Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Commercial region of New Adasta of shops, boutiques, and fine dining

Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:29 pm

"If it were only the masses how wonderful it would be..." He said with a smirk.

"The city provides distractions of all kinds. Nothing like the recreation of your people, for sure. Much more secular and simple. When I was a boy it wasn't without its allure..."

He smiled, "It is pretty though. Creativity of artists can arouse wells of meaning and strength within us. Perhaps you would like to see a gallery?"
Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:00 am

There was a momentary pause, before the Korriz witch answered, "I.....vould actually. Zhere iz zomething to be zaid about zhe deeper meaning zhat art can prowide to zhe audiance. Zo, long az zhe artizt iz truly in tune vith zhe unzeeen vorld."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:20 am

"Come then, I know just the place."

Sylvain led the mother and child through the streets to a small, but obivously chic building tucked behind much larger buildings. Sylvain spoke briefly with the curator before being let in.

They walked through the first dark corridor into a room that housed a collection of ancient relics of Ziost.

"There are a great many galleries purporting possession of ancient objects of power from Old Ziost... Most are poor replicas. Here at least they are honest enough to know what they have are mere trinkets. Nothing of true power... but still of interest for those with a mind for the past."

Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

"The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:58 pm

The Farro witch approached with a sense of mild reverence. "Ser vell you know me, ewen avter all zhese yearz."

She gazed over the broken urns, antique tools, and votive statues, with scrutiny. A hand would raise, with fingers dancing, as though tracing the patterning on the objects.

"An object doez not hawe to hold pover itzelf to be poverful. Zometimez, ewen vhen a zimple ztatue, it can teach many lezzonz of agez pazt. Like tomes und drawingz, zheze hold great knowledge of pover, but do not pozzezz pover zhemzhelwes."


She stepped towards a small, ornately carved stone orb. "Zhiz.....for example. Vhen zhe jen'jedai left behind zhe teachingz of zheir old order, zhe came to zhe frontier to zeek pover. Zheir trek vas not vithout zacrifice zhough, und zhey had to make do vith....zimpler, perhapz v'one might zay, purer, methodz of training."

"Zhe orb iz hollow, und vould be uzed for training in zhe Force. Zhe patternz can be made to align und open like a puzzle, but zhe zidez can only be moved by zhe force, for zhe zimple mechanizmz lay inzide. Zmall objectz vere placed vithin for training in zight beyond zight. Zhiz," she gestured to the orb, "iz not unlike zhose objectz I uzed to train az a toddler."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:09 am

"Interesting. And your daughter? She trains with the same objects?" He asked as they continued to peruse the first hall.
Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

"The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:28 pm

"She did, yez," she answered back idly, moving away from the object, to a set of ceremonial mortuary tools used by early Sith. "Again, not exactly like zhat, but zomezhing wery zimilar. Many of zheze toolz are zimple in dezign, but it iz interezting, how little zhe hawe changed in zhe millennia zince zheir construction."

"Zhere may be reason to modernize in zome vayz, but, und I know zhiz zeemz cliché to come vrom me, but zometimez, zhe old vayz are ztill zhe bezt. Return to vorm und vunction."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:42 pm

He nodded, "I have always respected your ways Lady Farro. I was honored to be welcomed by your people when I still served Lord Baras. I wouldn't use 'cliché' as a pejorative in your case ever. You are consistent. You preserve knowledge and power that has great value to the Empire. In the times that we need that knowledge we should always put it to good use. When something was created doesn't dictate its utility. For an eternal empire one must never forget that which carried us here. Even as things change there must be continuities. To think anything else is possible is folly."

He smiled and continued down the hall. The section changed into more modern depictions and Sylvain stopped for a moment at a painting on the wall.

He smirked slightly, "I've often thought paintings like this teach us more about our own proclivities than anything the artist attempted to capture."

Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

"The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:40 pm

"Like zhe zhree-edged zvord, no? Zheir view, your view, und zhe truth." Jun-Tsu was less taken by the painting and instead moved along to another offering, though one done in the same abstract colorist style. She looked to the holographic placard which displayed its information. She read it dutifully but then moved on, apparently unimpressed.

"You know, your point about reflection und retention remindz me, are you vamiliar vith how Zith zorcery came to be?"
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:47 pm

"No better place to learn more of it than in present company." Sylvain replied.
Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

"The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:45 pm

"Zo qvick vith your badinage," she smirked ever so slightly.

"I bring it up, becauze in zhe earliezt yearz on Korriban, on Ziozt, zhe jen'jedai took zhe lezzonz of zheir order, zhe old vayz, und zhe myticizm of zhe Zith race, to create zomezhing more poverful zhan zhe two vould be alone. Zhey took zhe old, und added, grew, adapted. It iz, az it zhould be vith zhe Empire. Ve do not dizcard zhe old to make vay for zhe new. Ve build upon, expand, increaze."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Mon Jun 10, 2019 10:04 pm

"It is my best and worst quality." He said with a chuckle.

As they continued through the hall he nodded as she spoke, "In this you and I agree completely Lady Farro. I have spent much of the past few years traveling the galaxy looking for vergences in the Force with the help of an artifact I found on Nar Shaddaa. It has brought new insights and allies that hold an interesting view of the Force."
Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

"The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:06 am

The witch paused, or perhaps froze, in place at the young Lord's words. With a languorous turn she affix him fully in her gaze. "Indeed?"

A cryptic smile spread across her lips. " go on."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:27 am

“A group of Force savants called the Jal-Shey. They pursue knowledge of the Force throughout the galaxy. An ancient order reaching back to the founding of religions that study the Force. They preferred to remain detached from the entanglements of the Republic... They always have been interested in all aspects of the Force... as opposed to rigid dogma created by mortals with limited capacity.”
Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

"The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:38 am

"Yez," her tone was mixed. "Ve hawe heard of zhe Jal Shey on Korriz, Forze athieztz, who forzake zhe philozophy of zhe Forze to study it like zome kind of zpecimen in a laboratory. I claim no lowe of zheir vayz, und zhey are voolizh to a vault in zertain underztandingz, but....zhe nomadz do hold great knovledge."

"Vhat hawe you learned of zhez wergencez in zhe Forze? I convezz...I hawe had reazon to ztudy zuch zhingz myzelf zince lazt ve met."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:47 am

“I agree with your assessment in large part... But I have lured a sizable number from their seclusion. They now serve me and assist me in my studies of the Force. The vergences have made me far stronger in the Force than I once was. They are portals to discovery in many ways... Access points to venues that lead forward.”

He paused, “What has brought about your interest? Other than the allure of power... for that calls to us all.”
Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

"The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:57 am

Jun-Tsu was silent, turning back to the artworks in the hall. "I am not zertain I zhould zay in public. Zhere are many reazons it haz drawn my interezt zome are, az you zay, for perzonal pover, for who doez not vizh to grow ztronger in zhe Force....but it iz more zhan pover. I have zought deeper perzpective. To become v'one vith zhe Dark Zide, to know itz vill as vell as I know my own."

"But ewen vurther....zhere iz a great zhreat to zhe Forze, for vhich ewen ve dewotees of zhe Dark, hawe reazon to....philosophically, find common concern vith zhe mizguided jedai." She used an archaic pronunciation.
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:29 am

"I pause to ask... Something that would make... you reach out to the Jedi... What possibly could that be?" He asked.
Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

"The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:55 pm

"Oh no, no, no," there was a hint of amusement in her voice. "Newer vould I conzort vith zheir kind. No, vhat I mean iz, zhere are zhreats to zhe Force, zhat vound zhe Dark und zhe Light. In zhoze momentz ve zhare common ground, existentially, metaphysically. But I vould newer zully myzelve vith zheir prezence vithout zhe mozt dire of zircumstances."

Jun-Tsu mulls for a moment, under the guise of appraising an antique sculpture of a man and woman in agony, oh so creatively titled 'Man and Woman in Agony.'

"You zhould wizit mein home, zuch az it iz, here on Ziozt. Ve can zpeak of zhese matterz more freely zhere."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Sylvain Torsin on Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:22 pm

He nodded, "Of course. If it is something you say is important, then I know it to be of utmost necessity. When should I come?"
Sith | Lord Mordax | Noble | Governor | Mystic | Lord of House Torsin
Carries/Wears: Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak, Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), etc.
Accompanied By: Nasari Rhalu (Apprentice)
Rides: 'The Ardent Scryer'

"The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it."
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Re: Nothing Like Korriz (D1, MA)

Postby Jun-Tsu Farro on Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:26 pm

"Mein home iz ewer open to your illuztriouz perzon, you know zhat mein Lord. Perhapz tomorrow ewening, or iv your zchedule iz too demanding, zhe day avter. It iz by your conwenience."
Force Sensitive | Human | Dark Side | Witch-Queen of Korriz | Empress Dowager | Reverand Mother

"Come mein children. Let me teach you zhe vayz of zhe Dark Zide."
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Jun-Tsu Farro
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