Player Characters

The Cast of the Game

Re: Player Characters

Postby Raela Ausar on Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:39 pm

Gender: Female
Species: Sith Pureblood
Background: Imperial Noble
Marital status: Single
Age: 22
Height: 6' / 183cm
Build: Statuesque
Hair: Black, long, braided
Eye Color: Yellow-orange

Raela Ausar Is a very tall woman from a long bloodline. She has the regal bearing and red skin that suggests such, and never fails to dress her part. Still, very observant people may notice subtle armor on underneath her clothing, and those who have noticed it once come to notice that she is never in public without it. Despite her noble appearance, she's not particularly personable, a sign of her long years on the outskirts of the Empire, working first only with her former Master, Darth Acklys, or now on her own.

The Ausars are not quite as long-running a family as some but they are still a long and proud line, most of whom have been strongly force-sensitive over the years. A few of her family members over the centuries have been Dark Council members themselves, and she intends to match their success. The family does have one issue, however - it seems that few of them have a good sense of direction, and they are rarely without a datapad in their hand keyed to its map.

Raela believes that strength is as strength does - believing someone is weak for reasons beyond the proof they show is faulty reasoning. This puts her in opposition to the conservatives already on the council, though she's wise enough to recognize where her own strength isn't at it's full potential and to be wise where she expresses such opinions.

  • Raela is known to be a level-headed person (for a Sith) who prefers strength be tested against outside enemies. If you share a similar view, we have things to talk about.
  • She normally spends much of her time at her citadel on a planet on the fringes of Sith space. If you've been in the area, she might have something to say.
  • She has an impressive collection of ancient Sith Lore and alchemy, and is always interested in gathering more.
  • She seems a bit paranoid.
  • She gets lost easily, and is likely to wind up just about anywhere.
  • If there's a chance you might have a connection with her old Master, a skillful scientist and alchemist called Darth Acklys, feel free to contact.
Force Sensitive | Aspirant | Sith Pureblood | Imperial Noble | Alchemist | Lore-collector | Apprentice of Zash | No Sense of Direction

On Person: Long-range comlink, datapad, lightsaber

"Wait, hold on... Let me check my map."
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Malorus Lightheart on Tue Jun 04, 2019 12:21 am

Name: Malorus Lightheart
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Background: Sith from a Noble Line
Marital status: Please, no.
Age: 22
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160
Build: Slim

Background: Malorus comes from the small but old Lightheart noble family. Though unlike his siblings, he trained with his uncle rather than the academy. He still works for his uncle. And that's about what the rest of the nobility and the Sith know of him for the most part.

Common people might recognize him more. Malorus Lightheart is a popular racer. Speeders are his favorite, but it goes fast, he can make it go faster. Combined with his moth-theme aesthetics, he sticks in people's minds. That he decently charming and easy going makes him more popular.


- Maybe you know a family member of his. They are constanly trying to raise the prestige of their House. Though they probably only ever mentioned in passing as child number 3

- His uncle is a researcher. Those on the cutting edge of research into the Force might have heard of him.

- His uncle has recently joined the pro-alien movement with his favored apprentice, a Twi'lek woman named Ulra.

- Are you into speeder racing? You might have heard of the Sith you randomly shows up to races and usually wins.

- Do you like going fast? Malorus is someone you might want to meet.
Sith - Dark Side - Human - Noble - Racer - Trusted

Equipment: Double-sided lightsaber, Armored Clothing (when appropriate)

Starship: "The Cocoon" / Vehicle: "Mothra"

"Speaking" Thinking
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Mahr on Tue Jun 04, 2019 2:10 am

Name: MAHR
Gender: MALE
Marital status: ?
Age: 23
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 290 lbs
Build: Towering

No one knows much about this massassi and might pass as one of the recruits for the 'indoctrination camp' at first, careless, glance.

But even then one would need to note the exceptionnal stature of this specimen, the odd and ominous armor he wears as well as what looks like blood tattoos

Towering over the population of Ziost, Mahr makes lesser siths change the side of the street they walk on.

Who is he and why is he here?

-Do you work with the Massassi Queen? Good.
-Do you like brutal and gory massacres? Superb.
Massassi-Forever the Red Queen's agent-Brutal-Imposing-Monolith Slayer-Dark Tattoos-King-Cultural Promoteur
Equipment: Bone, bronze and leather ceremonial armor. Vibro-ax. Black Gauntlets
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Ilar'Shala on Tue Jun 04, 2019 4:58 am

Name: Ilar'Shala
Gender: Male
Species: Twi'lek
Background: Slave
Marital status: Single
Age: Young Adult
Height: 1.7m
Weight: 70 kg
Build: Would blow over in a stiff breeze

Little is known of Ilar'Shala. He is not a mover and shaker in the galaxy, in fact he is little more than property of his master Raela Ausar. Ilar is a slave.

Having previously served under Darth Acklys until his untimely demise, now he serves under the dead lord's former apprentice. Serving as a personal assistant to the powerful Sith, Ilar is helping to ensure his master earns her rightful place upon the Dark Council.

Do you too suffer or formerly suffer under the yoke of slavery?

Are you interested in backing the winning aspirant for a seat on the Dark Council?

Are you unsatisfied with the plight of alien species under Imperial rule?
Imperial/Twi'lek/Apprentice of Raela Ausar
Suspicion: Trusted
Wears: Signet Ring, Formal robes, cascader, comlink, datapad.
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Col. Hala Moraal on Tue Jun 04, 2019 9:18 pm

Gender: Female
Species: Human
Homeworld: Dromund Kaas
Marital status: Single
Age: 39
Height: 5'9"
Build: Average

Once an infantry officer and subject of minor propaganda and recruitment features, the good colonel continued to change and grow with her appointment to Corellia as ambassador when she'd otherwise expected to return her diplomatic credentials. She developed polite relations with her counterparts as well as the local government, spreading her influence and potential with relatively unobjectionable affability. Ever since her run in with a Nikto fanatic, the metaphor of a steel fist clad by a velvet glove had become less subtextual. Her habitual hand coverings obscured the alloyed prosthetic which she'd largely become adjusted to even if she still occasionally experienced phantom pains.

She maintained formal dress in most instances, though she usually wore a derivation of her military dress uniform rather than the real thing unless protocol called for it. Crisp, sharp lines adorned by insignia noting her rank and awards, command cylinders, a small pin with the Fett family crest, and the sigil of the Empire she served. It was elegant, practical, and functional - everything the good colonel endeavored to be.

With the future of the Empire in flux, a more traditionally career foreign servicemember was assigned to take her place on Corellia and she was reassigned General Balin Unjin's command to facilitate his ongoing mission to promote the general welfare and public security.

  • Hala has spent much of the time since Nar Shaddaa involved with a diplomatic mission to Corellia and Republic space. If you have interest in foreign relations, she's been recently involved in that game.
  • For those interested in Mandallorian culture, she was welcomed as an honorary member of the Fett clan by Corso himself. Then there are also rumors of her relationship with Clan Kelborn and one of the prominent factions in its schism that go by the name of the 'Kelwraiths'. Kelwraiths have even been rumored to raid planets where Imperial troops are deployed.... yet its funny that the two sides never seem to engage each other.
  • She enjoys studying foreign cultures, even if her experience is far below the level of an academic. She even has a small collection of non-human artifacts, which recently include Nikto religious icons.
  • The Watcher continues to watch. If you are involved in the Imperial Intelligence Service, then she might let you see beneath the mask.
  • If you are interested in the good of the Empire, not just interested in short term indulgences, then you might find the colonel an ally.

Sidekick: Warrant Officer Elise Jutrian

Assigned to the newest member of the General's staff by Unjin himself.... or maybe his chief of staff. It's hard to tell. Maybe she's there to keep an eye of Hala. Maybe she's there because she isn't the most military of officers, but she somehow earned a warrant which placed her well outside the normal course of military discipline. Either way, she's a bit of a shut in with a specialist to likewise staff her. Mostly this consists of doing her laundry, pressing her uniforms so she has something proper to wear if she ever really needed to, polishing the boots that she never really wears, and cooking food or otherwise furnishing her meals. And fetching her caff. In fact, it's mostly the caff.

She's failed to qualify for basic marksmanship proficiency over the last four cycles, because she never shows up for quals. She only passed PT in the same time period because she connected the workout machines in her quarters to the medical database. She claimed she didn't actually care, but it took her less time to make the modifications rather than argue with her superiors, so it was worthwhile over all.

It's a wonder she's still a part of the Army.
Last edited by Col. Hala Moraal on Tue Jun 04, 2019 9:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Imperial · Human · Military · Intelligence · Ambassador
Dress uniform, insignia, ribbons and medals, code cylinders, comm link, data pad, species database, holdout blaster, stimpacks
Specialist: Warrant Officer Elise Jutrian
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Col. Hala Moraal
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Rowan Camwen on Tue Jun 04, 2019 9:39 pm

Name: Rowan Camwen
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Background: Imperial Noble
Marital status: Single
Age: 20
Height: 6'2
Weight: 220 lbs
Build: Average

Rowan Camwen is a socialite heir, previously Third, now Second, in line to the head of his minor house. Currently capitalizing on his journey of self discovery and attempting to network contacts before settling into some minor military career to help build his family's power base. He currently finds himself in a high risk, high reward time to be on Ziost, and is hoping to not make any lasting enemies during his stay.

There's rumors that he's on some form of delayed military leave, no doubt a perk of his social status and the not so subtle nepotism that takes place in the empire.

  • Rowan has an interest in the nightlife scene on Ziost, you might encounter him acting like a complete tourist.
  • Have opinions on the role of the Military in Sith and Empire Society? Rowan would love to hear it.
  • There's rumors about the fate of his older brother, if you care about lower class nobility gossip.
  • Rowan's expressed an interest in the Eagle, for whatever reason. Those looking into that may encounter him.
Last edited by Rowan Camwen on Wed Jun 05, 2019 4:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Human ◈ Imperial ◈ Noble ◈ Seeking Career ◈ Tourist

Carries: A small courier bag with various daily needed items
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Xal Kimlya on Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:24 pm

Name: Xal Kimlya
Gender: Male
Faction: Imperial, Sith
Species: Arkanian
Background: Scientist
Marital Status: Single
Age: 23
Height: 6'
Build: Slim

Xal Kimlya is what most might expect of an Arkanian. He is intelligent and confident and carries himself with a sense of self-importance and superiority. His demeanor is usually precise and cold, and he wastes little time with pleasantries or small talk. He wastes little time with any social interaction. Xal would spent all of his time in the lab, if he could.

This has always been his way, even during his days in the Academy. While others were cutting things with laser swords, flying obstacle courses, lifting rocks or playing with others minds, he was in the lab, plumbing the secrets of the universe and the mysteries of the Force. The union of these studies was alchemy, which he embraced with a zeal he has shown towards nothing else.

His reclusive and driven nature has begun to earn Xal a reputation as an eccentric. He serves the Empire dutifully and has never refused an assignment. He has often served as a physician for the military, in addition to his scientific consultations. Each task is handled quickly and efficiently, before abruptly moving on to the next. Many of his patients and colleagues are put off by this demeanor. A few. have named him the Mad Doctor.

While he has been on Ziost for some time, his more recent assignments have drawn him more and more out of the lab. Recently, he's been assisting Darth Zash with some of her recent acquisitions.

GR8-1.3.jpg (48.44 KiB) Viewed 27994 times


Xal's only consistent companion, GR8-1 fills the role of assistant and rival. The droid's expansive knowledge is often invaluable to the Arkanian's research, while its social protocols make acquiring the materials his experiments need easier. It still frustrates him when it knows something he does not, however, or when its playful nature distracts from their work.

  • Science!
  • Need a Doctor?
  • Looking for an alchemical boost?
  • Need something to kill off unwanted pests?
  • Are you interested in participating in intensive studies and experimentation, with a reasonable risk of pain, incapacitation and death, for the betterment of the Empire?
Sith Order ◈ Arkanian ◈ Mystic ◈ Alchemist ◈ Academic ◈ Scientist ◈ Not Mad, Just Disappointed ◈ Work in Progress ◈ Immortal
Suspicion: Trusted

Carries: Lab Coat, Datapad, Hand Scanner, Commlink, Lightsaber, Data Goggles
Accompanied by GR8-1
Avatar by GhostWolfe
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Shelzais Sek on Thu Jun 06, 2019 12:00 am

Name: Shelzais Sek (Shelzy, Shel, Shelz etc. to old friends)
Age: Mid-20s or so
Species: Sith Pureblood
Background: Imperial Noble
Height: 165cm
Build: Hourglass
Complexion: Classical crimson
Hair: Red-tinged black (and carefully styled, of course)
Eyes: Orange

Background: A scion of the ancient Sek lineage, Shelzais had good prospects as both a fashionable Sith socialite and a promising student of the Dark Side of the Force. That is, until Korriban. The young aristocrat survived to finish near the top of her class, but something about the experience seems to have left her profoundly disaffected, though she doesn’t talk much about the details. She departed the Academy deeply disillusioned with Sith philosophies and politics and has been little seen or heard from in powerful circles since. Her family considers her rather a disappointment these days (though Sith Purebloods live a long time, and maybe she'll come around yet).

Since then Shelzy’s spent several years on the outer fringes of the galaxy, in the regions that neither the Empire nor the Republic fully controls. She fell in at various times with smugglers, pirates, and other disreputable but entertaining characters, coming away from her most recent entanglement with the title to a ship of her own and an itch to visit the old home fort again, if only to confirm to herself that nothing much has changed. She had no idea she was walking into the biggest Sith political season in years... but the Dark Side has a wicked sense of humor.

Appearance: Shelzais consciously makes the most of her sculpted face and curvy body type, projecting a voluptuous femininity through her clothes, jewelry, and mannerisms. Her voice is frequently a purr, her nails sharply manicured and makeup lush, her wardrobe various and stylish (or outré, depending on one’s perspective). By conservative Sith Pureblood standards she might, if anything, be considered rather too soft-looking for classical perfection—all those curves and curls, and no scars at all to be seen—though her smiles can have a wildness that evokes her carnivorous ancestors.

Assets (no, the other kind of assets!):
Light freighter, the Clever Girl
Sail barge/home, the Wild Ride (based out of Varas Point)

  • Are you an Outer Rim wanderer? A merchant on the gray side of the law? Maybe Shelz has met you in her travels. If not, she might like to!
  • Were you a Sith student at Korriban a few years back (probably about ~6)? You and Shelzais could have been contemporaries, though whether that’s a happy memory for her might be debatable.
  • If you are a member of the Sith aristocracy you might be an acquaintance or a family connection.
  • Anyone who harbors a certain level of cynical distaste for Sith politics and philosophy might find a sympathetic ear in Shelzais (as long as you’re not too dull about it)
  • Do you like to party? Life is a cabaret… In addition to being a regular at certain clubs in New Adasta, since returning to Ziost recently Shelz has taken to hosting entertainments on her rented sail barge. Assume that any player character can get an invitation, whether or not they’ve met her… at least the first time. After that, well, the only consistent rule at Shel’s parties is Don’t Be Tiresome.
  • And in general, Shelzy loves the finer things--music, dancing, spirits, clothes, jewelry, art, exotic pharmaceuticals, you name it. If you like that stuff too, she'll have something to talk about with you.
Sith Pureblood ⟡ Force-Trained ⟡ Demimondaine ⟡ Waste of a Good Sith Education
Varas Point: hoverbarge Wild Ride ⟡ New Adasta Port & Space: freighter Clever GirlProfile

"Start by admitting from cradle to tomb
Isn't that long a stay..."
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Sarron Dorros on Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:28 am


Name: Sarron Dorros
Age: 37
Species: Arkanian
Background: Scientist
Height: 1.8m
Build: Lanky
Complexion: Pale
Hair: Long and White
Eyes: White

Background: From the moment he was born, Sarron was enhanced and made to be the smartest and greatest possible Arkanian he could be. Taught with the great minds of the species, learning the Force and its abilities to create items of power. Eventually, his focus on this blend of science and the Force to take his studies outside of his homeworld and onto Ziost, taking with him some Offshoots as assistants and caretakers.

Appearance: Mostly wearing the traditional black robes of the Sith, his other appearences look as if he is taken care of in the basic regards (remember to bathe, wear clean clothes, etc), but otherwise no real care is dealt to his physical appearance beyond that which is required for social niceties.


Name: Maral
Age: 16
Species: Arkanian Offshoot
Background: Apprentice Sith
Height: 1.6m
Build: Slender
Complexion: White
Hair: Long and White
Eyes: White, though with a iris

Bio: Growing up on Arkania was not easy for one of her kind. The main set of her species, the Arkanians looked down upon her heritage, that of a Offshoot, not to mention her heritage of the Sephi, a genetically comparable, Force Sensitive species that made for excellent reproduction of the Offshoots. Being born thru natural means meant little to her standing, as her standing within their society, denoting nothing more than a quicker and less costly means of producing more workers for the mines.

When her current master, Sarron Dorros claimed her and her mother and moved off planet, her abilities within the Force began to shine more prominent. Showing worth to his master, he allowed her to start to learn the ways of the Force to improve her abilities while he continued his research and production of alchemist items. Having moved offworld, away from the judgmental eyes of her sort-of kin, she grew quickly as her race does and learned all about the mastery of her abilities. While he was not at all familiar with her abilitiy to mask herself within the Force, he still allowed a place for her to learn, while utilizing her DNA for some research purposes.

Over time, this caused her to develop a strange parental bond with Sarron, all the while having any emotional connection to him being spurned, probably due to his race's well known superiority complex. Still, she moves on and continues to try to impress him to show her worth; that the small act of kindness, no matter the reason, that brought her and his mother away from their home planet to Ziost was worth it.

  • Do you f#&$!ing love science?! Well, Sarron f#&$!ing loves science!
  • Are you a species known for their superior intellect and knowledge? Probably not, but that doesn't mean he'll insult you to your face on how stupid you are: that would be quite rude.
  • Do you care about the who gets to sit on the council? He doesn't, but that does not mean he can't find a interest in helping you, so long as you remember it when the time comes.
  • He's actually pretty decent at patching people up.
  • Have some interesting Force teaching to pass on? He's always ready to learn more about it.
  • On his personal time, he does like to practice his blade work.
  • Need some Alchemical items, no questions asked? If you got the funds, you got his attention.
Sith Order | Arkanian | Mystic | Alchemist | Academic | Scientist | Suspicion: Untested |Profile | Home

Carries: Robe, Datapad, Commlink, Some Tool or Something, Talismans and Potions
Often accompanied (though usually unseen) by Maral.
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Sarron Dorros
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