by Jun-Tsu Farro on Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:52 am
Jun-Tsu smiled, "It vaz, in a vay, zhe zame pover, yez, but zhink of it iz zuch. Ve touch zhe pover of zhe Forze, ve rezt upon itz invinite zurface. Zhrough our vill ve mowe it, ve make ripplez, eddiez, vavez und currentz. Zhe Forze iz all around uz, und ve manipulate zhat pover in ewer growing reachez beyond uz. Zhink of zhe Emperor az a man who, razher zhan manipulating zhat pover az it exiztz around him, zaught to zvallow zhe ocean. He iz poverful in zhe Forze, yez, az he conzumez more und more, to hawe it rezide vizhin him. Vhere he feedz, a great hole openz up, replaced by hiz bloated body."
"He ztealz zhat pover vor himzelf, und like colliding atomz, vhen zhe bondz of zhe Forze are ripped azunder a great energy iz releazed in itz deazh. Zhat iz zhe pover zhe Emperor zaught. Tranzient pover, zhat moment of explozion vhich poverful but momentary."
"I did not lie zhat day bevore zhe Emperor, he vaz a fool becauze he could not zee beyond zhe momentary pover zhe gained vrom zhe Forze. He vanted only to conzume more und more und more. Mein dahrling Vas-Tsu does not need to consume zhe Forze, zhe doez not need to deztroy zhe Dark Zide to vuel her azcenzion. Zhe iz an embodimen of zhe Dark Zide. She does not zit upon zhe ocean, zhe iz zhe ocean."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother
"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."