Events of the Season

Events of the Season

Postby Dapper Dog on Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:40 pm

Social Events of the Season

Day 1 – Salon of Hidden Delights: Held by Darth Tayana this is sure to be an event to remember, a place for anyone who is anyone to be seen and even get their first look at the Aspirants who wish to make a claim for the Seats on the Dark Council. The event of the season at the People’s Tower.

Day 3 – Tournament of the Bound: To celebrate the wedding of Lord Grathan and his young bride he is holding a reception at his estate on Dromund Kaas, he is even providing free transportation for his honored guests. Do bring your best slave and entertain the crowd with their skills… at the end of the night they will do battle for our pleasure and the last standing will be honored. Don’t be gauche and bring a gladiator, where is the fun in that?

Day 4 – Aurum Dawn Art Gala: The greatest artwork and culture of the Empire all in one beautiful location. Create something of work or sponsor an artist to do so on your behalf, the theme of the works should be a Criticism of Imperial Society. So, do be thoughtful and mindful or bold… why be boring?

Day 7 – Masquerade of Aliens: It is known that aliens are sub-standard creaturs barely intelligent by Imperial standards. Oh sure some have their uses but they are only tolerated… but what it feel like to be an alien… bring your best mask, be a twi’lek or a gand for a night? Do be stylish about it, and remember no one ever goes full alien.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Dapper Dog
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Re: Events of the Season

Postby Dapper Dog on Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:48 pm

4th Annual Aurum Dawn Artists Gala

Hosted by Darth Tayana, of the Ziost Cultural Society, this is the premier artistic event of the season and easily one of the highest profile social events in the sector. The event hosts artists afrom across the Empire and beyond to showcase their work according to the theme.

This year’s theme as laid out by Dalren Vis, co-hosting with Darth Tayana, is the role of the artistic creator as both a moderating voice of government and a critique of the powers that be. As he explained it, “Artists can reinforce the status quo, but we seek to challenge our conceptions by presenting artists who are willing to defy expectation and create works that inspire dissent and critique of state authority.”

The controversial topic is sure to raise eyebrows but with the support of the Ziost Cultural Society, none will question it. Each honored guest is expected to provide an artistic creation or as is more likely, sponsor an artist to create a thematic masterpiece to shock and awe their peers.

All proceeds will be donated to the Ziost War Orphans Security Fund.

Player Info

Players must have an Influence of 10 or higher to attend this event, normal costs apply. There will be rules in place for either creating an artistic work or finding a suitable artist; this is assumed to have been done in advance as this event is a well-known event.

The players will have to choose how bold they wish to make their critique, the less specific the less bold their statement. So being critical of the Dark Council is a bit bolder than being critical of the Empire or Imperial Armed Forces. Singling out a powerful individual is even more bold, especially if they are members of the Dark Council, and of course if one wishes to truly be outrageous, they can even create a work that is critical of the Emperor.

The bolder the work, the more Influence they can accrue if they are successful, though obviously it becomes much more difficult to create a pleasing work the more specific one makes it. A Despair rolled on the roll is not only poorly received even successful but will probably generate a dangerous enemy. While a Triumph is a truly breakthrough work that will have a lasting impact on the artistic world.

This event will occur in the Late Evening through Late Night of Day 4 of the Ziost game.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Dapper Dog
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