- Ziost: A cloudy day on Ziost. Varas Point has light snow fall throughout the day. Outside of temperature controlled areas the temperature is -13 degrees C.
- Korriban: Korriban is in its summer and it is dry and hot with temperatures peaking at about 39 degrees C in the late afternoon with little to no cloud cover. A night it dips to bout 15 degrees C.
- Dromund Kaas: It is raining and spring here, it is balmy and very sticky when outside temperature controlled regions. There are storm warnings for the evening with lots of lightning strikes.
Imperial Court: Cake or Death - Early Afternoon
Imperial Court: Cake or Death RP - Early Afternoon
Aspirant's Challenge: Mastery of Knowledge - Mid Afternoon
Mastery of Knowledge Observation - Mid Afternoon
Bulls on Parade! - Early Evening
Aurum Dawn Art Gala - Late Evening to Early Night
Aurum Dawn Art Gala RP - Late Evening to Early Night
Rumors and Whispers
Four days.
Imperial Burger is made of jawas.
I heard Darth Jadus has a secret apprentice?
The Emperor?
Alright you are cut off.
What a twist!
The Steel Valkyrie got married, I am crushed.
You never had a chance.
Just have to play the LONG game.
Jawas are made of Imperial Burger.
The Eagle will save the Emperor from the Dark Council!