[Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

Residential areas of the wealthy, powerful, and well connected

Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:43 am

Jun-Tsu Farro wrote:She offered a nod in return and went for her drink. "I zuppoze zhat iz zo. In much zhe zame vay I am curzed juzt zhe zame. Zhough mein vamily are not military, I vaz zhe only v'one to be trained on Korriban, und zo, vaz zeen az zhe mozt....zocialized, of mein ziblingz, zherevore if vallz to me."

"Cursed?" That was a interesting way to describe it. "I suppose it could be looke dat that way, especially if you aren't one for social events much like myself." Alister drained his glass and beckoned for another. "I find drinking makes them more platable of course, a few more of these and I might even try my hand at dancing."

He smirked. "It won't go well."
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Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:59 am

"I know zome traditional dancez of Korriz, but I doubt zhey vould be popular among zhiz crowd. No matter how cloze zhe two planetz are." She sighed and continued to nurse her own drink. "I understand zheir necezzity, but zhy can be a vrightvul bore. But ve all need a moment to break vizh our vork vrom time to time, I zuppoze."
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Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:34 am

His eyes canned the crowd, lookign at last to the dance floor. "I don't know drunk as these people seem to be they'd probably go over pretty well. Though you're like to get some catcalls and demands to 'take it off' as well." He wasn't sure she'd take to kindly to that either.

"You're right about that though, I'm more find of quiet evenings in my home when it comes to relaxation, a fire a book, and a few glasses of wine. What about you though? What do you do to unwind, Lady Farro?"
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Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:41 am

"Plumb the unvazhamable reachez ov zhe Dark Zide in zearch of ewer ezcaping v'oneness vith zhe Forze," her tone was laissez faire before turning to him with a dispassionate expression, "Or I get drunk, vind a being, und use zhem az I pleaze for zhe ewening."

She looked back to the crowd, "It dependz on mein mood."
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Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:54 am

He chuckled softly at that. "It sounds like you know how to party, Lady Farro." It wasn't his typical approach but he had done the same more then once. "And if this is going to be the last enjoyable evening on Ziost, that sounds like a plan I can get behind." There were enough attractive women here, it'd be easy enough to find a partner as well.
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Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:06 am

"Do not take offenze, but tonight iz more zhe vormer zhan zhe later. I hawe vound men a diztraction, und vor now I need a clear head," she finished her glass. "Metaphorically zpeaking."

She gestured for another.
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Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:19 am

"Don't worry yourself over that, Lady Farro. To be honest my eyes were on the dance floor more then on you." He dipped his head towards her. "No offense intended of course." But with a room full of sexy aliens, why concentrate on the one woman wearing robes.
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Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:50 am

"Zo much zhe better, good ser," she agreed taking up her new glass. "I zhall vatch zhe debauchery vrom here."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: [Day 7 - EN to MN] Xenos Masquerade Ball RP

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:44 am

"You've got a good seat for it." He mused his eyes scanning the crowd for a likely partner, there were a few women that came to mind but he didn't know if any where here. Taking a deep drink from his cup he rolled his shoulders. "At least for the time being."
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