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[Day 4 News]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:12 am
by Dapper Dog

“This is Dayi Risdol with Imperial Action News, a proud member of the Imperial News Network reporting to you live from the People’s Tower on New Adasta! It is 5:15 in the morning local time and I have to say it is a great Imperial day,” Dayi said with her trademark smile and audience endearing attitude.

“I would like to draw attention to a charity event this event held by Dalren Vis, a local humanitarian and loyal Imperial citizen. The Fourth Annual Aurum Dawn Art Gala will be the event of the season and I plan to get their extra early to see all the great people that will attend including the mighty Emperor!”

“Remember that a healthy citizen is a loyal citizen, serve the Emperor best by making sure to wash your hands and maintain a clean daily hygienic regimen. Now if you live in these regions,” she said gesturing to lit up regions of the Empire in the outer reaches, “and experience nausea or fatigue, or perhaps flue like symptoms see your local physician immediately. Remember fellow citizens, the Immortal Emperor cares about your Health and well-being.”

“Later this morning I will be meeting with prospective Aspirants for the Dark Council tune in tomorrow for exclusive footage of my interviews with these champions of the Sith. Remember the Sith are our saviors, they are the thin line between you and the Jedi who would murder anyone and everyone you love and care for. If you believe your child has the potential to be Sith report them immediately to Public Security for analysis, maybe a future Dark Council member is in your living room right now?” she said with a warm smile.

She adjusted her glasses and said in a more serious tone, “Remember fellow citizens there are many threats to our livelihoods and it is up to you to be vigilant and report any activity to Public Security. You may not trust your neighbor, but you can always trust Public Security and the Immortal Emperor.”

“Now let’s check in with B2-HV1 for the weather…”

Re: [Day 4 News]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:25 am
by Dapper Dog
Profile of a Sith - Lord Tenebrous
"My name is Lord Tenebrous, apprentice of Darth Vowrawn of the Dark Council - though some know me as Shaisha Vreysk before I was granted that title." She sat with a relaxed confidence as she spoke. "Daughter of the Emperor's Wrath, growing up in the household of the late Aramis Torsin alongside governor Torsin and the Steel Valkyrie... well, it was only natural that I would be among the top graduates of the Academy. Some people are just destined to rise to power like I have, and like I will."

Her thoughts on the Vile Republic
"What can I tell you about the Republic though? Their average citizen seem to be to not be much more different than the average citizen of the Empire, but in truth the difference lies in that they are fooled by ideology like equality, democracy, and free speech." Shaisha's tone grew a bit more serious. "Equality is a lie; some people are powerful, some people are weak - that is a fact of life, so why should the powerful stoop to the level of the weak merely to fulfill some fantasy of equality? Democracy, as you've said before, ms Risdol, is placing society at the mercy of the masses. And free speech is merely a breeding ground for idiocy and endless fodder of noise from the ignorant and dumb."

A woman of Destiny
"Every step of the way I have fought and bled and relied on my own skill and power. My first kill, I was still a child. My first lightsaber, I claimed in combat from a slave leading a foolish revolt that got her and everyone following her a painful death. The death of the great beast of Korriban known as Death's Shadow, a victory through cunning and a ruthless fight. Defeating the Children of Revan, earning the title of a Lord, and now having reached as far as standing ready to take a seat on the Council, none of this is from nepotism or favoritism; it is a path I have carved in fire and blood with my power and deep understanding of the Dark side of the Force."

"My chains were broken years ago, and my strength continues to grow. That is the destiny of those marked with power."

Profile of a Sith - Lord Bellious
"My name as a Sith Lord is Bellious. Before Darth Jadus discovered my talent and assigned me to study among the most remarkable year of Korriban students in recent history I had been an independent shipping contractor. My background allowed me to learn the realities of the galaxy first-hand. My early exposure to the corruption and depravity of the Republic has left me with deep hatred for it and an insatiable desire to see it coming down in flames. The course I have given to my life, now reaching for the Councillor seat, has set me on the path to do just that. In my lifetime I aim to see Coruscant burning and to take part in slaughter of the Senators and their Jedi lapdogs." She delivered it in a pleasant, conversational voice.

Her Thoughts on the Future
She paused to take a sip of water. "But to forge that future, we need to tap deep into the foundations of Sith tradition. I am against losing that focus following Darth Thanaton's demise. For me personally, great works of Naga Sadow and Exar Kun on Yavin IV have been a source of much insidious thought and violent inspiration, and I fully support the works of Darth Vengean and his excellent disciple, Lord Rath, to bring this primordial Dark Side world into full fold of the Empire. The great Sith Lords of the past give us a clear direction how ancient powers and ingenuity can coalesce into victory we seek. Thus while some brand me a Radical by default, I think I'll find a lot in common with more conservative Councillors like Darth Arya and Darth Ravage."

Profile of a Sith - Lord Jaheem Abasi
"Certainly, I am Lord Jaheem Abasi of the Sith Inquisition. I was raised here on Ziost, the Abasi's have many holdings here in New Adasta and in Varas point. I graduated from the Academy on Korriban with top marks around 7 years ago and have served the Inquisition since not long after my graduation. I have brought many heretics and errant Sith to heel putting my life on the line to defend the people of the empire from those who would wish to undermine ouir safety and security for their own gain." He spoke in a clear and strong tone, his posture radiating confidence and strength making solid eye contact with Dayi as he spoke and using his hands to effectively emphasize points but not too much as to detract from his words.

A Loyal Son
"Dayi my appointment would have many benefits, I am a loyal son of the Empire and I want nothing more than to see it flourish into it's full strength. I will push for reform that will allow every citizen of our vast empire be judged based the merit of their strength. No long reserving the right to power for select people our leadership will be filled with those who earn it and deserve it."

An Even Greater Empire
"Everyone should know I am here for change, I am here to help claim the glory the Empire. I have fought for my chance here in this spot light, I have bled, I have been broken again and again, mind and body. Strife has made me, conflict has shown me the path to power and so it shall show the Empire. I have dedicated my life to service of this Empire and I will do it again from its highest echelons and any who oppose me will be met with all that I bring to bear, when the dust settles the strongest shall sit upon that seat and intend to prove myself as one such person." he said in clear tones full of conviction.