Ze Future and Alderaan

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Ze Future and Alderaan

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:26 pm

As we approach Day 9 and then Day 10 we approach the end of the Ziost arc and the future will bring two more games in the second trilogy, Alderaan which is a Republic focused game and then Hoth, a joint game for all.

Then I will be taking a break as that will have been six years of Star Wars GMing and I will be eager to try something new. Day 11 will be wrap up as usual and probably. Light posting day from me so please try and wrap up any NPC threads by Day 10 if at all possible.

Players will have two long term goals over the interim, they can pursue over the gap between games.

The next game on Alderaan is a Republic focused story of politics and romance as the players try to avert a civil war through marriage and noble politics of the Alderaan families. More information will be forthcoming about that game, but two major systems will be Affection and Betrothal; the former is how much one of the twins at the center of the matchmaking likes a given character romantically and the other is how fit they are as an official suitor for the twins.

Betrothal has more to do with impressing the Queen of Alderaan that it does impressing the twins during the Festival of a Thousand Flowers, while Affection is their personal attraction of a character. The pull of love and duty when it comes to how these things play out.
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Re: Ze Future and Alderaan

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:27 pm

The Festival of a Thousand Flowers

On Alderaan at the turn of Spring to Summer there is a grand planet wide festival. As said by the common folks, all days belong to the Crown but the ten that belong to the Flowers and the People. During this celebration the noble houses throw grand parties for ten days, the traditional week before conversion to the Galactic Standard. But unlike most celebrations these are for the benefit of the masses, where the High serve the Low, by feasting them and putting on grand pageants. It is a truly poor or wretched House that does not participate in the custom.

The Festival of a Thousand Flowers was said to commemorate the wedding of a House Alde queen to a common born youth who aided her and she in turn gifted him with a Crown made of one thousand flowers delicately woven together. This romantic gesture flavors the whole celebration as it is both a year end celebration and one of new beginnings, with the final day taking place on the first day of the New Year by the traditional calendar. Now it is more symbolic as the calendar has not been used in generations but the custom stands.

It is a time of dancing, feasting, and romance and it is common for many proposals and betrothals to be announced during or at the end of the Festival and often customary for one of the betrothed or lovers to present the other with a hand woven, often purchased, flower crown. One of the biggest celebrations is held at the Grand Spring Palace of the Royal Crown, often called the Silver Spires by most. Here the Queen holds her grand pageant and opens the grounds to the people, who chosen by lottery, unless specifically invited get to see the grounds and party for ten days. People wander the Thousand Flower Gardens, easily the most beautiful garden in the sector sprawling over several kilometers, The Hedge Maze, or even visit the spot where the legend began.

The nobility treat their people well, to show them that they love and appreciate them for their loyal service, and although that is the reason the more modern celebrations are generally drunken revelries of romance, bad decisions, and a right of passage. Running the Maze is often a euphemism for young lovers having an illicit tryst, while less licentious individuals will pilgrimage to the statue of Queen Hileen Alde and kiss the feet of the stature for good luck in love or marriage. Getting Crowned, is the highlight which usually happens on the ninth day just after sundown, where betrothed and lovers present a Crown of Flowers as a token of devotion.

At the end of the Festival the small folk return to their duties and the nobility to theirs, often with the belief that what happened at Festival stays at the Festival.
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Re: Ze Future and Alderaan

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:27 pm


As stated before the Alderaan story arc will be one part love story and another part politics, hopefully not as treacherous as Ziost but still dangerous with lots of intrigue. Where Ziost will focus on the ambitions of Aspirants and the fate of the Empire, Alderaan will focus more on the growing tensions between the great houses.

The backdrop for Alderaan will be that the Crown Prince, Gaul Panteer, has recently left his betrothed at the altar insulting House Ulgo greatly and pushing the two houses into a near civil war. If not for some quick concessions and aid by the newly arrived House Thul, there would have been open conflict.

Now at the Festival of a Thousand Flowers all eyes will be on Panteer and Ulgo hopefully announcing a new betrothal between the two families if not… then it could mean Alderaan could be plunged into a brutal civil war that could weaken one of the strongest core stellar nations of the Republic.

Can love and duty align to save a world from conflict or will there be blood.
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Re: Ze Future and Alderaan

Postby Dapper Dog on Fri Jul 05, 2019 11:06 pm

Alderaan Suitors

For the Alderaan campaign it may be possible to play as a possible suitor for the Panteer twins, there are some minor restrictions or considerations for potential suitors though. First and foremost, they should be able to trace a lineage back to an Alderaanian noble House, preferably a Greater House but lesser ones are permissive as well, this invariably means that the character is of human species, adopted or non-human species will be regarded as lesser blood lineages.

Noble lineage is preferred and will be given greater weight than those of common stock. Other factors that may affect one’s initial suitor standing will be military service, social service, and connections to specific Alderaan noble houses; as noted earlier non-humans can be suitors but will be regarded as lesser candidates as the Great Houses are all almost exclusively human.

Each suitor will be granted a starting Suitor score, this will affect how well Queen Solara Panteer regards them as a potential match for her children, this does not account for the personal wishes of the twins.

The affections and wants of the Twins is measured by Affection, this will be a hidden rating at the start of the game and will be affected by role-play some possible events and the predilections and biases of each twin. They will be on similar scales so at the end of the game if say the Suitor score of the highest Suitor is lower than the Affection score the Twin will choose the where their Heart leads them instead of what the Queen wishes. In the case of ties a rando die roll will be used to determine the outcome.

One does not have to be an appointed Suitor to have an Affection score, though if the character is married or has made it clear they do not wish to be with the Twin then they will not be considered as a choice. Each twin will have their own Affection list.

All is fair in love and politics.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Re: Ze Future and Alderaan

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:03 am

Fate of the Dark Councilors

Hoshi - Stripped of her title and she retreats to the outer regions as a criminal

Darth Hofu - Liaison to the Dread Masters

Hurn - Dead

Vowrawn - Retired to a life of ease, though his guidance is helpful for the Ministry of Imperial Affairs

Vengean - Minister of War

Marr - Minister of War

Ravage - Head of Special Operations under the Ministry of War

Arya - Empress-Regent

Baras - Personal Fixer for the Empress-Regent

Jadus - Gone into Exile/Missing

Xevious - Minister of Imperial Affairs
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Re: Ze Future and Alderaan

Postby Dapper Dog on Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:07 am

Joran Panteer.jpg
Joran Panteer.jpg (9.16 KiB) Viewed 7432 times

Joran Panteer: The elder of the twins by a few minutes, Joran is less scholar and more athlete and huntsman. He fashions himself an adventurer with little real experience offworld but he is a talented hunter. Handsome and strong, he is well liked by his peers and is rumored to have many lovers from the nobility and common folk. Joran will do his duty but he isn't a serious soul and has some maturing to do when it comes to considering the emotions of others.

Jameela Panteer.jpg
Jameela Panteer.jpg (7.92 KiB) Viewed 7432 times

Jameela Panteer: Younger of the twins, she is of age to be wed and although she finds the process archaic she has a romantic streak that looks forward to meeting all of the suitors. A scholar of xeno-archaeology she is well schooled and intelligent and curious of other traditions. She is a princess though and not exactly experienced with commoners or those without privilege.

Solara Panteer.jpg
Solara Panteer.jpg (18.39 KiB) Viewed 7432 times

Solara Panteer: Queen of Alderaan and head of House Panteer, her reign up until recently was quite secure but the trouble with House Ulgo after the broken betrothal has sparked fears of civil war and outright warfare on Alderaan. Shrewd, calculating, and politically ruthless, she knows that Ulgo will move against her if he does not secure a wedding for his family. Politically she needs House Ulgo on her side especially with House Thul returning to the fold.
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Re: Ze Future and Alderaan

Postby Dapper Dog on Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:13 am

Bouris Ulgo.jpg
Bouris Ulgo.jpg (22.15 KiB) Viewed 7430 times

Bouris Ulgo: War hero and head of House Ulgo, Bouris is pushing for more action against the Empire and is already angry at House Panteer for breaking their word on a previous wedding. A second slight would most likely lead to war, at a minimum there would be conflict on Alderaan as Ulgo worked against the interests of the Queen. He detests House Thul, considering them Imperial puppets.

Yulastranza Ulgo.jpg
Yulastranza Ulgo.jpg (11.12 KiB) Viewed 7430 times

Yulastranza Ulgo: With a father like Bouris Ulgo, Yulastranza grew up with an education in the battle field. She is a trained soldier though she spent her later years of education overseeing house affairs and preparing herself to be the next queen of Alderaan. She is keen of mind and pretty of face, but also ruthless in conflict like her father. She is determined to be Queen and will not stand for rivals trying to one up her. She has a strong rapport with soldiers and the military but little sympathy for the common people of Alderaan.
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Re: Ze Future and Alderaan

Postby Dapper Dog on Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:31 am

The House of Thul...

Suitor - Miyi Thul
Miyi Thul.jpg
Miyi Thul.jpg (8.55 KiB) Viewed 7421 times

Suitor - Nijan Thul
Nijan Thul.jpg
Nijan Thul.jpg (11.22 KiB) Viewed 7421 times

Head of House Thul - Ziandra Thul
Ziandra Thul.jpg
Ziandra Thul.jpg (11.18 KiB) Viewed 7421 times
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Timeline Draft 1 - Minus Goals

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:09 am

Timeline of 3652 BBY

Month 6

By the end of the month shocking news shakes the galaxy, that the immortal Emperor of the Sith Empire has died and was succeeded by a child Empress. The ripples of his death were particularly concerning to the Jedi Council, bringing both relief and shock but the news of a new Empress and news that Imperial diplomacy was shifting to a more aggressive and belligerent stance against the Republic.

Senator Saresh urges the Galactic Senate that the time of peace is coming to an end and that a pre-emptive strike during this time of chaos could end the Empire once and for all. Although her words do not move the Republic to war, they do forge a wedge issue that will spark a secession crisis as many nations wish to find a peaceful solution and forego any more warfare.

Month 7 and 8

The Imperial Embassy is closed on Corellia, following the destruction of the sister embassy on Ziost. Protests by anti-war citizens fill the streets of many Core and outer rim worlds in what is called the Green Fists movement who wish to see peace reign in the galaxy and seem to blame pro-war factions in the Senate for the breakdown as knowledge of the Ziost Insurrection is not disseminated due to the chaotic nature of the information coming out of Sith Imperial space.

Month 9

Sixth Line Jedi are activated in a joint operation with the SIS to get concrete information on the condition of the Emperor or Empress and the political situation in the Empire. By the end of the month the team is in operation on Drommund Kaas gathering information and building a dossier on the current state of the Empire.

Month 10

Imperial Forces are seen to deploy in the outer regions of the Empire engaging in warfare against rebellious forces led by Darth Hoshi and the remnants of the factions that supported Darth Malgus, the fighting is slow going as the bulk of the military is still recovering from a purge of dissident elements spear-headed by the Empress-Regent and a vast restructuring of the power structure means the Empire is slow to bring their full power to bear and for now allow the rebels to control their regions of space.

Month 11 and 12

The final months of the year are quiet in the Republic and Empire of anything world shaking or disastrous, and seems a blessing for those that are wishing for a peaceful start to a new year. The Republic begins a new Armed Forces recruitment drive in response to the deteriorating relationship with the Empire, they call upon heroes from the Bankor conflict to act as the face of the “I did, you can too!” campaign. The Jedi politely decline to be a part of the campaign and the final episode of Vera Hawke: Jedi Knight airs and breaks records, the finale is controversial as the ending leaves it unclear if the heroine survived her duel with her nemesis.

Year of 3651 BBY

The first two months of the year are marked by elections in the Galactic Senate as many senators are exposed for taking bribes from Czerka for lucrative contracts on the highly promoted frontier world of Taris, Senator Saresh is hailed as a hero for bringing the criminals to justice and even lands the position of leading the Taris Initiative giving her a great deal of influence and pull in the Senate.

In the third month the secret Sixth Line Jedi mission ends and they bring back news of the Emperor’s death and the rise of a new Empress, the news is suppressed by the Jedi and the Highest ranking members of the Republic military till they better understand this new Empress and her agenda.

Still by the fourth month of the year in the Republic, rumors abound of the death of the Emperor and a new Empress, some say it is all lies and the Emperor still reigns others that the Emperor was always an Empress… and a dozen other conspiracy theories many of them coming from a growing movement called Core First which believes that the Republic is destined to fall apart because it wastes so much money and effort aiding lesser worlds and lesser species that drag down the potential for greatness. One of their vocal members is a Coruscant native, Kuli Bondo, who has made his whole platform a very xenophobic nationalist stance.

Imperial forces are reluctant to fully engage the rebels and leave their borders weak against Republic incursion, it is unclear from the Republic side of the state of the war but refugee ships reach the border regions weekly and quickly overwhelm local governments trying to cope with those fleeing the fighting in the Empire. There are also fears that bad elements are using the cover of refugees to enter Republic space.

By the ninth month of the year the Refugee Crisis is the largest news as Core Worlds are slow to open their borders to the suffering strained outer regions fueling the succession crisis even more. For their part Core Worlds feel that their taxes and resources are being utilized by poorer regions and training already strapped resources.

In the final months of the year a new show becomes the sensation of the Holonet, a reality show called The Real Mandalorian, it’s a dating show where fifteen contestants of varying species compete for helmets each week to earn the right to date a Mandalorian. The show is outrageous and over the top and seems to promote some of the worst stereotypes of the Mandalorian people and the fans love it, with vicious arguments over which contestant deserves the honor.

Year of 3650 BBY

In the early months of the year the refugee crisis reaches a breaking point and attacks on refugees begin to grow across the Republic building civil unrest in the outer regions. Alderaan is one of the first Core Worlds to ban the redistribution of refugees to their world or colonies. Coruscant is still open to refugees but a quota is put on refugees moving to Corellia… a solution is found when many are relocated to Taris at the behest of Senator Saresh to find a solution to the problem. It’s a hard life on Taris, but the maneuver is popular and makes the Senator a hero during the crisis.

Meanwhile the tables seem to be turning in the Imperial Civil War, according to the SIS, a new force aligned with the Empire has entered the fight and if the news is to be believed they do battle under the banner of the Dread Masters.

By the sixth month the Refugee Crisis seems to have been abated in the Republic, and an official announcement of the death of the Immortal Sith Emperor, which dominates the news cycle for the next month as the details of the death seem to either be unknown or highly classified. The news actually came forth as a leak brought to the public from the government of Corellia. The leak details possible military operations to strike at Imperial assets and only emboldens anti-war rhetoric who feel such an attack would only restart the war and others fear that the leak will now anger the Empire into striking at the Republic.

The Jedi Council in the eighth month has a deep debate on what to do about the Empress and many argue that the time is now to end the Empire of the Sith and bring peace to the galaxy. It is a heated debate as the window of opportunity is slowly closing, at least according to the Jedi master Nomen Karr, by the end the decision is made that the Empress is a threat and that a strike team will be formed though it is not unanimous… Satele Shan is chief among those that believes that this action will lead to more suffering and death.

Meanwhile on Alderaan, House Thul and House Panteer firm up their alliance to counter the growing influence of House Ulgo and its allies. Although there are no military conflicts there are many courtly conflicts and duels between the families and even a few key but courtly assassinations, that seem to build the animosity between the great houses. Known as the Red Winter, it seems to be a prelude to civil war but deft diplomacy by the Jedi and the great houses keeps the peace.

In the final days of the year the Jedi Strike Team acts on Ziost, attempting to assassinate the Empress but they run afoul of Darth Tenebrous’ agents and the forces of Lord Mordax, the Jedi are cornered and dispatched to the last but not before they are tortured at the behest of the Empress. This critical failure is covered up by the Jedi Council as the action was not endorsed or even put to the ruling authorities of the Galactic Republic.

Year of 3649 BBY

The first month of the year is quiet across the galaxy, the only incident of note is a freighter called the Infinite Destiny ran afoul of a rare hyperspace phenomenon and got thrown onto an uncharted hyperlane… they said they found an Empire in Wild Space more advanced than the Republic or Sith Empire, sadly on their return they could not find the hyperlanes they traveled due to damage to the ship during the perilous journey. Most consider it a hoax but the few images they were able to salvage seem compelling of a vast city wide planet with spires that pierce into low orbit.

The second month is far more eventful, the Sith Empire returned the favor of the Jedi attack by invading Coruscant in one of the boldest maneuvers in history. The invasion effort was spearheaded by Darth Marr, with Lord Rath personally leading the attack on the Jedi Temple; agents of Darth Baras had already seeded the city with agents to pave the way for the invasion.

To further the distraction Lord Bellious fomented rebellion on Dantooine, drawing away precious reinforcements as the Imperial Navy bombarded the planet focusing their ire on the Jedi Temple. Grand Master Resmi Thun gave her life protecting the youngest and the Jedi Council was decimated. By the end of the attack on the fifth day of the second month, Coruscant was occupied by the Empire.

The occupation was brutal but not complete as the resistance was constant, the Republic did not relent and the second war for the galaxy began. A brutal period of battles across the galaxy although the Empire held the upper hand at the start a reprieve would come from the unlikeliest of sources, the Mandalorian clans who took advantage of the chaos to attack both sides in devastating raids. The Clans had splintered and the dream of Corso Fett had fallen apart as they devolved into disparate groups controlled by Mandalorian warlords drunk on power and glory.

The greatest battles of the second war are the Siege of Balmorra and the Hoth Offensive, easily the largest naval battle of the war and a turning point for the Republic. Even so, the war was costly with billions of lives lost or displaced across the galaxy. The Hoth Offensive occurring near the end of the year as the Dantooine Rebellion is finally resolved and the bulk of the Republic can be brought to bear on the marauding Imperial navy.

Year of 3648 BBY

The Empire was winning but their resources were strained and within months the military would be running low on supplies and might even have to face famine, The Republic was licking their wounds but were dealing with fractures in some worlds deserting and others facing economic collapse due to constant fighting. This brought both sides to the table to sign the Treaty of Coruscant with both sides entering a state of cold war, taking nearly two months for the negotiations with fighting finally ending on the fourth day of the second month.

The next three months mark a time of recovery and rebuilding, the Jedi relocate their temple to Tython for the time being, and it is unclear when reconstruction will begin on the temple on Coruscant. In addition raids continue from the warring Mandalorian clans all across the galaxy.

During the occupation of Coruscant it was leaked that the Jedi might have sparked the war by trying to kill the new Empress, reports are unsubstantiated but the Holonet is afire with conspiracy theories on the matter and public opinion in the outer regions most affected by the war turn against the Jedi Order, though they hold strong support in the Core where they were most active in combating the new Sith Empire.

Month 6

Tensions are high on Alderaan as the tail end of the spring season approaches, the annual Festival of a Thousand Flowers is always a wonderful beautiful time especially as people settle into the idea of an uneasy peace. Still politics swirls about as House Thul continues to grow closer to Panteer driving a wedge between Panteer and Ulgo; while House Organa tries to keep the peace. Though that becomes more difficult as Imperial backers of House Thul show growing influence on the planet, although barred from deploying military forces there is a small delegation lead by Lord Draconis, an influential Sith in the service of Darth Tenebrous, strictly on the planet as an advisory council to House Thul and Panteer. There is also the question of succession as the Queen is expected to announce who the next heir will be.

Can love and romance survive these politics?
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Dapper Dog
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