.
'' The question is, i'm worthy of such knowledge?or i'm just another lesser being predestined to perish in order for the strong to linger ahd thrive?'' The duro asked the woman, offering a smile to her.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:08 pm
by Dapper Dog
“I am not a judge only a teacher, if you fail it may be that I was no. skilled instructor, or you were a poor student. I am an excellent teacher,” she replied.
“Do you wish to learn the Word of Dread?”
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:14 pm
by Rumun Gol
'' Knowledge is always what i seek. And words carry power. I'm seeking the 'truth' behind this galaxy and this existence.'' He replies to her.
'' Perhaps the Words of Dread are the truth i have been seeking since i broke my first chains, years ago, in Korriban.'' He nods to her.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:25 am
by Dapper Dog
“As expected of a Sith,” she said respectfully.
“I am no breaker of chains but I can open your mind to new possibilities if that allows you to shed your chains… your old self… the bindings that hold you, then so be it.”
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:20 am
by Rumun Gol
'' Good '' Rumun replies with a nod. '' I do understand the general aplication of emotion, as any other sith does, that can fuel the darkside. Yet so many sith fail to control and channel those emotions into useful ways, letting it destroy themselves as passion overwhelms them.''
'' I firmly believe that to become a wise sith one must know and control these emotions. Not the otherway around.'' He adds.
'' At least from what i understand, fear is the base, the basic form from which the darkside channels itself, providing both the strength and weakness, if one does not manage to understand and become one with it.'' He finally adds.
'' But those are my previous perceptions of what fear and emotions are. I'm not here to be bound to the past. I'm here to destroy my present self and to become a new stronger person. So, my mind is open.''
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Sat Jun 08, 2019 2:02 pm
by Dapper Dog
“I do not feel the Force but I know the Path of Dread, and Fear is the foundation of all other emotions. Fear of being alone engenders love, fear of being inadequate births Jealousy and envy. Fear of sadness drives us to be happy and content even fooling ourselves to accept situations that are anything but,” she said gesturing him to follow.
“It amuses me how many Sith suffer through their emotions like children. I expected better, perhaps I expected too much,” she said to Rumun.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:26 am
by Rumun Gol
Rumun listens with intent and nods to her, as she explained her version of Fear. He was here to learn, so he listened quietly and tried to absorb as much as he could as he followed this Dread Priestess.
'' Power is like a sweet nectar. Many siths become addicted to it, and then blinded by it. It is not an easy task to keep oneself in control when to force pushes on to get more and do more. I have seen it many times, one time a sith lord even tried to kill me out of nowhere because she was overwhelmed by her desire of the darkside...'' Rumun told her how he nearly died by Lord Haydriss once.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:33 am
by Dapper Dog
"How unfortunate, and yet you survived," she responded.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:42 am
by Rumun Gol
'' I tried to use the force to control her, but i' merely an apprentice so my power was not so great so as to stop her. Then i used my lightsaber and cut my way out into safety. Fear was a big part of what made me move forward, it was fear of her that made me run faster and destroy many obstacles in order to escape...'' He continues.
'' Yet, for the most part i remained calm. If i had let fear totally control me at that moment, then i would had perished. But that example is not enough. I wish to know fear and let it surround me, and then refocus it towards my enemies.'' Rumun said. '' Maybe the story could had been different if i had knew how to tap fear and used it to destroy that sith lord at that moment.''
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Mon Jun 10, 2019 4:32 pm
by Dapper Dog
"The story would be different," she answered.
"The Dread Masters are a source of power but they demand much of those they raise up."
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Tue Jun 11, 2019 2:16 am
by Rumun Gol
'' I see.'' Rumun nods. '' Are the Dread Masters' words written for all to read, or do they pass from mouth to mouth in a more personal level?'' Rumun was interested in knowing if there are some sort of scriptures.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Tue Jun 11, 2019 3:00 am
by Dapper Dog
“Darth Hofu has memorized their words and he shares such knowledge with his disciples. He is the conduit of Dread, the bridge between us and the Dread Masters,” she responded.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Tue Jun 11, 2019 3:21 am
by Rumun Gol
'' Interesting. Maybe one day i will be worthy enough for meeting Darth Hofu and have the privilege of learning and listening directly from him.'' Rumun said.
'' In any case, my Lady, before you were doing some interesting ritual that seemed to be a dance, it was this cultural expression part of your life and culture or part of the rituals of the Dread Masters?'' He asked interested in what you was doing before.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Tue Jun 11, 2019 6:43 am
by Dapper Dog
“Both, dance is common among my people and we danced for love and ware and all things in between… that was my dance strength to honor those who had begun to walk the path of Dread. If you wish to see I can show you and teach you the steps,” he said.
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:16 pm
by Rumun Gol
'' I will be honored, my Lady.'' Rumun bowed respectfully. '' It might not be apparent at first glance, but i have deep admiration for all sorts of cultural and artistic expressions.'' Rumun said.
'' That you have managed to find a link between that cultural expression into the path of fear and dread is all but even more impressive and admirable, to say the least.''
Re: [D1 - EM] Fear leads to Anger
Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:28 pm
by Dapper Dog
"Oh?" she said with surprise.
"Anything you care to share my Lord?" she said as she prepared the area for her dance.