by Jun-Tsu Farro on Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:03 pm
Jun-Tsu's veiled form bowed its head slowly towards the Empress-Regent in thanks then turned to the assembly, "In zhiz time of convlict, az ve prepare our zoulz vor var renewed, ve muzt vind virm vooting upon zhe prinziplez of zhe Zith Order, und renewed faizh in zhe Dark Zide. Ve are at our grandezt vhen ve purzue, az an Empire, a zingular pazzion. United in zhat pazzion ve gain ztrengzh, und zhrough zhiz ztrength, pover und wictory."
"Vor too long, zhe ztudy of zhe Forze, adherentz to zhe old vaith haz been zhe purview of only zhe Zith. No longer. Zhe laity muzt, ewen iv limited, come to an underztanding zhat only zhrough zhe Forze, only zhrough itz chozen exprezzionz in zhiz vorld, zhall ve be zet free."
"Und no longer zhall our Zith acadmiez, zeek strength of armz ower ztudy, zkill....prowiciency in zhe Forze. In zhe time of Naga Zhadow it vaz zhrough zhe Forze zhat ve came clozezt to annihilating all who oppozed uz, in zhrough Zith myzticizm und alkhemy, ve vill vind wictory again."
"Revormaiton vill come zlow, but in time, all true und loyal citizenz of zhe Empire zhall learn und hawe vaith in zhe pover of zhe Dark Zide of zhe Forze. Zhat zhrough itz invinite und eternal pover, our Empire zhall rize to heightz not zeen in ower a zhouzand yearz."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother
"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."