Dino Brado wrote:DIno crumples to the ground, senseless.
Wound Threshold Exceeded Crit: 1d100 58
(The player offers permission to kill the character here)
Jun-Tsu Farro wrote:"Pay zhem no mind, mein lady," Jun-Tsu waved off the comment with a pale hand. "Iv zhey cared zo much, vould zhe not try harder to ztop zhe veztivities? Zeemz to me, hollow vordz only go zo var. Iv zhe are not villing to...I don't know, buy zhe zlawez, or vhatnot, to put to labor in zhe vactories und mines, zhen, zhey care only for zhe dizplay, und not vor action."
"But perhapz, zhey zimply vear vhat your ladyzhip might do iv zhey tried to ruin zhe fun." Jun-Tsu allowed the hint of a smile.
Jaheem Abasi wrote:Jaheem nodded as the violence ended Xyll had been foolish to send in a poor spy and even more so to stand her ground against a Darth. He wasn't sure if he admired her backbone or pitied her insanity but the excitement seemed to be over for now so Jaheem pushed off the wall and walked around a bit.
After some mingling he saw the imposing figure of Lord Rath and approached him "Hello Lord Rath, your support was appreciated yesterday at court even if it was all for nothing. Good to know someone else around here understands."
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