[Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:32 pm

And so she did, her alto voice strong. "In my view, there should be a Ministry of the Dark, or similar. An inner circle, or sworn pact? A group dedicating to ensuring that the influence and power of the Dark Side on the Empire is not distant, not forgotten."

Inclining her head, she opened her hand, gesturing to the new Imperial circle. "The three of you could head it, perhaps, in addition to your other titles, as your devotion to the Dark is unquestioned. It could otherwise be filled with those most devoted to the study and spread of the Dark Side."
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Empress-Regent on Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:38 pm

The veiled woman turned to Jun-Ts and said, “The Dark Side and the spiritual well-being of the Empire falls to the shoulders of the Empress-Dowager, we are sure she will see to nurturing the spirit of the Empire.”

“Between her and the Inquisition, we shall make sure that the Empire is properly grounded spiritually for the challenges ahead.”

She gestured to Jun-Tsu to see if she had anything further to add to the subject.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:03 pm

Jun-Tsu's veiled form bowed its head slowly towards the Empress-Regent in thanks then turned to the assembly, "In zhiz time of convlict, az ve prepare our zoulz vor var renewed, ve muzt vind virm vooting upon zhe prinziplez of zhe Zith Order, und renewed faizh in zhe Dark Zide. Ve are at our grandezt vhen ve purzue, az an Empire, a zingular pazzion. United in zhat pazzion ve gain ztrengzh, und zhrough zhiz ztrength, pover und wictory."

"Vor too long, zhe ztudy of zhe Forze, adherentz to zhe old vaith haz been zhe purview of only zhe Zith. No longer. Zhe laity muzt, ewen iv limited, come to an underztanding zhat only zhrough zhe Forze, only zhrough itz chozen exprezzionz in zhiz vorld, zhall ve be zet free."

"Und no longer zhall our Zith acadmiez, zeek strength of armz ower ztudy, zkill....prowiciency in zhe Forze. In zhe time of Naga Zhadow it vaz zhrough zhe Forze zhat ve came clozezt to annihilating all who oppozed uz, in zhrough Zith myzticizm und alkhemy, ve vill vind wictory again."

"Revormaiton vill come zlow, but in time, all true und loyal citizenz of zhe Empire zhall learn und hawe vaith in zhe pover of zhe Dark Zide of zhe Forze. Zhat zhrough itz invinite und eternal pover, our Empire zhall rize to heightz not zeen in ower a zhouzand yearz."
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:09 pm

Lucinia subsided with another incline of her head. Perhaps that would be enough.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Dayana Valthren on Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:19 pm

And what destruction shall this research wrought?

Dayana swallowed her discomfort and remained silent. Her place in the old Empire seemed so clear before now. Her place now was a mix of confusion.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:27 pm

"Ve appreciate your zuggeztion greatly, lady Malweaux, but it iz zhe tazk, or zhould be zhe tazk, of all Zith, indeed, all citizenz of zhe Empire to embraze vaith in zhe Forze. It muzt perwade, und be a part of all other miniztriez, not juzt linked to a zingle v'one, ewen iv itz zole purpoze be to zee implementation. No doubt, now zhat the Empire knowz of zhe Emprezz'z interest in zuch perwazive dewotion, zhe minizterz, underzecretariez, und all who'z pover dezcendz from her own, vill be muzh inclined to zee her vill done."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Lord Bellious on Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:35 pm

Lord Bellious was not displeased by these further developments and clarifications. There were things in which she and the Farro saw eye to eye. But she wouldn't tarnish her earlier image of rebuked zealot by playing a sycophant, and so she remained silent.
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby The Empress on Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:43 pm

Jun-Tsu Farro wrote:"Ve appreciate your zuggeztion greatly, lady Malweaux, but it iz zhe tazk, or zhould be zhe tazk, of all Zith, indeed, all citizenz of zhe Empire to embraze vaith in zhe Forze. It muzt perwade, und be a part of all other miniztriez, not juzt linked to a zingle v'one, ewen iv itz zole purpoze be to zee implementation. No doubt, now zhat the Empire knowz of zhe Emprezz'z interest in zuch perwazive dewotion, zhe minizterz, underzecretariez, und all who'z pover dezcendz from her own, vill be muzh inclined to zee her vill done."

The Empress nodded and said in agreement with her mother, “Zhat is zhe vision of zhe Sith Empire.”
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:04 am

That was truly disappointing. The Sith were indeed powerful, but the were also conniving, immoral, and generally untrustworthy. To have the entire citizenship more or less worship them as conduits of the force was just another disaster waiting to happen.

No he could not let this come to pass, he had heard nothing more from The Cleverman. That did not mean he couldn't make his own moves though. The peoples reliance on the force had to end, the Sith ruling them had to end. He would find a way. Dayana had told himself something interesting before. The force could be wounded, could it then be killed?
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Re: [Day 9 - EA] Imperial Court: All Glory to the Empress

Postby Mahr on Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:28 pm

Mahr grimaced visibly

He would not be told what to believe. He worshipped the Red God and his daughter, the Red Queen, who had come down to save him and his people.

If they disagreed...let them try and force themselves upon him. He would gladly send heads in return.
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