Jan Melmoar Q&A (Witty Title pending)

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Jan Melmoar Q&A (Witty Title pending)

Postby Jan Melmoar on Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:04 am

Fire away if you have any questions around Jan. Otherwise, thank you to Dapper Dog for running an extremely enjoyable campaign and fielding my hundreds upon hundreds of questions.

Thank you as well to the cool players I met or continued to hang out with on here, this was the most enjoyable time I've had with Star Wars FFG in a long while.
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Re: Jan Melmoar Q&A (Witty Title pending)

Postby Lord Tenebrous on Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:07 am

Yay Jan! <3

Was great fun to play with and I always enjoyed reading a Jan-scene even if I wasn't involved. I think I lost count of how many times she finger-gunned people. :lol:

How much money did she end up making?!
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Re: Jan Melmoar Q&A (Witty Title pending)

Postby Jan Melmoar on Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:14 am

Lord Tenebrous wrote:Yay Jan! <3

Was great fun to play with and I always enjoyed reading a Jan-scene even if I wasn't involved. I think I lost count of how many times she finger-gunned people. :lol:

How much money did she end up making?!

So many finger guns! Gotta have a gimmick! I would have loved to do more sith stuff but it wasn't how things panned out.

Valuing the fighter she stole at 50% market price Jan made 69,000 credits this game :D
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Re: Jan Melmoar Q&A (Witty Title pending)

Postby Lucinia Malveaux on Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:19 am

Jan! I didn't really expect her to be someone Lucinia would hang out with much. Boy was I wrong! Thank you for all the great stuff!

Could you share a bit about how Jan came to be? Inspirations and such for making her?

Did she turn out how you expected? Anything you'd like to have done but didn't get a chance? Oh, apparently Sith stuff. Well, what sort of Sith stuff?
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Re: Jan Melmoar Q&A (Witty Title pending)

Postby Jan Melmoar on Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:30 am

Lucinia Malveaux wrote:Jan! I didn't really expect her to be someone Lucinia would hang out with much. Boy was I wrong! Thank you for all the great stuff!

Could you share a bit about how Jan came to be? Inspirations and such for making her?

Did she turn out how you expected? Anything you'd like to have done but didn't get a chance? Oh, apparently Sith stuff. Well, what sort of Sith stuff?

Takes two to tango and likewise, Lucinia was not someone I thought Jan would like (And who she ended up being more than fond of), I think they made a rather excellent duo!

Originally I was thinking of building a PC to compete in the aspirant challenges but since I'm still new to the community and it's been a while since I played Star Wars I decided it would be safer to do something else. So I started brainstorming a side character who could contribute to the campaign but not be the star. At one point I was thinking about being a Hutt ambassador but decided against.

So a businesswoman was the next step and mechanically I like my shootey characters to be talkey, and my talkey chaarcters to be shootey. As such, I decided she would be ex-military and go from there. Mechanically she's a disaster (I mean, sharpshooter/entrepeneur, really?) but money is the greatest super power and the lady could pew and chat with the best of them.

I think she turned out more close to what I expected than most of my characters usually do. In part this was because Jan ended up being really quite evil, but in a pleasant and friendly way. I'm terrible at evil characters, so that was nice. I'd even go so far as to say that what she got up to was considerably more immoral than most sith, but where's the fun if everyone is a massive jerk?

I think if I'd had the chance more sniping would have been fun (although one hitting a dark council member was memorable) and more Sith politics, after all, Jan was there to worm Czerka's slimey friendship tentacles around. That would have been more the sith stuff, trying to earn enough influence to buy people aspirant points...although Jan ended up quite influence poor, c'est la vie!
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Re: Jan Melmoar Q&A (Witty Title pending)

Postby Alister Dravvad on Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:35 am

Weirdly I Initially had a commando/charmer stated up for this game. So the combination isn't that silly. :P

Still I had fun in our threads. Um, I'm pretty bad with questions. I suppose I'll ask if there were any parts of Jan you wished to explore more?

Also what are her thoughts on marshmellows?
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Re: Jan Melmoar Q&A (Witty Title pending)

Postby Jan Melmoar on Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:40 am

Alister Dravvad wrote:Weirdly I Initially had a commando/charmer stated up for this game. So the combination isn't that silly. :P

Still I had fun in our threads. Um, I'm pretty bad with questions. I suppose I'll ask if there were any parts of Jan you wished to explore more?

Also what are her thoughts on marshmellows?

We had good threads :D Alister ranks near the top of the imperial nobility for Jan!

I think it would have been fun for Jan to get paid out a little more, she's fundamentally a sellout and not particularly brave. Then again, it's never easy for everyone to have fun when someone's PC is getting criticized so that's all good. Maybe also a little more of her work within Czerka? Dapper was pretty good with NPC support there though and if Jan comes back she'll be a Czerka Corp Director (and head of black ops) and so we can probably have more corporation shenanigans.

Jan likes marshmellows, they're pale, sweet, cheap and give you an excuse to play with fire.
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Re: Jan Melmoar Q&A (Witty Title pending)

Postby Remmington Thalalas on Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:27 am

Nice one with the stealing of that fighter.

Will Jan work with Rem in creating some Doomsday weapons? What kind would she suggest they make? :lol:
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