Day 2 Overview (June 10th through June 12th)

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Day 2 Overview (June 10th through June 12th)

Postby Dapper Dog on Mon Jun 10, 2019 5:06 am


  • Ziost: A snow storm hits Ziost and Ajunta, with white out conditions and chilling winds. Varas Point has light snow fall throughout the day. Outside of temperature controlled areas the temperature is -17 degrees C.
  • Korriban: Korriban is in its summer and it is dry and hot with temperatures peaking at about 39 degrees C in the late afternoon with little to no cloud cover. A night it dips to bout 15 degrees C.
  • Dromund Kaas: It is raining and spring here, it is balmy and very sticky when outside temperature controlled regions. There are storm warnings for the evening with lots of lightning strikes.

Field Maneuvers - Following Orders - Early Morning to Mid Morning
Field Maneuvers - Defying Orders - Early Morning to Late Morning
Imperial Court: Feast or Famine - Early Afternoon
Madi of Honor (Mayhem)

Rumors and Whispers

Hear about the Sting Bats? Some hotshot swoop gang operating in Varas Point. They got the whizz modded rides... man I wish they would let me join.

Going to the concert tonight?
At the Eclipse?
Kriff I wish, gotta work.
Gonna miss out on the best Neo-Alt-Cantina Rock this side of Dromund Kaas.

So what's the Emperor's Witness?
I think it's his secretary?
I thought that was the Voice?

Word is that the Eagle is on the move, gonna be sweet.

I hear there is a party barge?
Run by a Sith.
Pass, I like my parties with out being choked to death.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Dapper Dog
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Joined: Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:03 am

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