Jun-Tsu Farro wrote:She offered a nod in return and went for her drink. "I zuppoze zhat iz zo. In much zhe zame vay I am curzed juzt zhe zame. Zhough mein vamily are not military, I vaz zhe only v'one to be trained on Korriban, und zo, vaz zeen az zhe mozt....zocialized, of mein ziblingz, zherevore if vallz to me."
"Cursed?" That was a interesting way to describe it. "I suppose it could be looke dat that way, especially if you aren't one for social events much like myself." Alister drained his glass and beckoned for another. "I find drinking makes them more platable of course, a few more of these and I might even try my hand at dancing."
He smirked. "It won't go well."