Dark Council

The Cast of the Game

Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:33 pm

The current ten members of the Dark Council in no particular order.
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Re: Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:35 pm

Character Profile: Darth Ravage
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While Darth Marr and Darth Vengean are nominally the swords of the Dark Council, commanding massive military resources, Darth Ravage is the Dagger is the Empire. While most Sith of the rank Darth have some military resources at their disposal, Darth Ravage has command of the Black Operations internal and external to the Empire. Ravage is perhaps the most visibly ruthless and emotional of the Dark Council, having seized his spot in mortal combat with his predecessor. Darth Thanaton called for his head but the other dark Councilors impressed with his brutality and ambition, countered the threat. This would start a rivalry that lasted until Darth Hoshi killed Thanaton.

Ravage is a creature of hatred and violence, he has few allies on the council while he seems to respect Darth Marr he sees Darth Vengean as an old relic who is due for retirement. He venerates the Emperor first in all things and believes fully in his vision. His closest ally on the council would be Darth Marr, if only because Marr seems to want what is best for the Empire, the rest are simply obstacles.

Loyalty is important to Ravage, and loyalty to the Emperor and his commands comes first in all things. He is what many consider a Moderate, he has no patience for tradition but sees drastic change from what has come before as foolish. The Emperor created the perfect society, which is what should be followed not dogmatic devotion to ancient and often useless rights.

His private life is not well known. He spends much of his time alone in his estate on Drommund Kaas, when not in the field. It is known that he was married once but a rival struck at his spouse and killed them, long before he joined the council. He finds the tedium of court foolish, but has over time learned the necessity of it, often by being on the wrong side of Darth Vowrawn’s intrigues.
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Re: Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:36 pm

Character Profile: Darth Hurn
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Darth Hurn is a quiet woman, even unassuming in her manner. Vowrawn describes her as a xufiyan spider, a tiny multi-legged creature that lives in the sands of Korriban; it has a potent venom that it administers in the ears or nose or open orifice of it’s victim and then settles into the quivering victim and eats the dissolving insides till it is fat and happy. Many would take the comparison as a slight as xuifyan spiders are considered a deadly pest, but she smiled and acknowledged his words with mirth and a rare public smile.

This encapsulates her presence, she is waits for the right moment to strike, often lulling her prey into a false sense of security and complacency. She enjoys utilizing poison and potent toxins when extracting information and has delved into Sith alchemy to further enhance her creations and draw out pain in her victims. Her role within the Dark Council is as the first of the Inquisitors, she takes it upon herself to purge out weakness within the Sith and the Empire. She does not control all of the Inquisitors but most answer to her and those that do not, respect her authority.

A devoted ally of Darth Thanaton she hates Darth Hoshi with every fiber of her being and still mourns the passing of the great Sith lord. Hurn has only grown more Conservative in her belief and finds the very fact that an alien has even joined the council as a sign that the Empire has fallen low. She wants to purge the weakness from the Empire but for now must bide her time as Hoshi seems a fixture on the Dark Council for the foreseeable future. Despite her leanings, she gets on well with Darth Jadus, and was quietly relieved to see him suddenly return to public life. With Thanaton dead, Hurn has taken a more active role in leading the Conservative faction of the Dark Council and the Sith.

In her private life she prefers quiet solitude to study and practice her art, and unlike many Sith eschews the black and red for soft whites and lighter colors. She enjoys high society though she prefers to observe more often than partake directly but she is at ease in public. She maintains several apprentices who vie for her favor by seeking secrets and relics and burning weakness from the Empire.
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Re: Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:44 pm

Character Profile: Darth Marr
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Considered the defender of the Empire, Darth Marr is a war hero whispered with the same awe of Darth Malgus or even at one time Darth Xevious. Darth Vowrawn often refers to Marr as the adult in the room, when he speaks of the Dark Council and this speaks volumes for Marr’s role on the council. He is a voice that is steadfast in protecting the Empire and unifying the elements against their enemies. He despises the infighting and tries to stay above it but he is Sith and understands that compromise is difficult if nigh impossible and when pushed crushes his enemies with military force. He is not the knife like Darth ravage, he is the plasti-steel boot that crushes the neck of the enemy.

A hero of a thousand conflicts, on the battle field he evokes a cold fury that quells his enemies as he crushes them with them overwhelming Force, literal and figurative. A skilled fighter and master of the Dark Side, Marr shows surprising reserve and foresight to not simply waste resources because he is angry. His military resources respect and love him and their loyalty in most cases is unto death as they have witnessed the Dark Councilor face overwhelming odds in the name of the Emperor and survive.

Marr is respected on the Dark Council, his closest rival would be Vengean more so out of how much their sphere overlap and their divergent approaches to warfare. Marr and Vengean both often lead from the front but while Marr inspires with his fearsome nature, Vengean evokes fear in his subordinates, who are simply pawns who he will sacrifice for his whims to win. Despite their rivalry it is not heated and violent more or less the natural outcome of two apex predators prowling the same hunting ground.

Marr respected Thanaton, but he has yet to find that same level of respect for his successor in Darth Hurn, and he finds Darth Baras to be a wretched deceiver but a useful one who has goals that align with his for the moment. He is displeased by the infighting on the Dark Council but wholly understands why it occurs that in the long run the Empire will stronger for it, but he longs for the day when the Emperor brings the rest to heel and they can act as one voice against their true enemy.
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Re: Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:45 pm

Character Profile: Darth Arya
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The ancient human Crone, pushing nearly three centuries of life, blind and feeble in frame but wise and powerful in the Force, she is the voice of mystery and the arcane. She is the Dark Councilor, Darth Arya, the Crone of Secrets and Sith mysteries. She is a voice of moderation guided by her own powerful abilities of Foresight. She sees the future with a clarity rarely seen among Force users, Light or Dark. Perhaps the Mystics of the Voss may have better vision but even then it may be doubtful.

Arya has served on the council for over two centuries and has been a voice of balance and caution. Many consider this weakness and have challenged her and met untimely ends, accidents or betrayal by an unseen enemy. She tends to listen and speak sparingly in public, relying on her Widow Guard for protection, force sensitive Sith sworn to her service. Out of respect to her they ritually blind themselves and learn to do battle without their sight.

Her powers of Foresight are well sought after by others on the Dark Council and the Sith in general which has earned her many allies and supporters. In recent years she has spent more time in around a lesser known Sith line which has brought the prospects of House Faro back into favor. Rumors swell she has taken a prodigy of the Dark Side under her wing, though most think she is simply molding the matriarch of this family to take her seat as rumors of her impending passing are common among the Sith. She spends more time in the privacy of her citadel on Ziost, away from prying eyes and attends the meetings more often via holo-presence, which has lent more veracity to the belief that she is in decline health wise.

Arya is respected by the Dark Council, Vowrawn affectionately calling her Grandmum when referring to the Dark Councilor. She is aloof of the politics and focuses on the future of the Sith and the Empire and the Dark Side in the galaxy.
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Re: Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:46 pm

Character Profile: Darth Baras
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“Deception is a trait that every Sith should aspire to, the power of a lie or an untruth can be immeasurable. Yet, deception should be a tool not a way of life, lest you become nothing but a bundle of smoke and mirrors parading as a Sith, or as I like to call it Darth Baras,” as stated by Darth Vowrawn. The Dark Councilor known as Darth Baras is the newest member but his presence and influence have had lasting effects on the dark Council for decades. He is equally loved and hated, many Sith aspire to his greatness and others simply wish to tear him down and see him bleed at their feet.

A war hero, he served in the battles of the Galactic War, working as soldier and diplomat in equal measure. He knew the value of pain and violence, and was by all accounts a talented duelist in combat even going toe to toe with the famed Satele Shan on more than one occasion. His greater power though is his skill at deception and truth, his ability to ferret out secrets and use them to gain leverage over enemies.

As a Sith his understanding of the Dark Side is well known perhaps not as steeped as say Darth Thanaton at his peak but well regarded all the same. In ways he is similar to Darth Jadus, he can be difficult to pin down, and can surprise even the oldest of enemies. Darth Baras is not a simple enemy, to face him is to face layers of intrigue and influence that are sewn throughout the Empire. In truth this is his greatest weapon, one may dislike Baras but his fingers are in all the pies, without him many institutions would grind to a halt or work at a far lesser capacity. In short, he has made himself invaluable to the Sith Empire, that his complete removal would be damaging to the Empire.

Of course this could just be another lie that Darth Baras wants everyone to believe. It should be said that in during his brief “death” during the peace talks there was chaos all across Imperial sectors. Much of it ended when he returned to active service, of course.

As a man Darth Baras is a severe character, in his youth he was lithe and unassuming in his middle age he has grown in size and power. After his ascension to the Dark Council he has focused on making his physical presence imposing and grand, as Vowrawn has stated on some occasions, “I find him intolerable, but at least he isn’t skipping leg day.”

In addition to being a dark Councilor he is the Acting Voice of the Emperor, speaking on behalf the Immortal Emperor. Traditionally this role was held by a Sith outside the Dark Council, but not always so. While it gives him great power, it restrains him as he represents the Emperor and his will, if the Emperor were perhaps more inactive he could use this position to push forward his own agenda but when active he must do so carefully lest he anger his powerful patron.
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Re: Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:47 pm

Character Profile: Darth Xevious
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Darth Xevious is no scholar, although he is charged with studying and understanding the lesser alien species he comes into the role with the mindset of a warrior. He evaluates other species based on their strengths and weakness in battle, in terms of those that can be dominated and those that should be eradicated. There is no in between for him.

For him alien species create a variable in the calculus of warfare, a variable that adds no value to the greater function of the Empire. While the Republic prides itself on the integration and acceptance of alien species it is no accident that the humankind still dominates the Republic and hold the most vaunted positions. It is no accident in his mind that some of the wealthiest and most powerful states in the Republic are human or human dominated as well.

The Republic is a lie, equality between species is a lie, and there is a hierarchy that exists even if one wishes to not see it. This is the world view of Darth Xevious and those that support or follow him. This puts him at odds with non-human Sith, they upend his world view and challenge the notion that aliens have value to the Empire. Thankfully he can ignore most alien Sith, or engineer their destruction.

It is said that Xevious is one of the most hated or disliked members on the Dark Council. The reasons for this vary though many come back to his physical appearance; he is a rather rotund man of considerable girth and mass. His handsome features have declined and his manners have become coarse and poor with those not of his family. He is arrogant, demanding, and uncompromising; and cares little about being liked in the first place.

Another reason he is hated is because he married one of the most sought after women, Darth Tayana, and despite what most will say they have a genuine bond of trust and affection. Both work together to protect and promote their family, while others may hate Xevious his wife is a fixture in the social circles and so they have to deal with her if they wish to participate in the intrigues of Court. It makes them a dangerous duo, as they play well off each other and can anticipate the needs of the other.

Xevious as a man is a private person; he hates most other people and prefers to dote on his children or wife. He is a devoted father and husband, when he can be, but in public plays the rotund monster most expect of him… well because he is a rotund cruel monster.

The closest thing to an ally on the Dark Council would be Darth Vowrawn, and only because the ancient Sith loves to try and one up his wife, Darth Tayana. The rest of his peers simply tolerate him, but given his role in diplomacy and alien affairs, none want his job, preferring to eye the roles that bring glory and military power. That suits Xevious just fine.
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Re: Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:50 pm

Character Profile: Darth Vengean
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In war there is the old soldier that refuses to die, or perhaps is just denied death by fate. The old soldier who outlives all his comrades, whose only friends are those made at the end of a sword. Darth Vengean is this old soldier, his body bears the signs of a thousand conflicts, perhaps more than fifty percent machine and Sith alchemy he persists long after his organic body should have failed. Slow to anger, Vengean is detached from Sith bickering. He long ago gave up pretense of schemes against his enemies. Now he is direct, if he despises you, then you will know it. If he approves of you, then he will give meager but direct praise.

Vengean believes in strength through arms, but also understands that victory is never assured until the last corpse of the enemy lies cooling at your feet. He has known stinging defeats, at the hands of the Empire’s enemies and the Sith but he persists. He controls much of the fighting forces in the outer regions of the Empire and can summon incredible military resources with a wave of a hand, but the reality of the situation is that the territories spread his forces thin and recent losses due to in-fighting have only exacerbated the need for the Imperial war machine to replenish its strength before they return to destroying the Republic. The success on Bankor has only reassured him that his long term plans are the only pathway forward for success.

Darth Vengean has the rare honor of being Master to another on the Dark Council, Darth Baras, but the relationship is tested by the growing power of the apprentice as his fortune’s rise and that of Darth Vengean begin to recede. A matter that Vengean may soon have to rectify, for now he focuses on retrofitting the Imperial forces and pushing for consolidation of Imperial forces under a single banner which puts him at odds with Darth Marr and Darth Ravage.

As Vowrawn has stated, ‘Most old warriors have the courtesy to die on the battlefield, but not Vengean. More relic than man, he prefers to be a walking reminder that death has a sense of humor or needs better aim.’

Vengean for his part stays aloof of court politics and is not afraid to clash with others often directly starting more than one duel before the Wrath has to end it. Even facing the Wrath on occasion, usually ending with Vengean needing a new cybernetic limb. Vengean in battle eschews style or flair for sheer brutality and power. Preferring to overwhelm with sheer force, he does not fight to win. He fights to break the spirit and will of his foes and any willing to avenge them.

Any campaign led by Vengean will end with devastation and extreme casualties, hopefully on the side of the enemy but he will do whatever is needed for victory.
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Re: Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri May 03, 2019 8:41 pm

Character Profile: Darth Vowrawn
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The Dark Council is not an edifice without change although in recent years it seems that way many members have come and gone throughout the centuries but one of the constants is of course myself, and since you are reading this you are probably intrigued at how I maintain such a beautiful skin regimen and keep my enemies at bay?

Invest heavily in Corellian wine, drink it nightly, and when your enemy falls on their face or more likely on their sword toast their success in keeping you alive for another night. Also young Sith, live without regrets. If you were to die tomorrow know that you lived a full life, killed well, and left behind a legacy that others will be jealous of for a millennia to come.

I won’t extoll all my virtues, the heat death of the universe would occur before I stopped, but I will say that if you wish to survive to the ripe age of none of your damn business, then you will need to be cunning and wise. Many Sith use and dispose of their underlings like a child goes throughs slaves or toys; no, cultivate strong allies. Build them up, show them a modicum of trust and affection, fear is a good lash, but genuine loyalty is a far stronger rod.

Now don’t be weak my child when it comes time to make an example of someone do so deliberately but not with casual wickedness. Examples work best when they are few, shatter one woman to save a hundred. That is Sith power.

Now you came to me for a reason, drink my wine, listen to my words and most importantly never forget, I am your enemy even if you share my bed. As they say, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

Oh I joke, my child, I would never harm you. I am the sensible one on the Dark Council, well Marr would disagree but just look at how vigorous he shouts in court, such passion behind closed doors must be exhilarating. Oh where was I, as I said I am the moderate sensible kind… extremes are so gauche this season.

Before I forget, I know you will read this Darth Baras, and yes everything your spies tell you is true. For a man who wants to be the Voice of greater Sith, you lack the grace to put such a powerful tongue to good use.

My door is always open if you need an intimate lesson.
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Re: Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri May 03, 2019 10:35 pm

Character Profile: Darth Jadus
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Many Sith strive to be both enigma and terror and very few if any succeed. Darth Jadus is this ideal personified, recently returned from some recent sabbatical and has yet to explain himself and non seems forthcoming. On the Council he keeps his own council, rarely involves himself in the games of the Dark Council. Yet he is not dismissed, there is genuine respect and perhaps fear in the eyes of his peers.

Not much is known of Jadus, his master has long passed into history without a name to be honored, by design or perhaps a machination of Jadus is unknown. He has one known apprentice, his daughter, Lord Zhorrid. He controls the Ministry of Intelligence but in general maintains a very hands off approach allowing it to run itself intervening only when he sees it necessary for his own inscrutable reasons.

Jadus is powerful, for many lesser beings it can be painful to be in his personal presence as he radiates dark side energy, even though he rarely raises his voice. He is not wrathful or even overly violent, yet he has a sinister bearing and he gives the appearance that he cares about nothing. As a Dark Councilor he is often the deciding vote in many matters and while considered a radical by some and a moderate by others his record is unpredictable and not based on the good of the Empire or political ties but sheer whim.

Some would call Jadus a wild card but that would mean everyone is playing the same game and I assure you; he is never playing the same game as anyone else or so says the sly Vowrawn. When he deigns to speak all listen, when he votes in silence, all are watching and calculating just what the silence means. Some say he could be the strongest on the council… at a minimum he is a voice that will be heard and a vote that has decided many a critical decision.
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Re: Dark Council

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri May 03, 2019 10:50 pm

Character Profile: Darth Hoshi
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The Dark Council is no place for aliens, that was the common sense rules of the Empire until Darth Hoshi shattered those rules with her rise to power. Born free, enslaved, and then shattering her own chains she suffered for much of her youth as nothing more than a tool of violence and an object of desire. She purchased her freedom by beheading her Master and then forcing his servants to swear loyalty to her. She freed the slaves and they became her crew and for a time she operated as a privateer and pirate… she could have left the Empire but she felt compelled to stay.

She saw something bigger, so she took the mantle of Lord and challenged any that denied her due respect in time she had cut a bloody path across the outer regions and amassed a fleet of freed slaves and aliens and was becoming a sizable threat to the Empire… she did battle with the Dark Council on many occasions, well their minions and through this conflict sharpened her mastery of the Dark Side and her skill with the lightsaber.

Strangely enough she was threat by presence not action as she turned her forces against the enemies of the Empire and proved their strength where the Imperial forces failed. She eventually cut her way onto the council and even cut down Darth Thanaton in one on one combat though she lost her sword arm in battle.

She is violent and chaotic and hates many aspects of the Empire and yet still defends it as the true power in the galaxy. She uses violence to promote the freedom of all and is always quick to promote an alien to a position of power and trust especially if it pisses off other Imperials. In recent years her equally chaotic apprentice has made her fabulously wealthy and powerful adding a pirate fleet to her arsenal… making her a formidable threat to even Vengean and Marr if she so chose to.

When asked about the upstart Vowrawn gave a few words, “At least she killed Thanaton?”
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